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Atlas hears the sound of cars coming towards the school and they park the car way far away from the school gates, he looks at them but he knows it doesn't belong to their family so he doesn't react until he sees the people who are getting out of the car.

 Atlas and Skylar glare at them, Elijah, Rebekah, Freya, along with another female and a male, all get out of the car and try to walk in but get thrown away because of the barrier spell which makes Atlas and Skylar smirk at them.

"Elijah Mikaelson, it's better if you go away along with the rest of your family, we have enough problems as it is," Skylar says as she glares at him.

"I am afraid I can't, I am here to help the people my brother has been trying to hunt for the past fourteen years, and I can't let him kill them," Elijah says which makes Atlas scoff "Your brother? you don't even know what brother means," Skylar scoffs as well and the two cousins laugh at him.

"Fine be our guest, try your hardest, you won't be able to get in," Atlas tells them and sits beside his sister and Hope on the hood of the car as they watch Freya and another male that came with them trying to break the spell.

After countless tries, Freya looks at her siblings with a defeated look "How long is he going to stay inside? He will come out eventually," Elijah says and they keep standing a little away from the gates as they wait for the barrier to drop or for Klaus to come outside.

They were there for forty minutes before they heard a car speeding towards the main gate, a German sports car that belonged to Marcel, Atlas looked at the car and saw a few more cars behind it and they all stopped right outside the gates that were closed.

Marcel gets out of the car and looks at Atlas, Skylar, and a girl beside them, he sees Jackson and Hayley there which shocks him, and then he looks at Elijah, Rebekah, Freya, Keelin, and Vincent he wants to ask what they were doing there but right now his priority was to know where his sister was and what happened to Klaus.

Stefan, Camille, Elena, and Damon also get out of one car on the left of Marcel's sports car and Davina, Kol, Bonnie, and Enzo get out of the car that was on the right side of Marcel's sports car.

They all look at Atlas and Skylar who were on the other side of the gates with another girl who was just about their age along with two others who were looking older than them.

They all were looking at each other with shocked looks, some of them like Marcel, Kol, Davina, Stefan, Camille, Elena, and Damon recognized Hayley and the person beside her to be Jackson but others didn't.

They all knew the rest of the Mikaelsons who were also standing out just a few feet away from them, they turned their attention to Atlas and Skylar who were sadly looking at them.

"Open the damn gates, Atlas," Marcel says and Atlas shakes his head "I can't, the barrier is up, no supernatural can walk in or out of the school property, it was done by Faith so only she can lift it or someone blood related to her, you're gonna have to wait for a while," Atlas tells them.

"Atlas I need to find to go to my sister, she needs me, Klaus needs me, where is Faith?" Marcel asks and Atlas looks at Skylar "She's trying to bring Klaus back to normal," Skylar says not specifying anything knowing how badly Marcel is going to react once he knows.

"Why am I getting a feeling that you all are hiding something from me, where is Faith?" Marcel asks again and this time they decide to stay quiet.

Elijah and Rebekah were looking at Marcel who had a murdering expression on his face, the whole Mystic Falls gang was also behind them except for Caroline, a million questions were going through all their heads but they kept quiet about it.

"What the hell is happening Atlas? Where are Klaus and Faith and the rest of your friends?" Camille asks her son knowing he won't be able to lie to her but Atlas shakes his head, and Skylar gulps.

"They are inside and Faith is trying to bring Klaus back while Ava and Aiden are with her, Mom," Atlas says, Elijah and Rebekah look surprised and so do because she was thinking that maybe Camille was Faith's mother but now it was clear that she wasn't.

 Marcel turns and bangs his hand on the bonnet of his car before looking back "I need the gates of this school open Atlas, I don't care what you have to do," Marcel says and Atlas nods before turning to Skylar.

Atlas asks Skylar to bring Nik as a plan comes to his mind, she goes upstairs and wakes the sleeping boy who was not grumpy after being woken up, and comes down with Sky, Nik comes and is surprised to see his mothers and father along with uncle and aunts standing on the other side of the school gates.

Sorry for the late updates but I have exams going on along with a lot of personal things so it may take some time for me to get back to regular updates.

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