Streesful Mind.34

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--*1 Week Later*--

Luna Pov

I was signing the papers but my eyes wants to sleep ahhh.....1 week is passed but the work not a inch closer to finish I was working day amd night so I can abel to go back to darkworld as Soon as possible eyes I didn't slept form past 3 days my other sisters are also very tired suddenly I heard a knock on my door I was feeling very sleepy and tired but I let the person come in to my cabin and it was Sana

Sana:mam are you ok

Luna:what you think *disappointed tone*

Sana:aish.....its ok mam I can understand

Luna:Sana is there more papers left to sign

Sana:yeah mam few mores

Luna:what my sisters are doing

Sana:Lia mam is sleeping in the couch Lucy mam is checking the papers while drinking and liana mam is just working like you know I am really very tired I just want to sleep what brings you here

Sana:mam actually I came here to tell you that tommrow is very important meeting of our company

Luna:and what is the name of company

Sana:Choi Industries mam

Luna:no no the company we are going to sign the contract

Sana:ohh....that was '7 Mornigstar'

Luna:hmm...why it sounds familiar ahh...nevermind go and make the papers and also tell my sisters that I am want then here im the next 5 minutes

Sana:ok man......ummm...mam can I ask you one thing

Luna:yeah please

Sana:mam form the day you 4 came back to the company we all are noticing that how much you 4 changed

Luna:really I never noticed that

Sana:no mam really you 4 specially you and liana mam changed so much

Luna:well not gonna lie but you can say that someone cane in our life and changed us *blushed*

Sana:wait mam are you in love *amazed*

Luna:not only in love actually we 4 are get married *chuckles*

Sana:Wow really mam who are the lucky guys

Luna:ahhh....I am going to throw the party in which I will announce my marriage news its just I have to complete few works before it

Sana:its ok mam we will wait and you can trust me ok mam I am taking my leave

Luna:yeah and don't forget to tell my sisters that I am calling them

Sana Pov i am so happy for mam and her sisters I just pray to the god that he will keep her happy at any cost *smiles*

Luna Pov

I was again get busy in signing papers suddenly I saw 3 figures standing infront of I looked and that was my sisters

Liana:you called us Luna

Luna:yeah actually we all are having a very big and important meeting tommrow so I think it will be good if we all go to home and take some rest

Lia:yeah......good idea

Luna:actually Lia I want to ask are you ok *concern look*

Lia:don't worry Luna I am ok you know na I am a strong women *weak smile*

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