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--*Next Morning*--

Luna Pov

I wake up and then I washed my face with the river water and I saw Jin he said

Jin:ok so now lets go to our palace and found out who is our soulmate

We all hovered on our horses and started out journey I saw Liana is yawning continously I asked her

Luna:liana didn't you sleep well

Liana:no *yawn* I did *yawn* Luna

Luna:ok but it doesn't look like this ahhh....leave this

My eyes fell on Lia she is thinking something deeply ahhhh....what happened to her I don't like my sister being so confused and sad

Soon we reached to palace and walked inside the palace We decided that we will see together who are our soulmates And for that we will meet in dining hall After 1 hours we all gathered in the dining hall and sat beside eachother

Jin:ok so first who will open the letter

Hoseok:you're the oldest you do

Liana:no Luna will open first

Hoseok:why hyung is oldest one

Yoongi & Lia:I think it would be better if both will open it at the same time

Lucy:yes I think it's a good idea

Jimin:so let's do it at the count of 3




I opened the letter and in the letter there was written

--*In the letter*--

Hello Daughters of Lilith
This letter will tell
You who is your soulmates

Luna-Kim Namjoom,Kim Taehyung

Lia-Kim Yoongi

Lucy-Park Jimin,Kim Jin

Liana-Jeon Jungkook,Jung Hoseok

So basically the 7 deadly sins are your soulmates as soon as you get this letter marry them as soon as possible because you all have to take over the throne as soon as possible

I am amazed and I can't believe it I saw Jin face and his face was in amazement

Tae:so who is our soulmate tell us

Lia:say Luna

Jimin:are you going to say something hyung

Jin:what should I say you say something Luna

Luna:ok ok relax you all and jin will say it together

Liana:ok now say it

Jin:but after hearing the names you can't backoff we have to marry them as soon as possible cuz this is all about our throne

Lucy:ok now say it all

Jin:ok so to say like

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