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Klaus was playing with Faith while Marcel was making her milk bottle ready when Davina walks into the compound with a bright smile on her and Camille beside her mirroring the smile, they both walk towards Klaus and Faith and take the little girl in their arms and Klaus glares at them as Marcel joins them with a milk bottle in his hands.

"Let me see my youngest niece," a voice comes from the door and they all turn to look at the youngest male original vampire walking in with his usual coky grin, he smiles at the little girl in his girlfriend's arms who laughs and giggles at him.

"Let me see my youngest niece," a voice comes from the door and they all turn to look at the youngest male original vampire walking in with his usual coky grin, he smiles at the little girl in his girlfriend's arms who laughs and giggles at him

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Faith makes grabby hands at him and he takes her in his arms, she nuzzles her face in his neck and he laughs at her then looks at his older brother who had tears in his eyes, Kol pulls Klaus in a hug from one arm while he held Faith in other.

After the reunion was done Faith sat in her father's arms as she drank her milk from the bottle in his hands, Marcel, Davina, and Camille informs Kol about everything that had happened while he was dead, Klaus just sat there with Faith not saying anything or giving any reaction.

"That bitch, if I get my hands on her I will kill her," Kol says harshly and Klaus glares at him because no matter what she was still the mother of his child, and he can't kill her or let anyone else kill her.

"No one is touching her, she is still Hope's mother, our family has lost almost everyone and both my daughters will grow up without the big happy family they deserve, and on top of that my one daughter is already going to grow up without a mother while other maybe have a lying bastard as her father, they can't lose any more than they already have," Klaus tells them and they all shut up.

 After a few minutes of useless talk, Faith finally goes to sleep so Klaus puts her in the crib that he put in the room beside his office, then he and everyone move to his office but they keep the door open so they can hear when Faith wakes up.

Marcel was telling Kol about their plans to secure the city when Klaus's phone starts to ring, he looks at the ID to see an old friend's name flashing on the screen, he goes to answer it but then remembers what Caroline said the day she gave Faith to him and left them alone.

His heart gets filled with hate towards the person calling and everyone related to him, and he declines the call, the person keeps calling Klaus but he keeps declining it which makes others look at him with confused looks, suddenly the air shifts and a paper appears above Klaus's head, it falls in his hands and he glares at it.

He knew who it was from and he tries to tear it but then suddenly something tells him to read it, he opens the note and looks at it, he didn't wanna help the man but he knew deep down that he has to start making more allies now.


I know why you are not answering my calls but please help me, I know I don't deserve it but please I need your help, I have been marked by none other than Rayna Cruz, I am outside your city and I can't seem to get in, it's like a magical barrier that's keeping all supernatural out of the city, please help me and I will forever be in your debt.

Your old friend,

Stefan Salvatore.

He looks a little confused after reading it and looks at Marcel who was telling Kol about their plans for the city but Klaus interrupts him "What is this news about the barrier around New Orleans that is keeping others from entering the city?" Klaus asks his son and Marcel nods.

"There have been people from a company called King Maker owned by someone named Lucien Castle and they have been silently hunting werewolves, at first Aiden told Jackson about it but Jackson told him to ignore it," Marcel said and Klaus looked shocked.

"Then when they started fighting back on their own, the company started sending vampires, and we all were so busy with the wedding then Kol's death and then those missing kids, Eva or Rebekah drama, and then Dahlia, we didn't even notice that most of the vampires in the city were not ours," Marcel adds.

"And after everything that happened, I had to make sure no one else supernatural without my permission can enter the city so Davina helped me put a barrier around the city, I promised you that I will make this city safe for Faith and I did," Marcel informs him and Klaus nods with a smile.

"Well I have an old friend waiting for me just outside New Orleans, get him for me will you?" Klaus asks Marcel who nods but looks confused, he leaves for the location Klaus sends him while everyone else stays behind.

"You remember Rayna Cruz, Kol?" Klaus asks his brother who nods "Who ended up on her bad side, Nik?" Kol asks Klaus sighs "Stefan Salvatore," he informs his brother who looks like he would kill the Salvatore boy as soon as he arrives.

"We can't make any more enemies than we already have rather I say we try to make more and more allies, if not for us then for the next generation, for my kids," Klaus says knowing what was Kol planning to do.

"Do you know how to kill her once and for all?" Klaus asks Kol who nods his head but sighs "It's not that easy, Nik, she is hard to kill and even harder to run from," Kol replies and Klaus nods his head in agreement "But she can't enter New Orleans as long as the barrier is still up," Klaus nods and Davina nods "No supernatural can enter," she tells them.

"What are you all talking about?" Camille asks them with confusion but before anyone had the chance to answer her they hear Faith's cries, Klaus quickly gets up and leaves the room as Kol explained to the two girls about Rayna Cruz.

After an hour Klaus was sitting with Faith on his lap while Camille was in the kitchen preparing food for them and Davina was doing a locator spell, and Kol was on the phone with someone from the armory Klaus told him about can help them kill Rayna Cruz.

Marcel walks in while Stefan was stopped at every gate as he had to go through securities checks every few steps, finally Stefan was allowed in the compound and he looks at Klaus who had a baby in his arms and was seated beside Kol, and two other girls.

Klaus passes Faith to Marcel who gladly takes his sister in his arms and starts playing with her, Stefan looks at Klaus "Thank you so much for agreeing to help me," Stefan says and Klaus simply nods his head.

"Stefan, the man who brought you here is my son, Marcel and the baby in his arms is my youngest daughter, Faith, then you already know Kol, then that blonde one is my friend Camille and another girl beside her is Davina and the everyone this is Stefan Salvatore, my old friend," Klaus introduces everyone there and they all smile at each other before sitting down.

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