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Luna Pov

Days are getting passes and they are getting good in there work but few things didn't changed like namjoon didn't talk to me unless it's about work or company and I also don't know why I care me and taehyung hangout together and yoongi and lia become good friends

well why not they both are so lazy liana and jk become friends but she is cold to hoseok and how can u forget about never ending flirting saga of Lucy and jimin well Jin is quite simple like he is very focused for work just like namjoon tommrow is the party and today everyone is busy in decorations taking the chance I visited my mother room there was a big picture of her in the front wall

well why not they both are so lazy liana and jk become friends but she is cold to hoseok and how can u forget about never ending flirting saga of Lucy and jimin well Jin is quite simple like he is very focused for work just like namjoon tommrow is...

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I have to say my mother really looks very beautiful and she gave her beauty to liana she is beautiful like mother ahhh......mother just 2 days more then i will coming to visit your grave i want some answers mother Tonight i will wait for you infront of moon I walked put of the room and goes downstairs



Liana:I think I got my power

Luna:really that's cool what is it

Liana:I can control anyone with just my eye contact just like Lia and you

Luna:Wow  that's cool how did you find it out

Liana:actually by mistake I controlled one of our maid

Luna:its ok are you happy

Liana:yes I am

Lia:luna ummm....namjoon called you to discuss something

Luna:he called me wow *sarcastically*

Lucy:go ahead we are noticing that nowadays you both are fighting over little things

Liana:and we all know that where did this type of fight goes *smirk*

Luna:no this is not going to happen keep assuming *smirk*

He called me to the party hall to see the decorations I walked towards him he said

Namjoon:this is what I decided for party

He is busy in telling ke about the decorations and I am busy in admiring him ahhh.....what the fuck is happening with me I hate him and that's it

Luna:good I liked it *coldly*

Namjoon:by the way what you want form me mam afterall tommrow is your birthday *coldly*

Luna:I have everything I don't want anything *coldly*

Namjoon:hmm.....but I will give you a gift *coldly*

Luna:I am going for shopping with my sisters I will beck till evening *coldly*

Namjoon:sure mam *coldly*

Soon we 4 leaved for the mall

Namjoon Pov

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