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Faith walks out of her room with her laundry bag in her hand and goes to wake Nik up and tell him to get ready then she puts his laundry in her bag too and goes to the laundry room to see Aiden and Ava's bags already along with Hope's so she also puts the bag there.

After doing that she walks into the kitchen to see Hope already there cooking.

"Good Morning," Faith says and Hope looks at her with a smile that looks a lot similar to her own and her father's.

Two common things between the three of them were their dimpled smile and blue eyes.

She walks in and starts setting the table and one by one everyone walks in and greets them, they are all looking at the delicious food with wide eyes and big smiles.

"You're talented," Aiden comments, and Hope just shyly smiles back at him.

Nik and Atlas walk in fully dressed and greet everyone before they reach Faith, she kisses her cousin's head who also kisses her cheek in return while Atlas looks at her with a smirk and kisses her head but she rolls her eyes

Then Atlas looks at Skylar and kisses her head as he daily does, Skylar smiles brightly at her older brother.

They all take their place and start eating after tasting almost everything, they all look at Hope who was looking a little nervous.

"It's amazing," Skylar says while eating her food and Atlas also nods with her compliment.

"True, Hope, you're a good cook," Ava along with her twin comments.

"Told you," Faith comments while Nik gets off his chair and moves towards Hope who is looking at him confused, he motions for her to come to his level, and when she does he instantly kisses her cheek.

"You cook good, better than Faith," he says and goes back to his seat.

"You little traitor," Faith tells Nik with fake hurt and anger on her face but Nik looks at her with a very serious face

"We are not supposed to lie, Faith," he tells her and everyone at the table breaks into fits of laughter, even Faith herself.

After breakfast, they all walk back towards the fridge and grab a bottle they want, Hope looked confused after seeing a whole side of it just filled with water and juice bottles, Faith hands her one too.

"They are recommended by my aunt as sometimes while performing spells or just exhausting ourselves we lose energy rather faster so she stocked this up every month when she visits," Faith explains before Atlas comes and grabs his bottle before adding.

"And so you don't have to come up again and again, it is mixed with fruits and different energy-giving things which are all natural and no use of any kind of preservatives, so it will keep you hydrated, happy, healthy, and going," Atlas adds and Faith nods.

"And so you don't have to come up again and again, it is mixed with fruits and different energy-giving things which are all natural and no use of any kind of preservatives, so it will keep you hydrated, happy, healthy, and going," Atlas adds and F...

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Then they go to their rooms to grab their bags or books whatever they carry, Faith was in Nik's room helping him pack before they both come out to see Ava, Atlas, and Hope waiting for others.

Faith and Nik join them while Nik goes to Ava as her first class was close to Nik's and she used to drop him off in the morning a few minutes later Skylar and Aiden also join them and they leave. 

Ava, Nik, and Aiden walk away from the group to their class, Skylar also had a different class so she also left while Faith and Atlas had the same class as Hope.

The three of them walk into the classroom and everyone turns to look at them.

Josie was sitting with Penelope, her girlfriend and Lizzie was sitting alone which shocked Faith but she knew it must be because of Hope, and just like that Lizzie called Hope to sit with her.

Hope looks at Atlas and Faith who both nod at her and she sits with the blonde while Faith and Atlas take their regular place at the last bench by the window.

The class starts and Hope is introduced to everyone after that their lesson begins but Faith already knew what the lesson is about so she was just doodling in her notebook while Atlas was looking at his phone which was under the table so no one could see it.

Lizzie was boring Hope with her usual talks about her last trip with her mother's upcoming trip to Italy and her sister's relationship that she's so jealous of, and whatnot, Hope was trying to be polite and answer everything. 

Still, she wanted to focus on what the teacher was saying so she tells Lizzie to shut up which shocks the blonde.

Atlas and Faith who were sitting a little behind them heard it too and laughed a little too loud which made the blonde siphoner turn and glare at them which only made the best friends laugh more.

Hope grabs her things and changes her seat as she comes to sit alone on the empty bench in front of Atlas and Faith, Lizzie also glares at Hope who just looks at the teacher and focuses on what was happening in the class.

Just like this most of the day went on, almost all the classes Hope had were the same as Atlas and Faith but three classes were different in two she had Skylar and in the last one, she had Ava and Aiden.

Hope enjoyed her first day so far as she got to meet a lot of new people and make more friends some even invited her to a party that was going to happen on Saturday night behind the old mill, Hope told them that she will think about it.

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