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Hope looks at her parents before moving to a different corner and doing a spell that will prevent anyone else from eavesdropping on the conversation, "Where are you going?" Jackson asks Hope who glares at him, "Just follow me," Hope replies and they both quietly do.

"We don't have time, Hope, we need to leave," Hayley says but Hope looks at her confused "Why? Why do we need to run? I am tired of running for nothing, I have my friends here, and now The most loyal friend of mine is hurt because of me because I did that to her father," Hope says and Jackson and Hayley look shocked at this.

They didn't know anything about Klaus having any other child except for Hope or Marcel "She loves her father more than anything and he is hurt because of me, she will never forgive me for what I did, she was there for me whenever I needed her and now I am on the verge of losing her because of you, and dad," Hope says and Hayley and Jackson try to say something but nothing comes out of their mouth.

"We need to leave, Hope, what happened doesn't matter," Jackson sternly tells her and Hope shakes her head "It matters, that man is Niklaus Mikaelson, how far do you think we can run, mom?" Hope asks her mother ignoring her father.

"The earth isn't big enough for us to hide, after what I did, Faith will find me and she will not rest till she has punished me for my crime, and I won't blame her because if I had a father like him, I would move heaven and earth to punish the person who hurt him," Hope says and Hayley looks at her daughter with a shocked look and an open mouth.

"Faith is a Mikaelson and family means everything to those people I have seen that, she loves her father and brother more than anything in the whole world and she may just be fifteen but she is vicious and ruthless when it comes to defending those two, she doesn't forgive and she never forgets when someone hurts them," Hope says and Jackson and Hayley look at each other.

"I can't live my life on a run, and I can't be the reason for my best friend, more like sister's unhappiness," Hope tells them which shocks them both, Hayley tries to console her daughter but nothing was working

"Please Hope try to understand we have no other option," Hayley softly tells her daughter who shakes her head and tries to get away from her mother who was holding her arm but Hayley wasn't letting go.

"Do you think you are strong enough to undo the spell? and if you do manage to undo the spell, your friends will hate you, and we can't be with those people who hate us, we need to go," she asks Trying to manipulate her own daughter but she doesn't have any other option right now.

"They have already put on a barrier around the school which will prevent any supernatural from coming in or going out without Faith's permission, we won't be able to leave," Hope tells them and they both look shocked.

"It's a Mikaelson witch's spell, no one except Faith or a direct blood relative of hers can break the spell, so it will be better if I accept what I did instead of waiting," Hope says but again Jackson stops her and holds her arm roughly in anger which doesn't go unnoticed by Hayley but she keeps quiet knowing it wasn't the right time.

"You're not going to say anything to anyone about what happened, remember we're still family and we have to protect each other, blood is thicker than water, remember that," Jackson says, and Hope glares at him and snatches her arm away from her parents and leaves to go find Faith.


Hayley and Jackson move towards Caroline's office where they find her along with Alaric and her daughters, Hayley glares at the blonde who doesn't stand down "Why didn't you tell us that Klaus Mikaelson's daughter goes to this school?" Jackson asks the blonde who glares at him too.

"This school is built on his money, he wanted a place for his daughters where they can learn about what they are without any kind of a shame, where they will be protected," Caroline tells them and Hayley's eyes go wide at this.

"Look how fate works, two unknown sisters meet for the first time here, at the place their father built for them, one of them knows the whole truth while the other is living a lie, how classic?" Caroline smirks at them.

"I knew the truth from the day Hope first came here for the school tour, I knew her, I can recognize those blue eyes anywhere, they were his, I knew she was Hope, Klaus's Hope, his daughter, and that's why I said that we don't have any seats for Hope and made a special case drama so Faith would have to come in place of her father or brother as they both were out of reach," Caroline confesses which shocks everyone there.

"Remember that day Mr. Kenner, when I called Faith and she accepted Hope and gave her the room that was meant for Hope, for Hope Mikaelson, I knew Faith recognized her, and it didn't take long for Faith and Atlas to become sure about Hope Marshall is really Hope Mikaelson," Caroline smirks at Hayley whose eyes were big, at the mention of Hope's real name.

"That's why Faith called Klaus here today, he has not stepped a foot in this town for more than a decade and he only came here today at Faith's request, it was all planned, even though this school was open with a hidden motive to find Hope because we knew that one day Hope would lose control and you would send her to a supernatural school from where we could've easily found her," Caroline tells them and realization settles in everyone there in the room.

"It was a trap, and you walked right in it, now for vacation, we all will be going to New Orleans where we will all be held responsible for our crimes, willingly or unwillingly I don't care," Caroline says and leaves the room, Alaric and twins follow behind while Hayley and Jackson stay there.

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