Blue x reader (platonic/fluff) Thank you

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Your pov:

Ughh... can this situation get any worse...? 

First we were planning to go to the odds world and then we crashed... then we have to find blocks for a random speaker. LIKE- DO IT BY URSELF. AND MOST OF ALL- HOW CAN THE BLOCKS FLY EVERYWHERE AROUND JUST BCS IT FELL OVER??

And then my classmates are being so annoying bcs they are like "I'm scared..." duh, everyone here is scared- we've been kidnapped by this random speaker! 

Now I have collected 5 blocks. I guess I should just bring these to the theatre and go search for another ones.  Dang it... I have headache... I guess its bcs of the situation right now. Being trapped here is stressful enough.  I just want to go back home and do my daily stuff... I wished I was sick today... but bcs of my luck I guess, I always get sick on weekends. (AN: Life was never fair, buddy)

I followed the blue signs that lead to the theatre.  Ah here I am. Finally. This is so tiring even though I was just walking with blocks. I put the blocks on that table or whatever it was. Welp, time to find another one- then I heard a weird noise. Like an snoring old man- (dry, but it rly sounds like that for my ears)

Then I heard one of my classmates screaming. "RUN!" It was a girl. She was running like crazy from something. I didn't know from what she was hiding so i took my box out and hid inside of that box. I heard that weird noise again but louder and closer. And the girls screaming like that one guy in the horror movie that gets killed in the beginning of the movie. I peeked through the whole of my box. I saw a blue tall creature with a crown. He had an eye with a cross. Then I saw my classmate getting caught and getting eaten.  I wasn't sure what I had to do so I kept quiet and acted like a box. Soon that creature went away. I was still scared of getting out of the box, but if I stay here nothing will continue, so I got out and searched for another blocks. I wonder how many people got eaten from that thing...

Now we only have to find the last block.I think it will be troublesome bcs it is troublesome in many games when u have to find something. It always takes time with the last one. Right, I still wasn't in the last floor. I guess I gotta go search there.

I didn't think that I would find the last block so fast. Now I gotta bring it back and hope that I can rest or better go home but I don't think it will happen. I was abt to turn a corner until I heard that noise of a sleeping old man again. It was coming this way. I quickly hid in my box and acted like a box. I saw that blue creature again. It passed me by and now its walking behind me. *sigh* I guess I can go out and go but quickly. I mean I'm at the corner so he won't see me in like 1 sec. I went out of my box and went to turn the corner but then I heard a bit more weird noise than before...? Like a horror monster finding their victims. I turned around to see running toward me! Shit- I ran away. Hiding won't help till he loses me. But thankfully he is slow. Then i heard a crash. I looked back again what happened.  He tripped- like there was nothing on the floor for him to trip-. I guess he is clumsy.  This won't happen normally in a horror game or smt. When he looked up to me and saw me he looked like he was abt to cry but holding in. Ngl, that's kinda cute. Then i noticed he has a bruise(?) on his forehead. Bro fell down on his face-. I went to him bcs I'm stupid and looked closer to his forehead.  He looked confused and scared what I'm gonna do. I put my hands in the pocket and pulled out a cool pack that was still cold bcs of wattpad and gacha logic on his head. He was startled from my action but also kind happy. He sat down and pressed the cool back on his forehead.  Welp, since he seems fine now, I will go.  But then he pulled me back. I thought I was gonna die but he pulled me on his lap and hugged me! I guess he wants to say thank you. That's cute... I smiled without thinking and made my self comfortable. I guess I can stay for a while here... I forgot what comfort felt like bcs of the stress here... but I remembered again thank the blue creature...

All of the Blocks were back.

" Thank you. You can rest for now, you need it" said the random speaker.  Finally... We went into our room and went to our own bed. Everyone was asleep expect me. I guess I was happy bcs of what happened before. I was trying to sleep until I hear a noise of a paper sliding from the door.  I looked toward the door and saw a paper. I then hear a footstep going away. I went to get the paper.  

(I know it sucks but yh

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(I know it sucks but yh...;-;)(they're not blushing bcs they like each other. It's more like happy blushing)

Omg...I can't...its soo cute!  So his name is blue. I should thank him for his thanks you... it's so beautiful.  I rly made a great new friend.

Thank you, Blue.


Hello, Author here. Hope you enjoyed this one shot. This wasn't requested by anyone. But I wrote it bcs I wanted to. I'm going to write a oneshot that I thought of for each character and if there is a request I will going to do that. I don't think there will be soon though. Anyway, thx for reading^^

Art info:

Made by me

Time taken: 30 mins (sry I was lazy)

App: Ibispaint 

Drawn with my tablet

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