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Faith was sitting beside her father while Lizzie and Josie were trying to siphon the spell out of Klaus and Hope along with their other friends was standing behind them along with Caroline and Alaric.

"We can't," Josie says after stopping the siphoning for the seventh time, they both open their eyes and look at Faith who is sitting there with a no-emotion look "We can't do it," Lizzie adds, "If we try to siphon anymore then we might also siphon the magic that's keeping him alive," Josie tells them and Faith looks at them with anger in her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Aiden asks them and they look at him "He's a vampire, hybrid yes but still a vampire, and it's magic that brought him back to live a thousand years ago, and it's been magic that's been keeping him alive for so long," Lizzie explains.

"And his wolf part is also a result of the curse that was placed using dark magic, if we try to siphon the spell out of him, we may also siphon either the vampire part or wolf part or even both, and we don't know what will happen to him if we are not successful," Josie tells them.

"There is a big chance that he might lose his vampire side or wolf side or he may also be dead if we siphon too much and suck all the magic out of him, or he may also be locked in his own mind forever, the only two options we have here," Josie adds and Faith looks at them with a raised eyebrow.

"Either the person who did this reversed the spell or someone has to go inside his mind and wake him, from the stories we've heard about him, we know that he has fought strong spells before, there is a chance that he might be strong enough to fight the spell and even overpower it," Lizzie informs them and Faith looked like she was forming a plan in her own mind.

"Thank you for your help but now I need some time alone with him, you all should leave and make sure everyone in the school is safe and properly taken care of," Faith says and Caroline nods before leaving with her daughters and Alaric.

"I need to go inside his mind," Faith says and her friends just look at each other not saying anything because they know Faith will not change her mind, not when they are talking about Klaus's safety so it was better if they knew it would be best if they kept quiet.

"Atlas and Hope go to the main gate our family will be reaching soon, Ava and Aiden will be here with me, for extra protection if something goes wrong, while Skylar please go and handle Nik," Faith tells them and they all nod before leaving to do what they were told.

Atlas and Hope were walking down when Hayley and Jackson joined them but Atlas kept quiet as they all went and stood in front of the main gate, Aiden and Ava stayed in the back corner of the room while Skylar was with Nik in his room watching TV.

Faith looks at Ava and Aiden and nods at them before putting her hands on her father's head as they both start chanting a spell that will send her into his mind, they both had to do the spell but now Faith can come out whenever she wanted.

All she had to do was snap her fingers and now they had to do was wait and they did, Ava and Aiden stood there looking at the father-daughter.

Nik was continuously asking Sky about Faith and what happened to that man but she had no answers for him, all she could do was tell him that they were fine and Faith was busy with some important stuff she had to do.

She feeds him lunch and puts him to sleep before joining Atlas and Hope at the main gate as they wait for their family.

Atlas looks at Skylar who was looking tired because of standing for so long and he knows she won't leave no matter what he said or did so he goes into the parking lot, brings his car out, and motions Skylar to sit on it.

She smiles at him and kisses his cheek before climbing on the hood, everyone knew that Atlas didn't like anyone near his car, and the only people who ever went near it were Skylar, Faith, or Aiden, he smiles back at his sister and Hope looks a little jealous after seeing their relationship.

She always wanted a sibling but she knew she could never have that because her mother was a vampire, Skylar, and Atlas looked at her sad look and knew why it was there but decided to stay quiet as the truth was going to come out soon.

Marcus comes to Atlas "We didn't find anyone who could've hurt him, no one is suspicious," he tells Atlas who shakes his head in anger but nods "Fine you all can rest and ask NEA pack members to also rest, our families are already coming here, we will be leaving as soon as Nik is back to normal," he tells them and they all nod before leaving.

Hope looks at Atlas "How long do you think it will take for Faith to wake her dad?" Hope asks the boy who shakes her head "No idea, she is in his mind, we don't know what might happen in there but one thing I am sure of is, it won't be long before Klaus comes back to normal now," Atlas says and Hope raises her eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean?" Hope asks and Atlas points at her parents "I know you might not like this but I am pretty sure your parents have something to do with Nik's condition and now that Faith is in his mind she has access to his memories," Atlas says and Skylar nods in realization.

"So even if she won't be successful in waking him up, she will know who put him in that condition and she will not rest until she catches the person and makes them reverse the spell, and we all know that the person is still in the school," Skylar says and Atlas nods in confirmation.

Hope looks shocked but decides to stay quiet, she knew she would be quiet but that's not what she was afraid of, she was afraid of losing Faith because of some stupid fight her so-called father had with Klaus, and her string of thoughts was broken by the sound of cars approaching the school.

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