You are always in my memories.40

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Luna Pov

I reached to the cliff and as expected she was standing at edge of the cliff looking at the lava river i walked towards her and said

Luna:why you ran away again

Jisoo:umm.....I don't think so that it matters

Luna:it matter for me you always matters for me

Jisoo:what happened with suho

Luna:me and jin killed him

Jisoo:oh......that's good

As soon as I said that I can abel to see her eyes getting teary I can't see her crying

Luna:why are you sad unnie he also wanted to kill you cuz of wand

Jisoo:during this 1 year I never tried to love him but form past few days when I saw the changes in him I slowly falled for him abd things also started getting good between us

Luna:but he was not good for you unnie

Jisoo:I know who will going to love my son


Jisoo:actually I am 1 weeks pregnant *smiles*

Luna:Wow this is a very good news actually I am also 3 weeks pregnant with twins


Luna:yes but how you know the gender I mean isn't it against the rules

Jisoo:yes it Is but I breaked the rule and found out that my baby is a boy *smiles*

Luna:did you choosed a name for him

Jisoo:yes I did his name will be Yeonjun

Luna:are you happy

Jisoo:I don't know what to say maybe i am or maybe not

Luna:close your eyes and answer me calmly

Jisoo:huh.......I am happy that you 11 won against suho but I am sad that again I didn't get love in return *sad chukkel*

Luna:don't think that unnie we love you so much

Jisoo:no Luna only you love me

Luna:unnie its not like that they will also love you when they will get yo know about the truth

Jisoo:maybe but Lia will not abel to forgive me what i did to her and also that was not forgive abel 

Luna:no unnie pelese don't think these things they will surely forgive you

Jisoo:luna I loved mother with my whole heart but in the return she just make me bad infront of all of you

Luna:I know unnie but everything will be alright

Jisoo:I loved all 4 of you but in return you 4 just hated me cuz of mother *sad chukkel*

Luna:unnie I love you and I will forever *teary eyes*

Jisoo:and when finally I get married I decided that I will not fall for him but at last I falled very hard for him but he also betrayed me *bitter chuckle* am I timepass for everyone *teary eyes*

Luna:unnie why are you talking like that come lets go back to the palace *tried go hold her hand*

Jisoo:no Luna now I don't want to annoy you all *yanked her hand*

Luna:unnie what are you saying and why

Suddenly she take off her heart shaped locket and gave it to me and she said

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