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Caroline Forbes was driving towards the compound, so after five months after her baby's birth, she decides to head to New Orleans to meet Klaus and tell him about their daughter and ask him if he was ready to take care of her.

She steps inside the house which was more of an old build smaller version of the palace and tries to hear any noises but she doesn't hear anything so she looks around when she sees a coffin behind the cellar and opens the lid just to see the man she's trying to find lying there with a dagger.

Before she could think of anything, the dagger itself is pulled out of the hybrid just like that magically, she knew this was something her daughter is doing because she have been seeing this unexplainable magical incident happening around them.

Klaus Mikaelson was lying in his coffin while his daughter was out there in danger when a powerful witch was coming for his little girl.

His rage, his anger, his agony was out of bounds when someone pulls the dagger out and he opens his eyes, he hears a little crying and thinks it was his Hope, he gets out of the coffin and rushes towards the little girl who looked like him and had similar eyes like him but was not his Hope.

He puts the girl down and turns to look at the one who pulled the dagger out of him.

He sees someone he didn't expect to see so soon again "Caroline" Klaus groans before the blonde can say anything he cuts her "You shouldn't be here with a little girl, it's not safe," he says to her.

"But I need to tell you something," Caroline says urgently but the storm was getting worse.

"Go upstairs, I promise I will talk to you the first thing I do after I return but right now I have to go, I have to protect my daughter so you go upstairs on the second floor, last room, and lock it from inside, don't open the door for anyone but me," Klaus tells her and she nods before picking her daughter up.

Their daughter

Heading upstairs to the room he told her to go to, Klaus goes outside to feed and regain his strength when he returns he hears his family talking about Hayley's plan to leave with Hope and never come back.

At first, Klaus thinks of going and stopping Hayley but he knew deep down that he first has to kill Dahlia, and then only can he protect his littlest wolf so he decides to go on with his plan without telling anyone about it.

The plan goes the same way except for the part where Klaus curses the pack but not Hayley and Jackson because she was already out of town with Hope, and Dahlia was going to follow them when Klaus finds her first.

Dahlia is shocked to see the man she told her story thinking that he will be daggered and no one would be able to kill her, Klaus finally kills Dahlia and the entire family heads back to the compound.

They all were standing in the middle of the compound with Marcel, Camille, and Davina also present there when Klaus walks in he was the last to join them but before anyone could say anything Klaus starts.

"If any of you fear for your life then go, go far away from here and never come back, because you all didn't just betray me, you all put my daughter's life in danger, knowing that there is no one who could've protected her better than me," Klaus shouts at them.

They flinch after seeing this side of him for the first time in forever this side of him came out and no one was sure they blamed him for being this way.

"This is my home, and I will bring my daughter back here where she truly belongs, but you all are no longer welcome here in this home or this city, Marcel, Davina, and Camille you three can choose for yourselves but the rest have to leave, I never wish to see your face again, not for a very very long time, GET OUT OF MY CITY! RIGHT NOW!" Klaus yells in anger and rage and everyone leaves without a second thought.

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