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A girl was lying on the floor of her dorm room while reading a book, her blue eyes and curly dirty blonde hair were just like her father, and the structure of her face was like her mother's along with her nose but her lips and smile mirrored her father just like their same pearly white skin tone.

A beautiful necklace that was her family's legacy around her neck, a rose gold diamond pendant around her neck that had her father, brother, and sister's photo inside it which can only be seen by her or her family members.

A school symbol pin was attracted to her shirt and finally, her ring which she was known for the main one was a rose-shaped diamond infinity ring worth millions of dollars was gifted by her brother on her tenth birthday.

Faith Niklaus Mikaelson

She didn't like talking about her mother so no one ever asked her about the woman who gave birth to her, all she was told that and she told others or they somehow found out from the talks about the youngest princess of the supernatural world that her mother died giving birth to her and the women loved her very much.

Faith turns the page of her current book she was reading when her she hears someone coming walking up the stairs of her floor and her attention is finally broken by a knock on her door, she looks up and her headmistress's twin daughters open the door to look at her, but she only raises an eyebrow at them.

"Our mother wants to see you in her office right now," the older twin says and the girl just nods and motions them to leave, who in return just roll their eyes and leave, she sighs and puts her hair back in its rightful set and then she sets her family's necklace and the other pendant be out but not entirely visible.

Then she gets up from her place and puts her book back on the table before grabbing her phone and putting it under her pocket so no one could see, she leaves the room and heads towards the headmistress's office.

Students were looking at the beautiful and strong girl as she walked through the corridors, they were all whispering to each other about her and she knew that but she didn't care, she held her head high and walked towards the office, without knocking she enters the room.

Caroline who was the headmistress looks at the teenage girl along with two other people who also turn to look at her but she ignores them and looks at Caroline "You asked for me?" Faith asks and Caroline smiles at her, Faith has been going to this school ever since it was founded, her father along with his best friend was the founder and investor of this school.

But her father wanted the school to just go by his best friend's last name while he remained hidden, Klaus didn't want to attract too much attention to his family or Faith, so he let Stefan's last name be the identity of this school.

It was Klaus's idea to have a school where all young supernatural will get a chance to live their life normally in a healthy environment and where they will feel comfortable in being who they were, it was fully supported by Stefan who also wanted a place like this for his son and his niece where both could learn and grow and be herself.

This school was built in Mystic Falls while all the important members related to this school lived in New Orleans like Klaus, Stefan, Damon, Marcel, Kol, Davina, Bonnie, and even Caroline and Alaric along with their respective families not that anyone would know about this because Klaus and Stefan kept everyone else as a secret except for Caroline and Alaric.

But this school was in Mystic Falls as a reminder of where all their stories started and where almost all of them were born, every year they all would come to the school to meet their kids and other students but no one was allowed to leak this information outside of the school.

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