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Atlas was in Faith's room with her while Ava and Aiden were chanting just outside her room and Skylar was in the hallway with Nik who was confused at what happened but stayed quiet and complied.

Jackson and Hayley follow Hope and she goes to the top floor away from everyone else "Where are we going?" Hayley asks her daughter and Hope keeps walking while answering "My room, you both will stay there while I am with my friends," Hope says and goes to enter the private floor but Faith stops her.

Hope thinks Faith found out about what she but she is wrong when she sees Faith's glare towards her parents "You're more than welcome on this floor, Hope, but you can't bring your so-called parents here," Faith says and Hope looks confused but lets it go thinking it maybe because of the difficult period she's going through because of her.

Hayley looked at Faith and she knew it was Klaus's daughter, same eyes, same hair, same attitude, from what she's learned from Hope, Klaus's daughters were exactly like him and that's why she knew what Faith meant when she said 'so-called parents' that means she knew the truth and still kept quiet.

Jackson glares at Faith and this time it sets Faith off and she goes to attack him but Atlas comes and holds her back, along with Ava, Skylar, and Aiden with little Nik in his arms also joining them, they all glare at Jackson and Hayley which shocks Hope.

"Calm down please, we're better than them," Atlas says and holds her back but she keeps on glaring at the two "Yes Faith, Atlas is right, they're not even worth the time we're wasting on them, Go to your room, Nik needs you right now and you have to be strong till Marcel gets here," Aiden says.

"You all take care of him, don't leave him alone please, I have to do something, okay?" Faith asks them and they all nod "Of course," Skylar assures the younger tribrid and she walks down with Atlas after kissing little Nik's head while others stay there.

Hope follows Faith and Atlas, and her parents follow Hope, The youngest Mikaelson girl knew Hope would follow her and she also knew that Jackson and Hayley would not leave Hope alone, not anymore.

Especially since they now know that Faith knows the truth along with all her friends and with her family on their way here, She knew it was the end to their run but before that she wanted them to see who has the power now.

Faith walks into the gym to see all her pack members there, both from NEA and Cercsents along with their kids. Still, she keeps walking and climbs up the fifth bleacher with Atlas just a step down from her and looks at them while they are all busy glaring at Hayley and Jackson who were ignoring them and Hope was looking confused.

"I am not here as your alpha's daughter, or your future alpha, or the sister of the king of your city, or as the almighty tribrid, I am here as the daughter of the man who helped you all despite your actions, daughter of the man who helped you all not just North East Atlantic pack or the crescents but all of you, not just once or twice but countless times, I am asking for your help, not forcing you, who is ready to help me?" Faith says and they all nod at her.

Hayley and Jackson were looking at this like they had no idea of what was going on, and they truly didn't have any idea, Crescents were their pack, Hayley was their queen and Jackson was their alpha, and Hope was going to one day lead the group.

"My father, your alpha is in a serious condition, I am not going to lie and say that everything is alright because it's not, someone attacked him and I want that person, alive, there is a big chance that the person who put him this way is still on the school grounds and they can do more damage to others so we have to be careful and not let anything happen to anyone else," Faith says and Atlas takes over.

"Marcel, my parents, our uncles, and aunts, everyone is on their way, They are all coming and we all will be returning home as soon as we find that person but until then we have to protect the school," he tells them and Faith nods.

"NEA pack will be on guard duty while the crescents will try to find the person while the kids will be in their rooms, and as soon as dad is back to normal I promise we will leave, there are already buses waiting for you all," Faith says and they all nod and leave for their respective duties but both the betas from each pack comes to Faith who was coming down.

They look at her and Atlas who are standing beside Hope and a little away from them are Hayley and Jackson but Faith looks at them with a raised eyebrow "Is he going to be okay?" NEA beta, Ryan asks and Faith smiles at him.

"I can't say anything about that but I can promise you that I will bring him back," Faith tells them and they nod "What about them?" Crescent beta, Marcus asks as he eyes Hayley and Jackson who try to say something but Faith cuts them off.

"Well they can't escape because of the barrier now, and my family is already on their way here, They will be taken to New Orleans with us, no more running for them," Faith says as she eyes Hayley who glares at the girl but Faith just smirks and steps towards the female hybrid.

"No more running, queen, time to face the consequence for hurting my father, just wish I don't get my hands on you or your bastard mutt husband," Faith says, and a shiver runs down Hayley's spine at the threat as she recalls Klaus's words from the day of her wedding.

Atlas smirks too and Hope has this usual confused look that has been on her face since morning, Faith shoves her shoulder into Hayley as she moves out of the gym making Hayley fall as she comes out of her thoughts.

Faith leaves and Atlas stands there while glaring at the two Crescents "Hope we're sorry but we can't allow these people with you anywhere near Klaus," he tells her, Hope looked confused so he tries to clear his confusion "I can't tell you the whole truth, it's not my place or right but I can tell you one thing," he says and points at her parents.

"Whatever lies these people told you till this day are going to be revealed soon, you know about Faith's sister, and they are the reason behind her being missing, it's going to be a hard time for you three," he looks her in the eyes and holds her shoulder.

"I won't apologize for anything that's going to happen to your parents but I will say one thing, you're gonna have to stay strong and clear your head to know who is lying and who is telling you the truth, or else you will lose your family, forever," he tells her and leaves after smiling at her.

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