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Today there were only a few extra classes which none of the seven from the top floor had so no one even woke up early, Faith informed Hope about their tradition to go to Mystic Grill every Saturday morning and just hang out all day before returning to school.

Mostly on Saturday and Sunday, someone from New Orleans used to come for visit that's why the five of them were allowed to leave the school and head out otherwise no children were allowed to leave the school premises without permission.

Hope wanted to talk to Faith about the party tonight that she was invited to so she knocked on Mikaelson's girl's door and soon a small 'come in' comes from the other side of the door, Hope walks in to see Faith talking to someone on phone.

Faith smiles at Hope and tells her to sit on the bed while Faith finishes up the call "Yes Dad, I am fine, and I will be fine, nothing bad happened," Faith says in an annoyed voice as she is trying to convince Klaus that nothing bad happened and whatever complaint came to him was only the half-truth.

"Look, Dad, if you keep asking me about something I already told you I don't wanna talk about then I am gonna hang up," Faith says and Klaus takes a deep breath before relaxing "Okay fine, your brother will be in Mystic Falls by one and if you want you all can spend the night at the mansion," Klaus tells her before they both say their goodbyes and hang up the phone.

Faith turns to look at Hope with a smile "That was my dad, he was just calling to check in on me, he got the news about what I did to the teachers after the chandelier incident anyway, how come you're here so early?" Faith asks and Hope smiles.

"I wanted to talk to you about the party I am invited to, it's happening tonight behind the old mill, some of my new friends told me about it and asked if I was coming but I don't wanna go there unless any of you all are going as well," Hope says and Faith nods.

"I also got the invite but I am not the one to go to parties and all, we can ask others when we meet them and my brother's coming, so I am gonna spend the night at the Mikaelson mansion with my brother so I am sorry but I won't be able to join you," Faith says and Hope smiles.

"Oh it's fine, enjoy your stay with your brother," Hope says and goes towards the door to leave the room before turning to look at Faith again "We will be leaving in thirty minutes Aiden told me to tell you," she says and Faith nods.


Faith walks out of her room with her own set of keys, all five knew how to drive but were not allowed until Faith convinced Klaus to gift her a car on her fourteenth birthday, and just like that all five got permission to drive but carefully.

They all walk downstairs to the personal garage which had their cars, Atlas, Faith, and Aiden use to drive everyone, Skylar used to go with her brother, Ava with her twin while Faith use to drive alone because Nik used to go and visit his parents and spend the weekend with them like every other kid under eight years.

 Hope looks at the cars with wide eyes which was almost everyone's first reaction when they saw the kind of luxury these five kids were used to living in "Come on, you're coming with me," Faith tells Hope and both girls get in their cars before all six of them drive out of the school to the Mystic Grill.

The cars stop outside the grill and they all get out and head inside but Faith gets a call from Marcel so she stays behind "Hello brother," Faith greets in a cheeky voice which makes a bright smile appear on Marcel's face.

"I am gonna be in Mystic Falls by one so where am I meeting you?" Marcel asks his sister who looks around before replying "At the mansion only, I am gonna spend the night there, and I will talk to others about what their plans are then I'll inform you," she tells him and he hums before they hang up the call.

Faith suddenly turns and bumps into a hard chest, her phone falls down and she also stumbles a little, she looks up at the person with a cold glare which soon melts when she realizes who she was looking at.

"I apologize, I thought this was my car," the person says in a very formal manner and bends down to pick up the girl's phone, Faith just stares at the man as she tries to control her heartbeat which was picking up pace.

"It's okay, and thank you," Faith tells him after recovering from the shock and takes her phone back from the man's hands, he smiles at the girl and looks at her with more attention "You seem familiar, do I know you?" he asks and Faith again becomes hesitant but she shakes her head.

"I don't think so, I barely know anyone from this down though my family used to live here maybe you knew them," Faith says and the man smiles before extending his hand "I am Elijah," he says and Faith smiles at him sweetly and shakes his hand.

"Faith," she tells him and his smile turns into a grin "A name with deep meaning, looks like your parents put a lot of thought into it," he says and Faith nods "My brother named me, and yes, it was a deep meaning behind it," she tells him before looking at her phone which lights but before Elijah could see the wallpaper Faith grabs his attention.

"I should go, my friends, are waiting for me," she says and he nods "It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Faith," Elijah says and Faith smiles at her uncle's professional behavior "It was nice meeting you too," she says before giving him a polite smile and she leaves.

Elijah looks at the girl who steps inside the Grill, he didn't know why but he got some familiar feeling when he saw the girl talking on the phone, he felt drawn to her in a way he didn't know how to explain.

Her smile, her eyes, her hair, her accent, her way of carrying herself, and everything about her was so familiar to him but he just didn't know where to point, he felt like he was meeting Hope but he was sure that this girl was not Hope, he has seen Hope's picture and this girl was not her.

But then who is she?

and why does she seem so familiar to him?

Elijah shakes his head before going back to his car and leaving the area what he didn't know or notice was the girl was still standing a little bit far from him and just watching him go away, she takes a deep breath when she sees that Elijah didn't come to check on her again.

"Thank god he didn't question me more," she says before turning to go back inside the grill and join her friends she reminds herself to be more careful in public in this town because now almost every single person in her family who is banned from New Orleans is living here.

Double Update!!!
Sorry for being MIA for all these days, I had some family matters to take care of.

Hope you like both of the chapters and please VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!!

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