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Klaus drives inside the private parking lot of the school he had invested in for his daughters, he gets out of the car and calls Marcel "I have reached here and will be bringing all five of them together, and other students will be coming with their parents so we don't have to send the bus I just talked to the betas," Klaus informs his son and Marcel just laughs from the other side.

"Well hello to you too," Marcel jokes and Klaus rolls his eyes "Goodbye Marcellus," he says and hangs the call then he texts his daughter to come down along with others and moves to the more private area so no one would see him.

He was looking around, he wanted to get out of this godforsaken town as soon as possible, he hears a familiar voice coming from somewhere in the parking lot only, the voice that has been haunting him for years, the voice that he has been waiting years to listen again.

He hesitantly moves in the direction of the voice, he was scared and nervous but he wanted to see the person himself to confirm if it was really who he thought it was, he soon finds himself standing in front of the woman he has been searching for more than a decade and a half.

The woman who hurt him the most and also gave him his greatest gift, then he looks at the girl beside her who looked just about Faith's age and he instantly knew it was her, he knew who that girl was, she was his little princess, his littlest wolf, his first miracle child, his hope.

He looks at her with a shocked look, he was looking at her like it was the first time he was seeing her, she turned out to be more beautiful than he could've ever imagined, she was beautiful just like her mother and there was no doubt in that.

Tears were coming out of his eyes and he didn't know how to react at that moment, he wanted to hold her, he wanted to touch her just to see if she was real, he wanted to talk to her but he was afraid that she will push him away.

He tried to move towards her but Hayley was quick to grab Hope and put her behind her Jackson goes and attacked Klaus before he could anything but Klaus was still looking at Hope, tears were coming out of his eyes nonstop.

Jackson was constantly hitting Klaus but the original hybrid didn't do anything, he kept looking at the two females who changed his life before his youngest daughter came, the people he once actually wanted to change for.

Hope was also looking at Klaus with a shocked look and the person she knows is her father with a horrified look, she was feeling bad for Klaus and angry at her father to hit someone so badly even when that person wasn't doing anything to him, she didn't know why but she thought she's met this man before.

Hayley turns to her daughter and removes her magic nullifying bracelet "Hope, listen to me, do you know any spell that can put that man fighting down," Hayley says knowing what she was doing was wrong but right now she had to protect Jackson.

"Mom that man is not fighting, but dad keeps on hitting him, you have to stop him," Hope tries to defend Klaus which shocks Hayley but she keeps telling her daughter to do something to protect Jackson but Hope keeps quiet.

"Hope, that man Jack is fighting is the reason we've been running, he's one we've been running from, he is the reason we had to leave our city, our family, our pack, our home behind and if you don't do anything he will kill your father and me the first chance he gets," Hayley tells Hope who looks torn but decides to do what her mother said.

Hope thinks for a moment before she remembers a spell Faith taught her a few weeks ago, she knew it was difficult to spell and she had to be very careful but she also had to protect her father, no matter how their relationship was he would still be her father and she will always have his blood in her veins.

"Remember you have to be very careful while doing this spell and you know what's the best part about this spell is that it can only be undone by the person who did it in the first place, it doesn't require huge power but what it needs is stillness and proper concentration, almost every student know about it but not everyone can do it, so it's of no use,"

Hope remembers Faith's words and looks around the parking lot but doesn't see anyone or any camera so she focuses and closes her eyes as she starts chanting the spell, she didn't know how much it took for her to put that man in a supernatural coma but she did it.

Jackson looks at Hayley and Hope and they both push Hope towards their car and put her in the back seat as they both get in the front and try to start their car, they were out of the private parking lot and we stuck in the line of cars already being checked before leaving the premises for safety purposes.

They both groan but decide to stay quiet Hope was still shocked at what she just did, and something in her told her that what she did to that man was wrong, she keeps looking back to see if she can see that man again but she couldn't as they were way far from that place.

'That man was too familiar'

The thought was going on in Hope's mind nonstop and there was silence in the car and nobody was speaking or even breathing too loudly, they were so engrossed in their own minds that they forgot they were in a line, and before Jackson could move the car they all hear a loud scream.

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