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It's been two more months and everything was going smoothly, Hope was getting more and more curious about Faith's family and her missing sister, she didn't know why but something felt off about this topic to Hope.

She felt connected to it and she was that was all she figured out by now, she found out about her mother's birthmark in one of the history books, then she started researching more and more about the crescents and their history.

There was this name that got her attention the most, Andera Labonair, it was her middle name, Hope Andrea Marshall, at first she figured that maybe Andrea was her mother's sister or something but the more she started reading, the more she found out.

It was getting more challenging for her to distinguish between the facts she was reading and the lies her mother told her, she knew more than anyone thought she did, and she wanted to know more but she knew she can't ask Faith or her friends more or the tribrid and her group will get suspicious.

She wanted to go to New Orleans to find out the truth but she knew Hayley would never allow her because if there was something for her mother to hide then it would surely be in New Orleans.

Hope was sitting in the library upstairs with one of the books written by someone named Mary Dumas on the history of New Orleans wolf packs, and the history and creation of the greatest packs to ever live.

The combination of Crescents and North East Atlantic Pack along with some strongest members of other packs in alliance with them.

There were a lot of books about New Orleans and the family ruling over the city, and the leaders who were some of the strongest and most known people in the supernatural world, there were separate books on each of their lives too.

All these books were written by Camille O'Connell, Mary Dumas, Stefan Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman, Lorenzo St. John, and other people but these were the ones who wrote the most about New Orleans and Mystic Falls's history and the original family.

Everyone else was at the Mikaelson mansion where Faith's brother was visiting but she was here reading, she told her friends that she was not prepared for the upcoming exams so she had to stay back and study.

Faith wanted Hope to meet Marcel to get his reaction too but she knew that Marcel won't be able to lie to Klaus at all about this and as soon as he gets to know this he will go and tell Klaus everything.

The tribrid wanted her father to come here and meet Hope himself but first, she wanted to make sure that Hope was okay and well settled, the older Mikaelson girl was not used to being around so many supernatural and she was going through some of the major changes of her life.

Faith didn't want her to feel overwhelmed with everything, that's why she waited but now she thinks it's time for her to talk to her father about coming to Mystic Falls, she knew it would take weeks for her to convince him to come here and it was the perfect opportunity.

After their exams, their Christmas vacation will start so it is the right time for Hope and Klaus to meet when all the parents would are there to pick up their children for the holidays.

At that time Hayley and Jackson will also be there along with the rest of the Mikaelson family because of Nik.

Every year either Stefan or Damon or anyone from New Orleans would come to take all their kids back along with the kids from their packs and other kids from the witch faction, Faith and Atlas convinced Stefan to help them.

Stefan told everyone except Klaus to not go to pick up the kids from Mystic Falls this time as Faith wants Klaus to come and that she has something big planned for Klaus, everyone agreed and now all that was left was for Faith to make Klaus come to Mystic Falls which was the hardest step.

Both Hope and Faith were very close to their goals but they didn't know how hard their final step is gonna be and how many hurdles their future holds for them, it's going to get harder and messier with time.

Secrets that were long buried are going to come out sooner than they thought, people they thought they would never see again will come back in their lives, their enemies will be stronger than them and the only way to win would be by sticking together. 

But what happens when their limits will get tested in ways they never thought, their power of family and the new definition they made over these past years would again have to prove themselves because if not then they would lose everything they built.


Exams were over and everyone was getting ready to leave, Faith and her friends didn't pack much because they never brought anything, they had their stuff at the mansion except that they had all their stuff in both New Orleans and Mystic Falls.

Hope was sitting in her room packing her bag for the holidays while she was in deep thought, she knows a lot more now but she still needs time and more facts to be sure of her theory because a lot will be on the line for her to lose if it was wrong.

Nik was already packed but this time there were some changes, first, the older children will leave and after them the young ones, Faith's main goal was for Klaus to meet Hope and Hayley that day, she didn't care about anything else.

If the rest of the Mikaelson will also get reunited then well and good, Faith was sitting in her room with a family photo in her hands while Nik was sleeping beside her, they both were cuddled up on the window nook.

Tomorrow would be the day her father will finally meet his older daughter after almost a decade and a half, she was excited and nervous at the same time, she didn't know what her family's reaction is gonna be after they find out the truth.

Both sisters were deep in thought, both were nervous about meeting their families tomorrow, one of them knew what was going to happen while the other was rather hesitant and unknown of the changes that were going to happen from tomorrow onwards but one thing was sure, neither of them were sure with what their future holds for them.

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