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Luna Pov

It was night time and I was not feeling good like I was hella confused about everything happening right now so I just thought to visit that place I weared my furry coat and moved to the palace garden

I walked to the bird bath in the garden and turn the tap two times and suddenly a big gets was infront of me I entered there and the very next moment i wan in the different world

There was big gate infront of me with the board written "LILIFER GARDEN" I saw that garden in mother past I waked ins8de the garden and stranded infront of the waterfall I closed my eyes And called my mother name

Lilith:how are you Luna

Luna:I good guess where am I?

Lilith:lilifer garden right?

Luna:how do you know mother

Lilith:I know everything Luna and now tell me are ready to marry namjoon and tae

Luna:mother I want throne and that's why I am ready to marry them

Lilith;but the thing is that you love them or not

Luna:I don't know mother I was not confirmed

Lilith:its ok luna don't think much ok take your time

Luna:ummmm.....mother you know we all met Aphrodite and also Lia and lucy is ready to marry them

Lilith:good now marry as soon as possible cuz your throne is waiting fir you

Luna:yes mother I know but they both are lucifer son and I don't love them

Lilith:so what Luna now don't overreact I told you many time that forgive him and i have to say if anything happens then it have a reason if lucifer didn't leaved me then how can I abel to meet your dad ha.....and about love no you're lying cuz your eyes and body language says something else when you are around both of them

Luna:ummm.......I don't know mother like maybe I love them or maybe not I am confused as fuck

Lilith:don't cruse Luna I can here you

Luna:sorry mother but have to say mother that garden was so beautiful and i think i an the only one in this palace who knew about that place *giggle*

Lilith:maybe well you know lucifer favourite son was namjoon

Luna:so what?

Lilith;no I am just telling you that you have to know them more closely and I bet Luna those 7 and you 4 will rule zeltron and inferno together and strongly

Luna:thanks mother

I was talking to my mother when suddenly I heard someone voice and the voice was deep i turned in the direction of voice and saw namjoon is standing there

Namjoon:what are you doing here Luna

Luna:same question

Namjoon:ummm....actually that was one of the favourite place of my father and after him only i know about this place *looking around*

Luna:so do you know who built this place

Namjoon:I know Luna this garden was built by queen Lilith

Luna:hmm........she built this garden in the name of love between her and lucifer

Namjoon:I know Luna I know everything about them *looking at her deeply*

Luna:and that's why you was silent at the gazebo right?

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