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Hope concludes "He was also a werewolf, I mean that's how the werewolf curse works right," she says and Faith nods "After that night, the truth about my grandmother's infidelity came out and my father along with my biological grandfather and his pack paid the price," Faith adds.

"Mikael in rage and anger killed my biological grandfather and his whole pack, but that was just the start of his evilness, he came back and forced Esther to take away my dad's werewolf side, but Esther used her black magic and locked dad's werewolf side away forever and then she turned her back on him, but that didn't satisfy Mikael," Faith tells Hope who gasps.

"My dad was Mikael's greatest shame even though he had nothing to do with Esther's unfaithfulness, but after everything dad also retaliated, for the first time and he killed Esther, and Mikael who knew about this and started hunting dad with the remaining white oak stake," Faith says and Hope's eyes go wide.

"For a thousand years, my family ran all over the world from Mikael until one day my dad finally killed him, in these thousand years he suffered many losses until he closed his heart and became the monster everyone painted him to be, he found a loophole to the spell his mother used to lock his werewolf side away," Faith says and Hope smiles.

"Have you ever heard the story of the sun and the moon curse?" Faith asks Hope who nods her head "I was reading some books in the library and came across a book which had the curses name on it, but I only read the first page," Hope says, and Faith smirks.

"My dad is an artist, and he likes to play games but the problem is people so conveniently walk in his traps without having the full knowledge of the whole situation, and then when they lose they call him the liar and whatnot" Faith smirks.

"He conned the world for centuries with the fake story of the curse of the sun and the moon because he knew that was the easiest way to find the doppelganger and some old moonstone thingy," Faith says and Hope looks confused "But those drawings?" Hope asks and Faith laughs.

"Everything was made by my father while he was drunk, all the Aztec sketches, African tribal etchings, roman scrolls, and any other culture or continent he felt like planning in it, and that plan worked, he used every single member of two warring species on the lookout for the indegirdients for his spell," Faith says and Hope laughs as she comes out of the shock.

"He found the first doppelganger five centuries after they were turned, and he had everything planned until the doppelganger found out about the truth and she fled, it was my uncle's mistake and even after that my dad forgave him but nothing worked and years later my family was broken," Faith says and looks down.

"Now this part of the story may paint my dad as the moster but if you look closely and try to understand then you would see that all he's ever tried to do was protect the people he loved even if it mean hurting them," Faith says and Hope nods.

"My dad has this set of mystical daggers that put the original vampires in a deep sleep, almost as if they are dead, after the doppelganger escaped and tuned into a vampire because my father needed a human doppelganger as a vampire she was no use to him so my dad went to her home town and killed her whole family in rage and let her run till the end of time in fear that one day he will catch her and kill her, he set an explame for those who would betray him but that was just the beginning of his darkest time," Faith says.

"It was as if he has lost all humanity, he killed without a care and that's how from Niklaus Mikaelson he became Klaus Mikaelson, the great evil, till one day he arrived in New Orleans, a city he helped build from ground up, he loved that city and he loved it even more when found Marcel who was just like him," Faith says with a smile.

"After spending two hundred year in the city they all called home, my family had to flee because Mikael found them, but that's not all he did, he killed Marcel in front of my father who after the loss of his child had to flee along with his sibling," Faith says and this time tears start coming out of Hope's eyes too.

"Before leaving New Orleans, my dad had two of his brothers daggered and his sister came with him while his other brother ran on his own, centuries later my father spread this rumor that he killed all his family and dumped all his siblings in the ocean, he wanted Mikael to just focus on him and not his sibling who were helpless," Faith tells Hope who knew this story was only going to get darker.

"For a century and half no one knew where Klaus Mikaelson was, he disappeared, he became a myth, a legend that no one knew was true or not, till the news of a doppelganger being found came out and you see how destiny works, the doppelganger was here, in Mystic Falls, where it all began a thousand years ago," Faith says and Hope looks amused.

"After many complications and cons, he finally did his ritual, he got his werewolf side back, and in doing so he had to kill the doppelganger who had quite a few loved ones that were ready to kill my dad for her and there was my uncle who ran alone when left New Orleans, he also helped the doppelganger and he was almost successful in killing my father but dad survived, he found a way just like he always does and he daggers my uncle," Faith says and Hope wonders how can a brother kill their own sibling.

"A few months later my dad manages to kill Mikael and when he wanted to reunite his family, they were ready to turn their backs on him, but they stayed when someone from their past walked in, their mother turns out Klaus didn't actually kill her back then, he just put her in a deep sleep and locked her coffin so no one would ever be able to wake her with Ayana's help," Faith tells Hope who smiles at the twist.

"But who knew that after a thousand years, Esther was changed, he tried to kill my whole family and the vampire race once and for all, because no one knew back then that if you kill an original their sire lines die with them," Faith says and Hope gasps at Esther's doing.

"After a few months filled with a lot of drama and betrayals my dad met a werewolf named Hayley, and he had a one-night stand with her, then happened the miracle, the werewolf gets kidnapped by the witches of New Orleans who lured my dad back in the city he swore he would never step a foot in again and to his surprise, a lot of things changed," Faith says and she looks at Hope who was deep in thought and when Faith asks her about it she shakes her head and Faith to continue.

"Marcel was still alive, and he wasn't just alive, he thrived, he took over the city and made himself the king, New Orleans is kind of the headquarters for the supernatural, but the biggest surprise waiting for him was that the wolf girl he had one night stand with was pregnant, she was carrying his child, a miracle baby," Faith says with a soft smile on her face.

"Your sister?" Hope asks and Faith nods "but you don't know how nature works, the child was something that has never exsisted before and probably never would've in future, the witches wanted to kill the baby for their gain, because witches in New Orleans used to practice ancestoral magic and if they would sacrifice a child as strong as my sister, it would give their ancestors power like never seen before, and a lot of other people tried to kill that child but my family fought back harder," Faith says.


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