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Davina was now the regent and one day she was kidnapped by the few vampires and when she tried to fight her attackers the ancestors stopped her, she was taken to Mystic Falls where Lucien was waiting for her with Freya who was also kidnapped by the vampire she was not strong enough to fight anyone because of the amount of poison Lucien injected in her body.

Lucien made Davina do the spell with Freya's blood, the white oak stake he saved a long time ago, and the ancestral magic, he got two bottles of the blood which made him turn into an upgraded version of the original vampire with a lethal venom in his fangs that can kill even an original.

But before he could escape Marcel, Klaus, Kol, Elijah, Rebekah, Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, and Enzo surround him, after a huge fight they all manage to subdue Lucien and Klaus kills him using the white oak stake he hand hidden.

(In this the upgraded vampire version can die by using a white oak stake and the special weapon that was created for Marcel later too.)

It was the first time they were seeing each other since the night Hayley left with Hope, without paying any attention to anyone Klaus, Kol, and Marcel make their way to Davina and pick her up, Klaus also grabs the second bottle of venom that could turn a vampire or human to an upgraded version of the original vampire.

After that everyone gathers in the Salvatore house, Davina was in no condition to travel so they decide to stay for a few hours before they head back to New Orleans, Klaus was standing near the fireplace while talking to his almost two-year-old daughter on the phone.

Klaus was reluctant to leave Faith but he knew there was a big chance that he would run into Caroline here and he didn't want Faith anywhere near her so he decided to leave Faith there with Camille while he came here for Davina.

"Bye sweetheart, I love you!" Klaus says and ends the calls with a huge smile when Elijah and Rebekah walk in the room Klaus didn't notice their presence as he was too still in the memories of his daughter but they were shocked to see him this happy.

"Niklaus," Elijah calls out and Klaus's body which was relaxed till now stiffens at the sound of his older brother's voice but he doesn't turn to look at them "Nik please just listen to us," Rebekah says and Klaus who wanted nothing more than to turn and look at her keeps his back towards them.

"We made a mistake and we know it but you gotta understand that we didn't have a choice, you were having your own plan about Dahlia and you weren't telling anyone about it, and then the rumor started about you killing that wolf boy which was started by you if you were in our place you would've done the same thing," Rebekah says and Klaus hands clench and he takes a deep breath.

 Klaus turns to look at them and they tense a little when they see his expression, it was completely normal like nothing happened "You done?" he asks his two siblings who look at him with shocked looks but nod their heads.

"We apologize for what we did but what you did in retaliation was not right either, I think our mistakes we equal and we should move past them," Elijah says and Klaus looks down at his glass before nodding his head.

"Sure let's move past them, I forgive you, both of you," Klaus says and turns to look at the fireplace again leaving the two original vampires in shock "Niklaus, we are-" Elijah goes to says something but get cuts off by Marcel and Stefan who just walked in.

"We got our nicknames too," both of them yell and look at Klaus who turns to look at the two vampires who were looking like little kids who just got their favorite candy "What are you talking about?" Klaus asks them and Marcel tenses at the sight of three siblings.

"We just got our nicknames, I am Stefi, and he is Marci," Stefan says with a huge grin which is mirrored by Marcel "We got them before Kol, and Camille, we are special," Marcel says and Klaus chuckles at them.

"Why do I need kids when I have you all?" Klaus mutters to himself and keeps his glass down before using his hearing ability, he hears Davina talking to Faith upstairs, he smiles and keeps his glass down "Gather everyone I need to talk to," Klaus says and Stefan nods before going to call others.

Marcel looks at Elijah and Rebekah before going to Klaus and standing beside him, Klaus pulls out the bottle which held the venom that could turn a vampire into an upgraded original vampire, Marcel, Elijah, and Rebekah look at the bottle with wide eyes.

Stefan walks in with Kol, Davina, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Enzo, and Freya and they all get seated around the room "You okay there Davina?" Klaus asks Davina who smiles back at him "Much better now, we can leave whenever you say," Davina replies and Klaus nods. 

Then Klaus shows everyone the bottle of venom and a few of the gasp "I am only asking this because I think it is the right thing to do, should we destroy this or use it?" Klaus asks others and some of them say destroy while others say to use.

Klaus looks disturbed when Stefan gets up and says "We don't know what the future holds for us but what we do know is that we need protection and power on our side, we should use it," Stefan says and Kol and Davina agree with him.

"I talked to Camille and Marcus about this and if we put it to vote, it's a tie, the decision falls on you Marcellus, choose," Klaus says and looks at his son who looked a little stressed but then Faith's face and Klaus's broken face comes in front of his eyes.

"I say we use it," Marcel says and Klaus looks at Kol, Stefan, and Davina who nods at Marcel then Klaus hands the venom bottle to his son "Bottoms up," Klaus says and Marcel looks at Klaus with wide eyes.

"No, not me," Marcel says and Klaus raises an eyebrow "Why not you?" Stefan asks and Marcel goes to reply but doesn't find the right answer "Why me?" Marcel asks and looks around "Because you're you," Davina says,
"Because you're the only member of the original family who is not an original," Kol says,
"Because you're the king," Stefan says and Klaus nods,
"Because you're my son and I trust you," Klaus adds, "And because you're the one who swore to protect the family," Klaus says, Marcel still looked unconvinced but he opens the bottle and looks around before drinking the venom. 

Then he looks around waiting for someone to kill him but no one moves "Come on guys one of you has killed me now," Marcel says but no one moves then breaks the chair behind him and makes a makeshift stake, and stabs himself in the heart.

Klaus catches his body and gently lies him on the floor as his body turns grey, before taking a deep breath "I talked to Cami earlier and the voting wasn't tied, why did you say it was?" Davina asks Klaus who just smiles at her.

"I wanted to see what his decision will be, now pack up we're leaving as soon as he wakes up," Klaus says and they all just shake their heads and leave the room but Damon stays there along with Enzo, the original hybrid shifts Marcel's body from the floor to the couch.

"We wanted to talk to you," Enzo says and Klaus looks at him with a raised eyebrow "If you don't know then we should tell you that Elena is already human because of the cure and while we were at the armory to kill Rayna Cruz three months ago we found a potion there that we thought was a cure but it just a potion that made us human for a week," Damon says and Klaus looked confused.

"You're telling me this because?" Klaus asks and Enzo sighs "Because Bonnie and Elena are now pregnant, and the children they are carrying are supernaturals so we need a safe place for our growing family and right now there is no safer place than New Orleans," Enzo says, Klaus understand what the two wanted.

"You want me to convince Marcel to let you in?" Klaus asks them they nod "You must be dreaming if you think I am letting Caroline Forbes anywhere near the city where my youngest daughter lives after everything," Klaus chuckles which makes the other two vampire sigh.

 "Klaus you're also a father, please understand our situation," Damon says and Klaus thinks for a moment before nodding his head "Fine I will convince Marcel, but Caroline is not coming with you all, when are you planning to move?" Klaus asks and the two vampire smile at the hybrid.

"After two weeks, Alaric is having his wedding then we will be ready to move," Damon says and Klaus nods "Give me a call when you're outside of the city and I am assuming Stefan will make living arrangements for you," Klaus says and Damon nods before leaving the room with Enzo.

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