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After a tiring day Hope comes up to her floor where she sees Aiden already lying on the window nook with Ava who was reading and Faith who was going through her phone, both girls look at Hope and smile at her as she joins them.

"How was your first day?" Ava asks her and Hope looked exhausted "Tiring but fun, I got to learn a lot of new things," Hope replies, and they are discussing Hope's first day when Skylar and Atlas come from the kitchen and inform them that the lunch is ready. 

The four of them make their way to the dining room where Nik was already seated and take their seats as they dig "I thought I was on duty today?" Hope asks but Skylar shakes her head.

"Yes but as we all have classes so the lunch duty goes to whoever becomes free first, today Atlas and I came in and cooked but yesterday it was Aiden and Ava," Skylar explains and Hope nods.

They all were eating while asking Hope questions and she answered almost all of them but there was one person who was quiet.

It was rare that he didn't have a bright smile on his face making all their heart melt every time they see it, Faith told them not to disturb the boy and that she will talk to him after some time.

Hope was cleaning the kitchen with Ava, after doing everything Ava left and Hope was also washing her hands before leaving when she sees Atlas coming out of his room with a photo frame in his hand.

Hope looked at the photo and smiled at the two different pictures of babies in one frame, both were in their gender-neutral onesies.

"Cute kids," she comments and Atlas smiles at her "Thanks," he says, and Hope motions for him to give her the frame which he does and she looks at the photo even more clearly.

"Skylar and you?" Hope asks him without looking up from the photo as she felt some weird connection to the two different baby pictures in the frame.

"No, that's Faith and her sister," Atlas tells her hesitantly and Hope looks at him with a shocked expression "Faith has a sister?" Hope asks and Atlas nods.

"Half-elder-sister but means just as much to Faith as any real sister would've been, but unfortunately, she has been missing for fourteen years now," Atlas says and Hope's eyes go wide as she tried to imagine the kind of loss her friend went through.

"There's a reason why Faith's been so happy and kind towards you, her sister's name was also Hope and the room you're living in was actually for our Hope, but when you showed up Faith happier than her usual self, I think you remind her of her sister, and she wants you to have everything our Hope may or may not have had a chance to have," Atlas says and Hope looks at him with a sad smile.

"Family means everything to Faith, she doesn't get close to people outside her family or our friend circle but once she met you, it changed, she's trying to open up again, I hope you can help her," Atlas says and Hope nods in agreement.

"I'll sure try, she is my friend and I am really thankful to her for giving me a chance, I'd really like to help her in any way I can," Hope says, and Atlas smiles.

"You just being here helps her, just be your real self and she will be happy," Atlas tells her before taking the photo frame and leaving.

After eating everyone went to their rooms to rest before it was time to study again, Faith hears a knock on her door before she could say 'Come in' The door opened and Atlas walked in like he owns the place.

"Sure come in, make yourself comfortable, it's not like you don't own this school," Faith says sarcastically, Atlas turns to look at her with an amused smile and passes her a box of chocolate, she looks at it confused and Atlas rolls his eyes.

"I know you're having your periods maybe that's why you're extra bitchy today," Atlas says and sits on the bed too, only leaving a very little distance between the two.

Faith opens the box and starts eating her chocolates, she makes a few noises which makes Atlas look at her with a surprised and loving look, he sees her hand messy because of the chocolate and a few hairs that have fallen on her face

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Faith opens the box and starts eating her chocolates, she makes a few noises which makes Atlas look at her with a surprised and loving look, he sees her hand messy because of the chocolate and a few hairs that have fallen on her face.

Before Faith could put her hair back with her magic Atlas uses his hand and pushes her hair back, he looks at her with a loving look which makes Faith confused, her heart melts at the soft and loving look he had.

Faith pulls him out of his trance by snapping her fingers in front of his face, Atlas also shakes his head in order to clear his mind, after having enough chocolates the tribrid puts the box on the nightstand before lying on her bed.

Atlas looks at the girl with an amused look and he smiles before he goes to open the drawer and pulls out wipes from there, he hands the girl two of them to clean her hands, and after she does that he throws the dirty wipes away.

Atlas lies on the bed too and he pulls the covers on them, he uses his magic to turn off the lights and lock the doors from inside, Faith moves closer to him instinctively and he smiles at her before putting his arms around her and kissing her head.

Whenever Faith was at school and she was angry or sad or in pain, she used to just come into her room and sleep it off and Atlas always helped her calm down fast, no one knew why or how but Faith and Atlas were always together.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that they were friends or maybe it had something to do with the fact that Faith and Atlas were closer than any friends should be and they were something, everyone just loved their relationship and no one knew what to name them so they let it be.

At first, Klaus and Marcel used to hate Atlas for being so close to Faith but then they saw how happy Faith was when she was with Atlas and they knew where it was gonna lead the two in the future so they gave the two kids their blessings.

Atlas really looked up to Klaus because of his journey, he knew almost all the stories about Klaus and his family, and the one thing he admired the most about the original hybrid was his change from being the great evil to a father every kid dreamed of.

One thing none of their kids went through was the shame or burden of being supernatural like they had when they found out about their abilities or were turned into vampires or were forced into this supernatural world.

All five of them loved their powers and used them to help others, protect each other, and maybe sometimes just to have fun but they were always told to be careful as they all knew every good comes with some bad.

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