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Marcel walks into the compound after he was sure that Caroline left, he looks at Klaus who was still standing there with the baby in his arms, he looks at the man he used to call father with a strange look.

Klaus also stays silent even after knowing about his existence and they both just look at the little girl who opens her eyes and looks at the two men and smiles which melts their stone-cold hearts "Faith," Marcel whispers, and Klaus looks at him confused. 

"Faith Niklaus Mikaelson," Marcel says softly and the little girl laughs in Klaus's arms like she could understand what he said "Why Faith?" Klaus asks and Marcel smiles before replying as he looks at the baby in Klaus's arms with nothing but love.

"She's going to be our faith that one day we will bring our missing family home, the missing part of always and forever, our Hope, your Hope," Marcel says and Klaus looks broken at the mention of his other daughter.

"I will bring her home, I will not stop searching for them till I find her, even if I have to scatter the whole Earth for her, and now I will be the kind of son you wanted me to be, the son you deserve," Marcel says and Klaus still stays quiet.

"You never gave up on me, you always protected me even when I tried to kill you, you're a good father, it's my fault that I was never a good son but I will be now, and not only a good son, I will be a good brother too, I will shower our Faith will everything I have," Marcel says like he was taking a pledge or an oath.

"You were, are and always will be my son, a good son, we've had our differences but now I have nothing against you, the only thing I ask is my daughter's safety and happiness because I don't have any family left, I willing to give the city back to you," Klaus says but Marcel shakes his head.

"No, this city belongs to you, it always has, and it always will be, and you still have me, and she will have both of us, and I am sure Davina and Camille will not be pissed at you for long especially after meeting her, we will build our family here, a place safe for our Faith, and one day when our Hope will return it will be her home too," Marcel says and Klaus nods.

"Please gather the whole leftover crescent pack along with Davina for me tomorrow, and ask her to lift their curse I only put it on them to protect them from Dahlia's plan to kill all of them," Klaus says and Marcel smiles at him and nods then they both look at Faith who was half asleep but trying too hard to stay awake, they both laugh at her before kissing her forehead. 

They both go upstairs to Klaus's room where a crib was kept, it was a gift for Hope but now it was for Faith, he puts her there after she sleeps, Marcel leaves the room and heads towards his own room after the long night they both have had.


Marcel had some of his guys highly guarding the compound while he along with Davina headed towards the bayou to see the entire pack except for Hayley and Jackson there, Marcel asks Davina to help him capture the wolves and she does then she lifts the curse.

They both take the wolves back to the compound where Klaus was already waiting for them with a little Faith who was happily looking around her new home.

Marcel walks in and goes straight towards Faith while Davina looks at the father-daughter with wide eyes "Hope?" Davina says looking at Klaus who shakes his head and moves forward to introduce Faith.

"Davina, this is Faith my younger daughter, and Faith, this is Davina," Klaus says and Faith shows Davina her toothless grin with wide sparkly eyes who in return laughs.

Klaus asks Davina to watch Faith while he does some work here with the wolves and then he'll give her the spell that will bring Kol back without any complications, Davina was suspicious but nods nonetheless.

"Where are Hayley and Jackson, and where are they taking my daughter?" Klaus asks them but they all decide to stay silent "We won't tell you anything, you are not one of us," one of the pack members replies.

"Oh yes you're a pack, right, right, but where is your alpha when you need him? huh, where is your queen when she knows that I will take my anger out on you for what she did to me," Klaus asks them but they know that no one is coming to protect them.

As Hayley and Jackson left two days ago, and they may be on the other side of the world by now, no matter what happens Jackson won't come in front of Klaus for the rest of his life, and neither will he let Hayley come here as he knows very well that Klaus would have his funeral planned already.

"Put them all in the dungeon downstairs but not children, keep them in the plantation house and make sure they are all taken care of," Klaus tells Marcel and leaves the room, this shocks everyone there as they were expecting some kind of bloodshed and not this.

Marcel enters the room where Klaus was after doing everything he told him to, he sees Davina sitting in the small play area with a little Faith playing while also having a small conversation with Klaus about Faith, this was the first time that Klaus and Davina were in the same room and were not trying to murder each other.

"What was that downstairs?" Marcel asks Klaus gaining the attention of the others, Davina smiles at him and Faith makes grabby hands so Marcel just laughs and picks her up before turning back to Klaus who still was quiet.

"Are you just going to let them go so easily, they have got to know something about Hayley or where she went," Marcel says and Davina looks confused "What happened?" she asks looking between the two men who were just staring at each other.

"Klaus called all the wolves this morning to get some information about Hayley, Hope, and Jackson but after asking them one time which they didn't answer, he told me to put them in the dungeon downstairs and keep their children up on the first floor, and just like that he let them go," Marcel says and Davina looks confused.

"Like he didn't hurt anyone, not even yelled?" Davina asks and Marcel nods but Klaus only stays silent "Well that's a first," Davina mutters, Klaus takes Faith from Marcel's arms and takes her to the kitchen to feed her.

"What happened to him, it's like he's a different person, this is not the Klaus we all knew and hated," Davina says and Marcel nods but they decide to stay quiet for now and just observe.

For the next few days, Klaus was dull and never really came out of his room, and the only person who saw him was Marcel, the Mikaeslon compound was on lockdown just like the time when Hope was sent away with Rebekah.

But nothing stopped Marcel from working, he kept searching for Hayley, Jackson, and Hope, but every end was a losing one, though it didn't stop him from trying, he was trying to fix things that he thought he helped ruin.

It was clear that he regretted helping Elijah and Rebekah in their plan to dagger Klaus and even more stupid of not realizing that Hayley was trying to leave with Hope, Klaus was too much in his own world that he didn't even realize how Marcel was avoiding everything in hopes of finding Hayley, Jackson, and Hope.

Every morning Marcel used to check on Faith and Klaus just to find both father-daughter sleeping on the large queen size bed, after that he used to place a milk bottle and a blood bag for them and leave.

After having a tiring day and not finding anything about the two missing bastards who kidnapped his sister, even after all his efforts nothing came up, then he used to go home and to the place where he knew he will find peace.

He use to find both Klaus and Faith in the living room waiting for him then he used to play with Faith on her mat surrounded by her toys and stuffies, he used to sit with them and the three used to spend their night together.

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