Orange x dinosaurlover!reader

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I wrote this story because I love dinosaurs and never saw a dinosaurlover!reader. I'm sorry I'm writing a lot of stories that aren't requested but I had ideas, so not my problem. Blame my brain for that.

Your POV:

I am searching for fuses and surviving from rainbow creatures.  I can't believe I'm getting chased by a rainbow...most of all, why are there blue,green and purple and I guess orange though I haven't seen him yet, when there is no red?? Bro- red is the most important colour in rainbow, right? It's the first colour in rainbow! This place was weird enough with a drooling blue king walking there but it's more weird because there is no red! Ugh... I miss my home...I wanna read and Google more about dinosaurs!I still have many things to learn about dinosaurs. They are interesting and are so cool.  And now I'm stuck here. There is no wifi for searching up and I didn't bring my books. This place is just boring...

I went to a cave I found last night. Last night there was only a shield saying:"orange's hideout" . But today I could see on the upstairs something orange. It's moving. Because it's breathing I guess. He must be asleep. Right, the speaker said I should feed him or he gets out and throws a tantrum.  I went to the machine and put food in his bowl. That's when he woke up. Crap! He woke up. I need to leave- But then I realized that, that orange creature is a dinosaurier.  A dryptosaurus (google it, if you don't know) ! "OMG, YOU'RE A DRYPTOSAURUS, AREN'T YOU?!" I asked screaming. Now I am a fan girl/boy/other of a small dryptosaurus. "Uh...I guess yes...?"he replied.  Oh wow...he talked. "Ohhhh, a talking dryptosaurus! Interesting...!"i said and got my small notebook from my pocket out and wrote it. "What are you writing...?"he asked. "Oh, nothing. Just about you, you know? I'm writing here every information of dinosaurs I get. "I answered while I was writing. "Cool...I guess..."he simply said. He seemed a bit uncomfortable. "Oh, do you want me to go? Wait- don't tell me writing about you makes you uncomfortable."I said a bit worried and put my notebookon the floor. "No. It's not that... I'm just not used to it...people being interested in me..."he said shyly. "Huh? Why wouldn't they be interested in you??"I asked. He looked a bit sad. "It's because I'm short. And I mostly stay in my cave, not outside so I'm like uhh...forgotten?"he said. That made me sad... how can people not be interested in this cute little dryptosaurus?! And doesn't it make him more interesting that he doesn't come out? He's so mysterious! "Orange-"i wanted to talk but got interrupted. "No, go away... I don't need your pity... you're only going to think I'm weak and then forget me...everyone are the same..."orange said looking away. "But I-"i got interrupted again. "No seriously... you don't have to act. It makes me angry..."he said a bit upset. Welp, I guess I should leave him. "Alright... but if you need someone to talk, you can talk to me."i said smiling and walked out of the cave. Poor him... I think he is just lonely.  I walked to the theatre to see my classmates. I guess we're finished with our task?

Now it was rest time. Everyone went to their bed and slept. But I was now searching my notebook everywhere in this room and my clothes. God where is it?? It's really important for me! I wrote a lot of thing there and it's going to be a waste!? No, I can't let that happen. It must be somewhere. Maybe I dropped it? So I should check outside. I checked if the door is locked but it was unlocked.  Lucky! I went out of the room quietly and started searching for my notebook. 

I have been searching for a hour but can't find it! I swear to god, if I can't find it... I might kill everybody here and myself. Then I remembered. I put my notebook on the floor when I wrote a few things about orange... so it must be in that cave! I hope he won't kill me when I go in...

I was infront of the door of this cave now and prepared myself going inside. Alright, I can do it! Just be silent and quick. It must be there! I then opened the door and started searching. But it's not there...? But- it must be here! I put it here somewhere on the ground, I know that! Why is it not here?! I started to panic so I started to be a bit loud. Then I realized that orange was there and turned to look at him. He is sleeping. I sighed in relief and continued searching. I searched everywhere in this cave. Literally everywhere! Even inside a gap between the rocks! But it's nowhere! Should I just give up? But... I sighed again. I guess I should give up and write a new one when I get out of here... I then heard something. Heard something from orange's hideout. I looked towards his cave and saw he is waking up. Shit! I have to run! I was about to run, but I tripped because there are many rocks. Welp, I'm dead. I looked towards orange's hideout again and saw him awake. He seemed sleepy though. "Hm...what was that sound? *yawn*"he said and rubbed his eyes. Now his eyes were completely or more like almost completely open. He then stared at me for 5 seconds.  "'s you, again... what are you doing here...?"he asked tired. "I uh... was searching for my notebook. Have you maybe seen it somewhere?"I asked. He then blinked twice. He then thought like a minute. I guess he really is sleepy. "Ah, that notebook. Wait a minute...*yawn* i know where it was uh..."he spoke somehow alone but at the same time to me. "Somewhere far away...?"he asked himself. "Ah! It's under my butt!"he said and stand up. Bro seriously...? He seems grumpy but he seems like a funny dinosaur.  I thought a bit grinning. "Welp, here it is. You sure do have a great handwriting. Or not...?I don't's handwriting really sucks so... well at least yours is better than his."he complimented me. So there is red! "Uh...who is red?"I asked. "Oh, someone who created us. He is a scientist and a doctor at the same time to us."he answered. "So, that's why his handwriting sucks, I guess."I joked. He giggled. "Yeah, maybe. Are the other doctors like that to?"he asked. "Yeah, man...dude, it looks like they are writing with left hand even though they are right-handed!"I said. He laughed. "Red writes like that to!"he said. "Then I guess he is a real doctor and a scientist.  Hey, do you know what a karen is?"I asked. "No, what is that?"he asked. "Well, let me tell you about my first encounter with a Karen..."

"Woah, that karen must have anger issues! I hope I don't have to meet karen..."he said a bit scared. "Yeah, man! It's better if you don't meet them! They can sometimes be really more violent than a gorilla!"I said. "They sound like a horror story killers! How did you survive them?!"he asked. "Heh... I had a plan before I encountered this karen..."I said proudly and mysteriously. "And the plan was...?"he asked excited. "Run away, of course!"I said. "Ohh! I should keep that in my mind to!"he said smiling. Gosh, his smiling was so cute! I wanna hug him soo bad!

So I did. "God, are you cute! How can you be so cute?!"I yelled. He seemed to be surprised and confused. Then he blushed because of embarrassment.  "I-uh... I am not cute! Just because you complimented me, doesn't mean I will be happy!"he said grinning a lot. That was cute and funny to. "I knew that many dinosaurs would be cute but you... you're way too cute! I can hold you forever like this!"I said hugging him more tight.  "Uh... I can't breathe..."he said coughing. I ended the hug sadly. " Hey, did you realize that, we became friendly to each other in less than 30 minutes? I mean friendly like we are good friends."I asked. "Now that you mention it, yeah. I didn't know that people can be friends in less than 30 minutes..."he said amazed. "Well, not every people can do that. It depends with who you're trying to be friends. Since we seems to match, we became friends in less than 30 minutes."I explained. "Ah... so you can't always be friends with everyone you want to?"he asked. "No, most of all, I'm a dinosaur obsessed human. So I guess I'm a real weirdo."I said. "Well, maybe to them, but not to me. You seem like a great human to me."he said a but shyly. Now that made me happy. "Aw... thank you, orange... you're great to."I said and hugged him again. This time he hugged me back.

  "Thank you..."

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