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A lot of people both students and teachers were already gathered in the hallway because of the chandelier breaking and were whispering to each other when they see Faith Mikaelson followed by her whole group along with the new girl and Nik who was busy licking his ice cream cone walking down from their private floor.

Faith had a cold and dangerous expression on her face while Atlas and the rest of their friends just glared at everyone that was present there. Caroline was already standing among the crowd with Alaric, her daughters, and their friends.

She looks at Faith with a look of regret while others just looked scared, Faith still holding her brother's hand makes her way to the teacher that yelled at Nik earlier, the little boy tries to hide behind her leg but Faith bends down to his level and looks him in the eye.

"Who were the ones who bullied you and yelled at you or others?" Faith asks her brother who hesitantly points to twelve kids and two teachers then Faith looks at Ava and nods, the younger Bennett twin comes and tries to take Nik but he shakes his head and tightens his hold on Faith's hand.

Faith lets it go and Ava just stands beside them while Faith looks at the teacher and glares at him "Apologies, NOW," Faith shouts which makes almost everyone there flinch except for her friends and Nik who was already past the incident.

The teacher looks at Faith with a terrified yet shocked look "Yo-you can'-t s-speak to m-me like th-that," the teacher tries to sound strong but ends up stuttering which makes Faith laugh, she puts Nik's hand in Atlas's and the little boy doesn't react much and keeps eating his ice cream without care.

Faith looks around before taking a step toward the teacher "You have no idea what I can do," Faith smirks at him evilly and holds his collar, and pushes him onto the ground, the teacher's back slams into the ground.

"My father and brother didn't invest millions in this school to have bullies teaching here, his own nephew and youngest cousin being bullied here for being stronger than others, for being unique," Faith says, and some of the students who didn't know about this gasp.

"h-he bro-broke t-the-" the teacher tries to say but Faith cuts him off "I know he broke the chandelier from the original Salvatore house but does it belong to you? or did it ever belong to you that made you act so harshly with a little boy, did it?" Faith asks and the teacher shakes his head which makes Faith glare at him again.

"Atlas and Skylar Salvatore, do any of you have any problem with the fact that Nik lost control and broke your chandelier?" Faith asks them and they both shake their head "No" they both replied together.

"Now everyone who was involved or just stood there and watched as our younger students got bullied will pay for what they did, I'll show you what happens when you mess with the Mikaelsons, now either you will stay in this school or I will," Faith says and turns and grabs her brother's hand who was looking tired and sleepy.

She smiles at him and runs her hand through his hair as she smiles at him "Send someone to the Mikaelson Mansion and bring over the chandelier that is hung in the ballroom, and exchange it with this one," Faith tells Caroline who looks hesitant.

"Faith we don't need it, and it's way more expensive than this one," Caroline says, Faith shakes her head but she already knew Faith would not come back from her decision, she knew her daughter's stubborn behavior.

"It was my brother who lost his control and caused the damage, even if this drama wouldn't have happened and I would've come to know about it normally I would've paid for it because he was the one who caused the damage and I am just doing what my father would've done it, do what I told you and if there is any other damage just send my elder brother the bill," Faith says and Caroline nods.

Then she leaves with Nik, while  Atlas, and Skylar along with Ava, Hope, and Aiden were still standing there "I didn't expect this from you all, my uncle and dad wanted this place to be better than this," Skylar says and looks at Aiden, Ava, and Hope and they all leave. 

"If anything like this ever happens, not just with Nik but with any of the students present here, I will make sure serious actions are taken against the bullies," Atlas threatens them and follows behind his cousin and friends.

They all reach the top floor and Ava, Aiden, and Skylar look at Hope with confused looks "What are you doing here? it's a private floor for the six of us," Ava tells Hope and before Hope could reply Atlas joins them.

"Hope this is Aiden and Ava Bennett, and this is my cousin sister Skylar Salvatore and the little boy you saw earlier is Nik Mikaelson, and guys this is Hope Marshall," Atlas introduces them and they all smile at the new girl who returns it.

"Faith let Hope have the room beside Nik's, she is going to be living with us from now on, now let's get some rest then it's Ava's on the dinner duty for tonight and we also have our studying session at night," he informs them before they all nod and head towards their respective room.

Which was in the sequence at first Skylar, then Aiden, then Ava, then Hope, then Nik, then Faith, and at last Atlas.

Atlas and Skylar had bigger rooms and bathrooms than others which were on the opposite sides as those rooms were the master bedrooms that once belonged to their fathers, while others had their rooms in between which were a bit smaller than others.

Atlas drops Hope at her room and smiles at her "Nik is Faith's eldest aunt's son but he doesn't know that they both are cousins so please don't tell him anything, and please don't judge Faith for what she did too quickly," Atlas tells her and Hope nods but she still looked a little unsure.

"Family means everything to her and she's reckless and more dangerous than anyone you can possibly imagine when someone she loves gets hurt," Atlas explains a bit more and Hope nods at him with a smile.

"You can go ahead and rest, if you want you can join us for dinner or go down in the mess too cause sometimes we have to eat spoiled food as not all of us are good cooks," Atlas says and Hope nods as they both laugh a little.

Hope opens her door and gasps "It's so big and grand," Hope says and Atlas laughs "Not all other dorms are, only the ones on our floor are and we all have just about the same size of rooms except my sister and me because we took over our dad's room which is slightly bigger than the others," he informs her and she looks shocked at the information.

"Now I will be leaving if you need anything don't hesitate to ask any of us," he tells her and leaves as she goes inside her room and closes her door then he changes his direction and goes to Nik's room where he knew Faith and Nik would've been.

He opens the door and walks in to see both Nik and Faith cuddled up on his bed in huge size henleys which belong to Faith's father, he smiles at them before going into Faith's room which was connected to Nik's and changing into one of the fresh and new henleys and boxers that he always kept in her room.

He comes back to Nik's room and gets in bed beside Faith and hugs her tightly, she moves and looks around but after seeing Atlas she closes her eyes again and he smiles at her kisses both her and Nik's forehead, and putting an arm around both of them and pulling them closer to him and closing his eyes too with a smile and content look on his face.

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