The Meeting.36

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Luna Pov

I woke up and sat on the bed not gonna lie last night I slept very good but where is tae gone now ahhh......seems he only came to see me ahhh....I get up form the bed and get ready I walked downstairs and saw my sisters sitting in the dining tabel laughing and talking

I walked towards them while singing the lullaby Tae sing yesterday night I sat in the tabel while smiling widely my sisters are amazed seeing me I also don't know what got into me but yes I am very happy maybe cuz I tell everything to my lovely husband

Lucy:hey hey what happened to you my sister

Luna:ahhh....I am so happy guess who came last night to meet me

Liana:Tae right?

Luna:how do you know

Lia:he is singing lullaby for you right *teasing tone*

Lucy:we came to your room to check on you but we saw that you both having a very beautiful moments together

Luna:yaaa....actually after si many days I slept peacefully last night I want to go darkworld soon

Liana:we also but our work its ok this is the last meeting after this we will leave for darkworld

Luna:yeah....I also have to complete one more work before going back *stares upstairs*

Lia:well ok let's leave now we have a meeting

Luna:rights let's go

We all leave for our company and soon reached to there Sana told us that the owners of 7 Mornigstar are waiting for us ahhhh....I bet I heard that name before but where ahhh...leave it we alm entered in the meeting room and sat infront of them they are 7 and wearing a black mask on their face

Sana started our presentation and we all were looking at the screen suddenly I felt someone is creasing my leg with his shoe I death glared to the men infront of me and he is just staring at me I just ignored it cuz this contract is very important After the presentation We again started discussing

Lucy:so what you 7 thinks about the project

Liana:and do you 7 mind Taki g off your mask

As soon as Liana said that they all take off there masks and wow they 7 are none other then our husband's we was amazed suddenly they said now are not interested in this project *smirk* sure Mr.Park *smirk*

Hoseok:oh.....yes we are not going to do this project with you 4

Liana:Mr.Jung let me tell you the story about Mr.Lee *smirk*

Luna:jokes aside you 7 are the owners of 7 Mornigstar

Namjoon:obviously qe thought that you 4 will get that cuz of our company name but seems like you 4 are very dumb *laughs*

Luna:yaaa.....its not like that its just I was forgeted the name

Jin:ok ok leave it and let's sign the contract papers


Yoongi:so basically we 7 wants to build a 7 star hotel in Busan and we are giving that contract to you 4 mean Choi Industries

Lia:don't worry Mr.Min we will not disappoint you we will build that hotel just in 2 years *smiles*

Yoongi:it will be good

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