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Faith was showing Hope around while Atlas was trailing behind them with a bored expression, the same one he used to have when they were kids, and Faith used to boss him all around the compound.

Hope looked around with wide eyes as they walked inside the magic spell book library, Hope looked at the number of Grimoires in the room and different kinds of books with supernatural history.

"My family has been around for a thousand years old, they have collected this over the years from all kinds of witches and supernatural," Faith informs Hope "Thousand years old?" Hope asks her and Faith laughs before replying.

"Sorry I forgot you were new to this, my father is the original hybrid, and my uncles and aunts are original vampires, they all are around a thousand years old, but please remember this information can not leave this school," Faith informs Hope who looks shocked and amused by this but she tries to hide it.

"Don't worry you get used to these kinds of knowledge with time," Atlas says and looks at the bracelet around Hope's wrist "Why are you wearing that bracelet?" he asks her and Hope looks down before replying.

"My parents told me to keep it on without fail when I am not in class, they're just looking out for me so I don't hurt others or myself," Hope says in a guilty voice which assures Faith and Atlas that in past Hope did hurt someone because of her lack of control over her magic.

They both look at the girl with sad looks but they decide to stay quiet for now "So do any of you have siblings?" Hope asks as she tries to start a conversation "I have elder brother and sister," Faith says and Atlas also "I am a single child," he adds.

"Who were the other students with you downstairs?" Hope asks and Faith smiles "They are our friends and they also live on this floor with us, and my younger and only cousin lives here as well," Faith explains and Hope nods as they fall into a random conversation.

Then after showing the whole floor to Hope, the three of them stop outside Hope's room when a boy around seven years old runs towards them and hugs Faith tightly, Atlas and Faith look down at him with wide eyes as they both sit on their knees to reach his height and Faith wraps her arms around the boy who still had tears falling down his eyes.

"What's wrong, buddy?" Atlas asked the little guy as he carefully moves his dirty blonde locks that were fallen on his eyes back, the little boy had a pout on his face with tear stains on his cheek as looked at the older boy.

Atlas was just looking back at him with concern and love-filled looks just like his cousin elder sister's Faith, not that he knew about it, they all hear and see Ava, Aiden, and Skylar walking towards them out of their breath.

Atlas and Faith look at their friends who were just giving them sympathetic looks "What happened?" Faith asks in a dangerous tone and with a cold face, which shocked Hope that the girl that has been nothing but nice to her can also be this dangerous and cold.

Skylar takes a deep breath before replying to the Mikaelson girl's question while Hope just looks at them with scared looks but Ava and Aiden smile at her to calm the new girl down.

"I was in the library when I heard his voice along with the voice of a few other kids who were bullying him for being different, Nik was yelling at them but he's just seven, how do you expect a seven-year-old to fight at least seven ten-year-olds," Skylar says and Faith's eyes turn darker.

"He got scared and started crying his eyes out so he lost control and a chandelier from the original Salvatore house fell down and broke," Skylar explains, Faith looks at Nik's body to see any wound but she doesn't find any except a short cut on his head, it wasn't serious though.

"Then a teacher came there and started yelling at him for breaking oh-so costly chandelier, losing control, and starting a fight but before the teacher could hit him, he just ran from there and came here," Sylar says and anyone who looked at Faith right now could say that she was planning on murdering everyone that made her little brother cry.

"We were in our class when we heard the chandelier breaking and we ran towards the voice which led us to them and our teacher started yelling at Nik but before anyone of us could've said anything he ran up here and we followed him," Ava adds and AIden nods in agreement but Faith who was busy looking at her brother.

If anyone could see Faith right now they know how much she resembles her father, you can see the calmness on her face which was hiding the storm of her anger and rage that was soon going to come upon this school and the kids who dared to cross her brother.

She turns her face and looks at the bruise formed there "They did this?" Faith asks her brother in the calmest and sweet voice they could've imagined which just left everyone there wondering how bad the storm named Faith Mikaelson's anger is going to be and how bad will it affect the school.

Aiden runs towards their kitchen and brings Nik's favorite ice cream cone for him and hands it to the little boy, Nik takes the ice cream with a bright smile and Faith nods at him before standing back up.

Faith holds his other hand as she started walking towards the staircase with Nik on her left and Atlas on her right just like always, Aiden pulls Hope too as the four of them followed the Mikaelson girl.

Faith was more like Klaus in many ways and this was the worst version, she inherited her father's anger and rage, and his love for family and close friends, Faith and Klaus were more like each other than anyone would've liked, and with their same dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, some would even think that they are twins.

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