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Faith was sitting in their lounging room with Atlas and Aiden on both her sides, Aiden was going through different places as they tried to decide where they wanna go for vacation this year.

All three of them were looking at pictures of different countries and cities but they didn't find anything to their liking.

Ava and Skylar were going through the new boxes Davina and Kol sent them, it had gifts, chocolates, clothes, books, etc.

Hope walks in with her bag, she looks around at all of them with confusion "You're all here?" Hope asks as she turns their attention toward her, they all give her a smile before nodding, Hope walks to where Faith was and she sits on the sofa seat in front of the three.

"We were bored so we came here," Aiden tells her and Faith nods "It's a room only for us five like our floor, we come here whenever we don't wish to attend our boring classes or just hang out," Atlas explains and Hope nods as she looks around.

It was much like the rest of their school with wooden cabinets with books and artifacts kept there, there was a tv along with a music system and a few snacks on the table along with a mini fridge, a mirror along with a small closet which had all few clothes along with school accessories like badges and blazers, etc.

Hope was sitting there quietly, Atlas and Aiden were debating about the country they wanted to visit Italy and Spain and Faith was getting more and more fed up with this pointless discussion.

"Enough!" Faith says and everyone stops and looks at her with wide eyes, she looks at the two boys with cold eyes and they both just look away.

"Sky, Aves, where do you two wanna go this year? Italy or Spain?" Faith asks them and they both reply together "Italy!" Aiden stands up and laughs loudly while Atlas just sighs.

"It's settled then, Italy it is," Faith says as she looks at the Salvatore boy with a smirk "But why are we even having this conversation now, we have time," Skylar says as she tries to support her brother.

Now all three of them were in an argument about why they were even looking for places when they are months away from their summer holidays.

Faith rolls her eyes at them as both Ava and Faith move away from there along with Hope, the three of them start to talk about their classes and other stuff.

There's a knock on the door, Atlas who was the closest to the door goes to open it and sees Caroline standing on the other side, he looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

"The exam dates are finalized and Elena asked me to tell you all this personally as she knows you all don't attend classes like other students," Caroline informs them and Atlas nods before he closes the door.

"Guys let's talk about which country we wanna visit later and focus on what's in front of us now, exam dates are fixed, time to study," Atlas says and Aiden groans, even though all of them were toppers of their class.

"What? Magical exams?" Hope asks as she looks at others with excitement, Faith smiles at her sister's excited look.

"Yes, but they are not as easy as they sound instead they are even more tough than normal exams," Aiden tells the girl who nods but there was still a smile on her face.

 "Come on guys, Auntie Lena told Caroline to inform us personally so let's get to study," Atlas says and everyone nods as they leave the room and head upstairs.

They all go to their rooms to freshen up and bring everything they would need for their studies, after half an hour, they all gather in the library along with Nik and start studying.

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