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Faith wakes up and tries to move but Atlas's hold on his waist was strong so she turns in his arms and looks at his sleeping face, she traces his face with her fingers as she looks at him with adoration but then she realizes what she's doing so she tries to get out of his hold and look for Nik who wasn't with them in bed anymore.

She gets up from the bed and tries to hear if he was in the bathroom but she hears nothing so she decides to go check, she just puts on a long knee-length shrug and moves out of Nik's room then she hears the sound of laughter coming from somewhere in the hallway.

 She decides to follow it and sees Ava and Hope laughing and Nik sitting on Hope's lap while she herself sat on one of the chairs in front of the counter with Ava who was cooking, the three were joking and laughing.

Nik was laughing at something Hope said and she just stands by the door frame and looks at her brother and maybe sister with a small smile as she remembers her own childhood when Marcel and her used to play together, or when Marcel used to carry her around the compound as she sat on her shoulder, or when she first felt vampire speed and liked it so her father, brother, and uncle started carrying her around the house by their supper speed.

There wasn't just one memory for her to remember, there were thousands or millions or billions and many more to come with Hope now, she was really wishing that this Hope was really their Hope, she knew it in her heart, and all she needs now is her blood to confirm her theory.

Sensing that someone was watching them Hope looks at Faith with a smile and waved at her which brings her out of her thoughts, Faith steps into the kitchen and kisses her brother's forehead before helping Ava who smiled at her in return. 

They were joking and cooking when others entered the kitchen, just like every day boys started grabbing plates and cutlery and started setting the table while Skylar and Hope started bringing food out and putting it on the table while Ava and Faith cleaned up. 

Nik sat there watching everyone till Aiden came and sat him on his chair and they all settled down, just like her father Faith always sat at the head of the table, ever since she was little she used to follow her father.

Though he didn't go out a lot only to a few special dinners and meetings, while on the other hand, her brother used to stay out a lot, and she used to join him almost everywhere even when he went to boring meetings.

Like the king both her father and brother were, they used to sit on the head of the table, she used to sit on their lap while they discussed important matters and she did her colorings, which gave her the kind of power she loved.

But they always taught her to never misuse that power and only use it for the sake of herself, her family, and others, they always made sure that Faith knew the absolute difference between right and wrong.

Atlas sat on her right side followed by Nik and Skylar while Hope sat on her left side followed by Aiden and Ava, they all chatted about their days and told Hope about the school, after dinner, Ava stayed behind to clean.

They also told her about their routine and timetable as now she also will have to work as they did and she was excited to do it, they don't let other workers or anyone come on their floor so they had to do everything themselves, and then they added her name and gave her a day of the week too.

They had a timetable for the work on their floor that was needed as they didn't use anything from the common facilities, they had alphabetically organized the timetable and the person had to do all the chores for that day like cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.

Monday for Aiden.

Tuesday for Atlas.

Wednesday for Ava.

Thursday for Faith.

 Friday for Skylar.

Nik was young so he didn't have to do anything and they went out for weekends, it was around eight-thirty so they decided to go to their rooms to bring their books and headed towards the library and started studying, they did this every night and that's why they were also the top rankers of the school.

Atlas and Aiden were doing their assignments, Ava and Faith were doing the magic spells they had to practice, Skylar was helping Hope catch up on her studies, and Nik did his homework as he sat beside the two.

It has been almost two hours since they have been studying and Faith looks at the time before closing her book and going towards Nik "Come on buddy, time for bed," she tells him but he shakes his head "No" he says but Faith keeps her stern look.

So Nik runs away from her and she groans and her whole group closes their books and gets up to catch Nik, he was the youngest but god he was fast, everyone there was trying to catch the little boy while he wiggled out of their hold every time they caught him.

After fifteen minutes of running and playing, they were finally able to catch him and put him to bed, Faith tucked him in after he brushed his teeth and she closed his door after turning on a nightlight for him.

She was back in the library to see everyone with either juice or coffee in their hands and one apple juice also waiting for her, she smiles at Atlas already knowing it was from him as she sits beside him and Aiden.

"Sometimes I wish I had supper speed like Dad and Marcel so I could also catch him fast like they used to," Faith says and Ava laughs "You used to do the same thing?" Hope asks and Atlas rolls his eyes.

"Still does whenever she is told to go to sleep even when she knows she is tired," he says and Faith hits him playfully.

"When I was his age, I was even worse than him, I used to run around the hallways and break things like vases or paintings or anything in my path using my magic so they can't catch me," Faith says making all of them laugh.

"Nik lost things worth millions because of her," Atlas adds and Faith glares at him, while others just leave it as they were used to them "Nik?" Hope asks and Faith smiles at her "My father's name is Niklaus which is kind of old fashioned so they all call him Nik as it's short and not boring, my cousin Nik is named after my father," Faith says as she points to Nik and Hope nods.

They all go back to study when the clock makes a ringing sound at twelve o'clock, Skylar uses her magic to stop the sound and they all gather their stuff and make their way to their respective rooms after saying good nights.

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