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Hope was getting restless as she did not want to be away from her friends, in these past months she grew different and had a natural attachment with them, she was in her room getting ready for bed.

Earlier she had a talk with her mother who informed her of the time they will pick her up from school, Hope was tired of pretending but she knew she couldn't do anything about it at least not until she got some solid proof in her hands.

There was a very depressed and restless environment in Hope's room while all five of the friends with Nik were in Faith's room and were having one of their personal family nights, Nik who knew the whole truth was the youngest in the family but was also very intelligent and reasonable yet short-tempered.

He was furious with his family for always bad-mouthing Klaus and Marcel and how they cruelly rule the city these days that none of the spies they send there ever return, all these were baseless accusations as he knew the truth about their home because of Faith who never lied to him.

At first, Faith was hesitant with Nik but when the boy himself recognized her as family, she thought about telling him the truth as that is what she has learned from watching her family and what led to their destruction and what brought them together.

It was all those lies and unspoken words to each other, the misunderstandings, the confusion, and the lack of trust which was built based on thousand years of complaints, countless mistakes made by everyone, and the words they once idolized now came to haunt them only.

Always and Forever

For the people living in New Orleans, this vow was their strength and the only any of them have now was too much love for their kids, all five of them, while this vow became someone's strength on one side, it also became someone's weakness.

Elijah, Rebekah, and Freya were all living close but not together anymore, Freya lived with her wife and Vincent, while Rebekah and Elijah bought a small mansion outside Mystic Falls, they loved Nik very much and they met each other on lunch at Freya's house every Sunday when Nik came back from school.

Even though Nik was Freya's son, he resembled Klaus a lot, it was kind of odd but then again what was not weird in their lives, they all lost all contact with Hayley a few years ago except for the one phone call every year on Hope's birthday.

Faith had her plan already in action as she requested Klaus for the first time to come and pick all five of them from school himself as he had never once visited Mystic Falls, she didn't know why and she never even bothered to ask as she knew there many dark secrets attached to her father.

Klaus didn't know why but he also strangely agreed this time, he knew there was something off with Faith, and this is one of the reasons he agreed to return to the town that always brought him pain and suffering.

Klaus would go through hell for the rest of his whole life just to make sure Faith is happy and safe this was just a small town, all he had to do was go straight to the school and pick the kids up and head back home.

 All five of them promised that they won't stay a second longer than needed in the town as they all knew about Klaus's avoidance of this specific town.

Faith heard the time Hayley mentioned to Hope earlier so she also asked Klaus to be there at the same time, it's been years and her father is now nothing but numb whenever someone brings Hope's topic up.

It's like he doesn't remember who Hayley or Jackson was all he knows is they took Hope from him and now that his oldest daughter would've grown into a beautiful teenager trying to find her own way of life, she won't even know who her real father is.

 This single thought crossed his mind every second of all the past years except for the time he was with Faith and the pain was somewhere not hurting as much as it usually did.

Everyone could visibly see Klaus hurting and that made all of them work even harder to find where Hope was but all their leads were a dead end, they didn't know how this was possible but it somehow always happened, no matter what they do the end was always the same.

It was like Klaus has accepted the situation but it was not true, he knew Hayley had strong backing but he was not just able to find out who was backing her, he never felt so defeated in his life that he did everything they hit a dead end.

It was like something in him broke every time they returned home without their Hope, it may seem that Klaus gave up but only he knew what he was planning, he started a killing spree, against all his personal, or his family's enemies.

He gave everyone a choice, if they want to live they would have to work for him and if they don't accept then they die, simple, he was out of his mind, but due to this killing spree, there was a lot of chaos in the supernatural world.

It was like the hierarchy was back, and he was reminding everyone that there can only be one king and it was Klaus, after killing almost half of the enemies, there came a different kind of peace, the people who were allowed to live were his allies while the rest was dead.

Klaus was very close to finding Hayley and that's why she had to kill her ally who was supporting her the most before coming to mystic falls, she knew Klaus would never come back to this city so she knew she was safe for a year or two which she can use to convince Hope to leave the country.

The kind of terror that Klaus was reflecting on the supernatural community was something beyond words, the last time Hayley saw Klaus was two years ago, and the look on his face and the blood dripping from every single part of his body except for the fact that not even a single drop of that blood was his.

He looked like the walking version of death, his lifeless body, his cold and emotionless blue eyes, his blood-drenched curly dirty-blonde hair, his perfect and strong physique which terrified almost e everyone, and the blood covering all of him except for his face as he walked out of the building before turning to look at it one last time.

After that he lights up the fancy lighter in his hand and throws it toward the building which lights up soon enough, he stands there till the building falls and crumbles to nothingness, his emotions were so out of place that he couldn't even feel Hayley also standing a little far from him watching.

She took the risk but she didn't know that what she was going to see would haunt her for the rest of her life, every night since that night was the same for her, every time she closed her eyes she would see Klaus's lifeless walking version of death.

She was scared, really, really scared, but she knew that now she cannot go back so it was to run for as long as they can or what would've happened in the future would happen just now if they return to New Orleans.

Maybe this was destiny, this is fate, that after running for more than a decade and a half, they were all back in the town it all started from, they all were unaware of the storm that was heading their way, this storm is going turn all their lives upside down for both better and worse.

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