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Everything was going smoothly, Hope was finally settled in and was comfortable with her surroundings, she was finally getting along with everyone on her floor as well as some other kids.

It was night time and almost everyone was in bed but Hope was tossing around on her bed, for someone like Hope it was a normal thing so she got out of her bed and left her room, she was moving towards the kitchen but stopped when she sees the lights on from under the door of Faith's room.

Faith loved her sleep so it was strange for Hope to find that she was still awake, Hope knocks on Faith's door but she doesn't get any reply after three-four times a reply comes from inside "I am fine, Attie, go back to sleep," Faith says but Hope again knocks which makes Faith annoyed and she uses her magic to open the door.

She doesn't change her position even after hearing footsteps, Hope looks around before seeing her friend sitting in the extreme corner of the room "I am not Atlas," Hope says and steps into the room before closing the door behind her.

This gains Faith's attention who was sitting on the small sitting place arranged in front of the oversized window of her room while looking out at the dark sky the same sky was visible on her roof instead of the ceiling, the Mikaelson girl quickly wipes her tears and looks at Hope.

This gains Faith's attention who was sitting on the small sitting place arranged in front of the oversized window of her room while looking out at the dark sky the same sky was visible on her roof instead of the ceiling, the Mikaelson girl quickly...

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(Kind of like this.)

"Sorry, I thought it was Atlas, come in," Faith says but doesn't move from her place, Hope moves and sits beside Faith who had her phone and a letter in her hand, Faith takes off her headphones and looks at Hope with a smile.

Hope looks around before looking at Faith with a raised eyebrow "Nyctophilla," the tribrid says and Hope looks more confused which makes Faith laugh "When one finds comfort in darkness or night," Faith says and moves her hand that makes the visible sky disappear and brings back the ceiling.

"What happened? Why do you need comfort for?" Hope asks Faith who smiles and shakes her head "It's not about me, it's about my father," Faith says and Hope looks confused "What happened to your father?" Hope asks and Faith smiles.

"Nothing and everything," Faith says, "Meaning?" Hope asks and Faith holds the other girl's hand before giving her a soft smile "Trust me, Hope, you don't wanna know about my father, or what he's been through, it will break you in half," Faith says but Hope shakes her head.

"I'd still like to know," Hope says and Faith takes a deep breath before turning to look at a chest of drawers, a book comes out of it flying right into Faith's hand, the tribrid opens the book and hands it to Hope.

"Klaus Mikaelson: the great evil," Hope read out loud and Faith smiles "His full name is Niklaus Mikaelson but people call him Klaus, he is the original hybrid, the first of his kind," Faith says and then handed Hope her phone which showed had Klaus and Marcel's photo as wallpaper.

"The one in the black is my father and another guy is my elder brother, Marcel, short of Marcellus Gerard-Mikaelson, my father adopted him two hundred years ago when Marcel was a slave working for his biological because he was an illegitimate son,...

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"The one in the black is my father and another guy is my elder brother, Marcel, short of Marcellus Gerard-Mikaelson, my father adopted him two hundred years ago when Marcel was a slave working for his biological because he was an illegitimate son," Faith explains and Hope smiles at the two men who were looking quite happy in the photo.

"They look happy," Hope says and Faith looks at the photo too before a tear comes down her cheek "There isn't a kind of pain in this world that my father hasn't already been through," Faith says and Hope looks a little shocked at the claim.

"You know what they say even the most beautiful smiles hide the darkest secrets, and the prettiest eyes have cried the most tears," Faith says and Hope nods "I have a half-sister, the room that you live in was actually meant for her," Faith says and Hope looked shocked.

"I am sorry I didn't know," Hope says but Faith shakes her head "Don't worry, my sister was taken away from our father by her own mother," Faith says as she remembers the story she once heard from her uncle Kol "I wanna know his full story," Hope says and surprising both herself and Faith who smiles thinking it might because her doubt was true.

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