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"DAD!" a girl's voice, it was so loud that it shook the whole school everyone stepped out of their cars to see what happened, and Caroline who was standing at the main gate recognizes the voice to be her daughter's just like Hope who knew this voice was Faith's.

Hope despite her parent's shouts and yells moves out of the car and towards the voice with others following her, she ran towards the voice just like Caroline, and what they both see breaks them in their own way.

Hope looks at them with a strange look, the people who gave her everything she ever wanted, people who changed her life, the one person who was always by her side for the past three months like a sister, was crying while holding a man that was in a magical coma because of her.

Caroline looks at her daughter sitting there with her father's desiccated body in her arms as she held him tightly while tears were running down Faith's cheeks and her friends were surrounding her and Klaus.

Atlas told them to go and close the door so that no one can move out of the school and if needed put the barrier around the school too, Faith was crying and trying to wake her father but nothing was working and there were six people there, Klaus, Faith, Atlas, Skylar, Ava, and Aiden.

Ava and Aiden did the boundary spell while Skylar made an announcement on her uncle's behalf that no one has permission to leave the school property until further notice and everyone should head to their dorms with their parents or guardians.

Hayley and Jackson come and stand beside Hope they put a hand on her shoulder but Hope jerks away from them which shocks them, Hope turns and glares at her parents but Jackson again puts his hand on Hope's shoulder and looks at her in the eye.

"Don't do anything to help these people or else all three of us will get killed," Jackson says to Hope and Hayley hears it, knowing full well that Klaus will never hurt Hope no matter what she did, but she knew it was for the best so Hope won't go ahead and help them bring Klaus back.

Caroline rushes towards them while Alaric tries to send every into the building and they all oblige because it was Klaus Mikaelson who got hurt but the pack people stayed and the ones who were close to Klaus or Faith stayed, Hope also jerked Jackson and moved towards Faith and others.

Faith was looking at her father's face which was grey and had veins looking black, she knew the ruckus behind her and she also feels Hope behind her but she ignored them and pulls out her phone and calls the first person she could think of and puts the beside her on speaker while she stroked her father's hair.

Her brother,


Marcel who was at the compound in the dining room looks at his sister's caller ID flashing which also doesn't go unnoticed by Stefan, Enzo, and Damon who were all with him, he picks the phone but before he could say anything, he hears Faith's sobs and Atlas's voice telling people what to do.

He immediately puts the call on speaker and everyone listens to Faith's broken voice "Marcel- da-dad he is no-not sp-speak-king, com-come h-here, it's about dad, d-dad he-he's not mov-moving," Faith barely sobs out while Hope only looks at her friend's father with a guilty look which they don't notice.

"Calm down, girl, what happened?" Marcel asks they all gather around and Elena, Camille, Bonnie, Kol, and Davina also walk in when Kol hears his niece's broken voice from somewhere where he was in the compound.

"I- I ca-can't, yo-you com-come h-her-here, n-now!" Faith says and Marcel nods "I am on my way, just hold on, okay?" Marcel asks her but she keeps on crying which shocks everyone there and they all move out of the compound into the garage and get in their respective cars.

"Faith, listen to me, focus on my voice," Marcel says and Faith tries to do what her brother is saying but she can't "I- I can't," Faith tells him but he shakes his head and takes a deep breath before sounding more confident and strong so Faith would listen to him.

"There's nothing you can't do, you're my sister, you're Klaus Mikaelson's daughter, you are Faith Niklaus Mikaelson, you can do anything you set your mind to, so just be strong for me, for him," Marcel says as he speeds towards the airport.

"I am coming, I won't let anything happen to you, and we will bring our father back to normal but you gotta calm down, we can't help him if we're not ourselves," Marcel says and Faith starts taking deep breaths.

"Yeah just like that, keep doing it and hold on, I am coming," Marcel says and ends the call as he nears the airport with others, he compels them to a private jet and they all were on their way to Mystic Falls.

Faith wipes her tears and stands up and magically lifts her father's body and moves towards her room by the back door so no one could see them, her friends along with Caroline follow her and she lets them but when Hope goes to follow her Hayley comes and stops her daughter.

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