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"My father's story begins thousand years ago, my grandfather Mikael was a wealthy landowner in Easter Europe, and my grandmother Esther was a powerful witch, they had only two children and one on the way at that time, but that also only became possible because of a deal Esther made with her sister Dahlia," Faith says as she looks out of the window at the dark sky.

"That deal became my family's doom, it was a promise made by Esther that if Dahlia helps Esther in conceiving a child by magic then Esther will give her the firstborn children of their family, not just Esther's firstborn but every firstborn of the coming generation," Faith says and Hope was confused and shocked.

"Why the firstborns?" Hope asks "There is a curse in my family, the curse of the firstborn, they are cursed to be born with a devastating amount of power so in return for a fertility spell Esther promised Dahlia the children that weren't hers to give," Faith says.

"My grandmother had her first child, a daughter, Freya, I think Freya was the only one Mikael ever loved in his whole life, but because of the deal Esther had to give Freya away, she tried to fight but Dahlia was too strong, that same time a plague struck their homeland and they had to leave so before leaving Esther told Mikael that Freya died of the plague, and the loss of his beloved daughter broke the man, he turned into the monster who still torments my father," Faith says and Hope side hugs the girl who had tears in her eyes by now.

"They left Easter Europe to protect their family from the same fate, Esther had a witch friend named Ayana who heard from the spirits about a mystical land where everyone was healthy, blessed by the gift of speed and strength," Faith says and Hope tries to conclude again but fails "Vampire?" Hope asks but Faith shakes her head.

"No love, vampires weren't even a thing back then, werewolves, that led my family here, the town that is now known as Mystic Falls, they lived among those people, my family lived with them in peace for twenty years before another tragedy strikes us," Faith says.

"During those twenty years, Esther bore more children, six in total, every month on the full moon my family and other humans of the village used to hide under the caves beneath which are now known as the armory tunnels as it connects the entire Mystic Falls to the armory by the hidden passage," Faith says and Hope looks interested in learning more.

"By morning everyone used to return to their homes, but one unfortunate night my dad's youngest brother, Henrik, snuck out of the caves to watch the wolves and dad followed him but he was too late," Faith says and Hope gasps.

"The wolves in their true nature are not in control and they kill anyone in their sight, Henrik was gone, and that was last memory of my family as humans, the loss of another child shook Esther and Mikael was someone with a big ego, both of them asked Ayana to call upon the spirits and find a way to protect their remaining children," Faith says and Hope stops her.

"Why not just leave instead of all this?" Hope asks and Faith scoffs "Like I said Mikael was a man with ego and pride, he didn't wanna run anymore, he wanted to fight and be superior to the wolves, Mikael suggest a proposition of making their children stronger by magic but Aynan declined so he convinced Esther to do the spell," Faith tells Hope.

"I have seen you almost everywhere in all the classes I mean, what are you?" Hope asks and Faith smiles "I am a tribrid, a hybrid of three different creatures, there are only two of my kind, me and my sister," Faith says and Hope nods.

"How did Esther turn your family into vampires?" Hope asks and Faith nods "Esther called upon the sun for life, and the ancient white oak tree, one of nature's eternal objects for immortality, one night Mikael offered his children wine laced with blood, and then he drove his sword through their hearts," Faith says bitterly as Hope's eyes go wide.

"He killed his own children?" Hope asks and Faith nods "Without blinking but that wasn't all his cruelty, he used to abuse my dad all the time for being weak even though dad was the strongest and brightest among all his siblings and even the whole village, there were multiple times in my dad's childhood when Mikael almost beat him to death and everyone knew about it but no one ever stopped him, not even Esther," Faith tells Hope who felt bad for Klaus.

"Anyway Esther and Mikael forcefully turned their children into vampires and Mikael too turned but Esther did not, she remained a witch and in history, she is known as the original witch, the witch of the original family," Faith says and Hope nods as she remembers hearing that name before.

"But Ayana was right, the consequences for that spell were bad, and nature fought back, every strength came with a weakness as a sun became burned them, the flowers at the base of the white oak burned them, which in our time known as vervain, the spell decreed that the tree that gave them life could also take it back, the wood of the white oak is lethal to the original family so they burned it to the ground, but the darkest part was the blood, blood was what made them reborn and it was blood they craved the most for," Faith explains.

"And that is how the predatory species were born, the born of the original vampires and that's why my family is also known as the original family, but that was just the beginning of our families pain and suffering, the first full moon after dad made his first kill, the truth came out about who he really was," Faith says.

Sorry guys for updating late!!

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