The Dream .6

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Lucy Pov

The room was fully red and unholy sounds are echoing in the room he is tied to the bed shirtless looking at me lust fully i was walking to him seductively in my black lingerie my hairs are open and lightly curled i sat on his groin and leaned to his face looking at his eyes deeply yet seductively i inhaled his scent he moaned lightly i said

Lucy:do you like that jimin *smirk*

Jimin:I loved that mommy i want more *moan lightly*

Lucy:beg for it baby boy *smirk*

Jimin:ahhh....pelese mommy i want it pelese *groaning*

Lucy:you talk so much let me shut you up *smirk*

I take out the ball gag and put it in his mouth then I take the puddle and spanked his ass twice he wanted to moan but he can't cuz his mouth is shut he rolled his eyes and I spanked his abs then nippels he is just clutching the rope of his hand then I slowly started stripping my lingerie after getting naked i leaned to him and said

Lucy:do you want to touch it baby boy *smirk*

He just nodded in response and I started my work I started jumping on him and my boobs are bouncing I removed his ball gag and he is just moaning my name and groaning in pleasure

Jimin:mommy let me touch I swear you'll like it

Lucy:no baby boy I will not allow this *smirk*

After 3 rounds now i am getting tired and again I leaned to his neck and started giving him wet kisses then I kissed him in lips passionately yet roughly again I leaned to his neck and inhale his scent this time my eyes turned into red and my vampire fangs came out and I marked him and sucked his blood

Suddenly my eyes get opened and i sat on bed sweating badly and panting hard I gulped down the glass of water ahhhh...........again that type of dream why and why that dream feels real like My abdomen is paining a little and also I have blood on my fangs

What is going on with me I have to find out maybe unnie knows wait I am going to be 23 and according to ritual mother will give us a power when we all will be 23 so maybe my new power is ahhhhh........I don't have to find out


Jimin Pov

I wake up and sat on bed I was sweating very badly what was that I am under the control of her like seriously the king of lust in under a human no way I gulped down the glass of water and get of the bed and stand infront of mirror I saw my neck there was two dark purple dots then I remembered that in my dream Lucy bited my neck

But that was not a mark of teeth bite its seems like but firstly why that mark was in my neck that was just a dream and my hands also have a scar of rope and my body have marks what just happened with is that really my dream ahhh......I will think about it in the morning or maybe I will ask to jin hyung about it

--*Next Morning*--

Luna:is everything ready namjoon

Namjoon:yes it is

Liana:ok then lets go our private jet is waiting for us

Hoseok:mam what are your likes and unlike

Liana:why you want to know *annoyed tone*

Hoseok:nothing just curious

Liana:keep your curiosity to yourself and don't ask me useless questions *death glare+annoyed tone*

Hoseok:whatever well why can't you talk to me in a simple tone

Liana:fuck off *shows middle finger*

Lia:yoongi what are you going to do in plane

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