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Klaus walks downstairs to see Camille and Kol discussing something about some matter between humans and witches, both of them turn to look at him and he smiles at them "I just talked to Faith, and she said she will explain everything in person," Klaus says and Kol nods before leaving.

Camille looks a little worried for the girl she always treated as her own, Klaus sees this and moves to sit beside her, he keeps his hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner knowing that she must be worried for Faith.

"Klaus, maybe I should go and check on her," Camille says in a worried tone before Klaus could say something, Damon and Stefan walk in and see the two "Klaus she is right," Stefan says and Damon nods.

"We are called back to the city to sort some business regarding school, Cami can join us, she will have time to visit Faith and she will return with Marcel because we will only stay there for two hours," Damon says and Camille looks at excitedly at her brother-in-law.

"It's a perfect opportunity, I will have time for all the kids," Camille says and Klaus just sighs in defeat "Fine, have it your way but please just talk to her and figure out what problem she is having, I can't go to that town but you can," Klaus tells Camille who nods.

"We will be leaving in two hours, we will take a flight so be ready, I will pick you up from our home," Stefan says and Camille smiles at her husband, she quickly gives him a peck before leaving the room.

Klaus grabs a bottle of bourbon and pours the three of them drinks before they sit down and start with their plan for a new and better living area near the bayou but his daughter's strange behavior still not leaving his mind.


"So Marcel is on his way here, he will be staying at the mansion and I am gonna join him, anyone interested in joining us?" Faith asks her friends who all think for a moment before all their phones beep with notifications except for Hope who was just looking at them with confusion.

"Guess we're all staying at the mansion," Aiden says and the other four nod at him but when Skylar sees Hope's confused expression "My dad, uncle, and aunt are coming to town for some business at the school," Skylar says and Atlas nodded.

"Mom said that Dad and Uncle Damon will leave but she and Marcel will spend the weekend with us," Atlas also adds at which Hope nods "If you want you can join us," Faith tells Hope as a plan starts forming in her mind while the older tribrid who looks shocked at the offer.

"No, no, I don't wanna intrude in your family matters," Hope says as she politely declines the offer but Faith keeps on insisting, she kicks Atlas from under the table to help her and he nods before looking at Hope.

"My mom will be there, she would love to meet you, and don't worry you won't be intruding on anything," Atlas says as he tries to convince the girl, Hope still looked unconvinced so Faith gives it a last try.

"Why don't you spend the day with us at the mansion then if you wish to go back to school, I will drop you?" Faith offers and Hope nods "Please, I wanna spend some time alone," Hope says and they all leave.

Faith first drops Hope at the school before joining others at the Mikaelson mansion, she sees her brother's car already parked there, and they all get out of their cars before heading inside, Marcel also hears their footsteps and moves towards the main door to greet the kids.

Faith jumps in her brother's arms as soon as he comes into her view, he also hugs her tightly as both siblings laugh loudly at their childish behavior, they pull away and Marcel greets everyone before they all move inside the house.

After hanging out together for two hours, they all head to their rooms while Faith and Marcel head to Klaus's art studio where Faith loved to go and paint after a few minutes tribrid feels like she has to inform her brother about Elijah so she speaks without thinking.

"I met Elijah today," she just blurts out and Marcel's eyes go wide, he didn't know what to say or how to react "How was it?" he asks which makes Faith more confused she turns to look at him while he just gives her emotionless look which makes Faith annoyed. 

She uses her magic and throws blood at her brother before replying "How do you think it would've been, awkward, he was trying to figure out if he knew me while I was trying to control my heartbeat," Faith says and Marcel nods.

"It was inevitable, it's a small town, everybody here knows everybody, and Elijah is one curious man, if he has any kind of doubt about you then you have to be careful, or it won't take long for him to figure out who you are," Marcel says and Faith nods in agreement.

"I have one more news," Faith says and Marcel looks at her with a raised eyebrow "What if I told you, I may have an idea about where our Hope is," Faith tells him and the glass of bourbon in his hands falls on the ground.

Marcel looks at her like he was expecting her to say she was kidding but when she just gives him a serious look he takes a deep breath before asking "You're not joking, are you?" Faith glares at him as she pours him another glass of bourbon before going and sitting on the handrest of the sofa seat he was sitting on.

"I know how serious this topic is, why would I joke about this, I am serious, but I can't tell you anything now, I need some time to confirm this, so please don't tell Dad about this or he will again raise his expectations and if I am wrong then he will be heartbroken," Faith says and Marcel nods.

"But you know how sly Hayley and Jackson are, they won't care who they are hurting," Marcel warns Faith who just smirks "They may be sly but I am no less, I am Klaus Mikaelson's daughter, they won't be able to trick me because they won't even see us coming this time," Faith says as she looks at the photo of Marcel, Klaus and Faith hung in front of them.

"Hayley broke every ounce of my father's trust and believe in the family by taking Hope away from our family, she broke our vow, she used our family to fight for her and her pack and then she blamed us and left," Faith says as her face turns cold.

"She turned our family against each other and now I will turn everyone against her, she will finally get a taste of her own medicine, I will take back my sister and she will have nothing left with her, she will pay for what she did to my dad," Faith says in a cold voice which makes Marcel a bit worried.

"We don't want revenge, Faith, we just want our Hope back, and don't forget Hayley is still Hope's mother, do you really think Hope will accept us if we hurt her mother," Marcel reminds her and Faith takes a deep breath.

"Hope is family which makes Hayley our family too, and we don't hurt our family, not anymore, always and forever," Marcel says as he looks at Faith who nods "Always and Forever, family above all," Faith says as both siblings hug each other tightly.


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