The Feelings.38

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--*Next Morning*--

I woke up and sat on the bed Tae and namjoon was not here suddenly I saw my room door is opened and I saw Tae and namjoon was coming with my breakfast in the bed tabel

Luna:Wow why so special treatment *raised eyebrow*

Namjoon:Hmmm.... cuz last night we make love and we are sure that you're tired lovey dovey husband's well when are we leaving for darkworld

Tae:just after the breakfast


After sometime we all gathered in the living room and entered the portal of darkworld soon we were in our palace my happiness is overloaded I wanted to see jisoo unnie As soon possible

Firstly I walked yo my room and changed my dress in royal one and weared my crown then I started roaming in the palace to find jisoo unnie but my bad luck before unnie I founded the monster *rolls eyes*

Suho:hello sister in law *checking her out*

Luna:when I was around you so keep your eyes low or ot will take me a minute to take out your eyes *yelled angrily* much anger but it suits you queen luna *leans to her face*

He is crossing his limits I pushed him hard and je fell on the ground but shameless he still looking at me and laughing like a maniac I stomped you feet in the ground and walked away form there

I was in the library finding a good book to read I take out a book form the self but I saw the eyes between the book and that was jisoo unnie ahhh....finally I founded her

Luna:hello unnie

Jisoo:hello *coldly*

Luna:how you doing unnie

Jisoo:good what about you

Luna:good ummm....unnie do you love me like you do in childhood *hopeful eyes*

Jisoo:wh-who said that i-i never lo-loved you *walks away*

Luna:really unnie they why you used to come on our every birthday

Jisoo:just to see how you all are  doing

Luna:unnie do you love suho

Jisoo:its none of your business

Luna:where is the wand unnie

Jisoo:why should I tell you

Luna:someone is goning to hurt you for that wand

Jisoo:you don't have to worry about that I know how to keep wand safe

Luna:but unnie

Jisoo:I don't want to hear anything else

Jisoo Pov

I walked out of the library but luna words are going round and round in my head who is going to hurt me for that want I can't let that wand in bad hand

And about loving suho I don't know but form past few days I was thinking about him differently he is also changed so much ahhh....what are these thoughts

I walked to my room but I saw suho is finding something very badly what is he finding his sword is kept on the desk then what else should I ask him Suddenly he yelled and said

Suho:where she hide that wand how should I find it

Jisoo:what are you finding suho

Suho:ahhh....ji-jisoo ac-actually I was finding my sword *nervously laugh*

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