Purple x child!abused/bullied!reader

644 13 44

Sorry for posting it late! I sprained my finger which is still not completely healed so I couldn't write long texts. (I could only write messages bcs it's short). 

Requested by @PassionMacha





Knives (is this also a warining?)


Your pov:

I was running for I don't know...2 hours? I don't even know where I was but I still kept running. I didn't want them to find me. I wanted to be far away from them and live for once a happy and free life... I always got beaten up at home and I was made fun of that at school. I hated it! So I ran. But I got slower as much as I thought about running away.

 Is this really the right thing I'm doing? Will I really be happy after this? 

I felt dizzy while I was thinking about this.  I didn't know where i was walking until I bumped into a wall. I fell down and looked up to see that this was the dead end. Guess I should go back a bit and chose another way. I turned around but just to see 2 older men. They were grinning and smirking.

"Yo, look what we have here. Someone is in our lair..."

One of them said. I backed away as they walked closer.

"Let's teach them a lesson..."

The other guy said and took out a knife from his pocket. I panicked and backed away faster just to bump into the wall behind me. They walked closer.  Soon they were infront of me and one of them held my arm. The guy with the knife held my sleeve up and started cutting my arm as I  cried in pain. They were laughing.

"That should teach you not to enter our lair..."

They said chuckling as the guy with the knife held the knife higher. I knew what was about to happen. I was about to get stabbed and die.

Is this really the end...? Without knowing what the real happiness is? I ran away so I can be happy right? But I ended up here...

"Say goodbye to the world!"

The guy said and was about to stab me until...

The other guy screamed and I was free. He was not here. The guy with the knife looked confused. 

"Bro, where are you? You should hold this kid so it will be easier for me."

The guy said but no response. He groaned.

"Ugh, then I will just hold you and stab you. Then I will find that ass-"

He got interrupted by him falling down on his face. It was dark, I couldn't see what was happening.  Then I saw him getting dragged to a vent and then heard screaming. I also heard splashing and ripping sound. I was scared but also relieved? Probably because I somehow got saved but also scared that I'm next.  I was on the floor still shocked and scared. I tried to stand up but my body didn't move. Then I heard noises from the vent. I backed away from the vent. Soon I saw 2 big eyes looking at me. Then I saw a purple hand? The creature opened the vent and soon got out of it. I was shocked. It was a big purple mascot? Even though it was big and probably is the one that dragged those mans into the vent, I feel safe. I don't know why. 


I said. The purple guy (*intense 'it's been so long' music on*) stared at me and crouched down so we were eyes to eyes. 

"Hello, kid. What are you doing here at the dark? It's dangerous."

I assumed it was a he as he talked because of the voice.  

"Not dangerous like my home..."

I muttered quietly so he couldn't hear me but to my luck he did hear me.

"Is something going on at home?"

He asked me. I looked away so he won't see my teary eyes. He the put his hand on my head and started moving it. What was he doing?

"Sir, what are you doing?"

I asked. 

"I'm patting your head."

He answered. 'Patting'?

"What is 'patting'?"

I asked. He stopped his hand movement and looked surprisingly at me.

"You don't know what head pat is?"

He asked. I shook my head. 

"Well, what I'm doing right now is a head pat. Do you know hugging?"

He asked me. I shook my head.

"Uh, you don't have hapephoboa (fear of touch) right? I mean, I asked that after I patyed your head but yh."

He asked me and I shook my head. He smiled relieved and wrapped his arms around me.

"This is a hug."

He explained shortly. I didn't know what this was but it felt...comforting. It made me want to cry...of happiness.

"You know...you don't have to go home, if you don't want to. I can stay with you."

He comforted me. I also wrapped my hand around him.

"I will protect you and can teach you a lot of happiness."

He said and this made me burst out of tears.  He kept hugging me.

"I-i'm sorry! I just...nobody ever told me these before a-and...!"

I said crying. He patted my back.

"Shhhh...it's ok...you're safe here...nobody can hurt you physically and mentally...I will protect you..."

He comforted me as I continued crying. 

"I-i...I thought nobody would like me...because my family hates me...! S-so...they would hurt me and I was scared...so I ran away..."

I explained him why I was here. 

"That's horrible...they don't deserve you, kid."

He said. I was confused. 

"What do you mean by that, sir?"

I asked.

"They don't deserve brilliant people like you. And you deserve better."

He said. I never knew that people can deserve people... 

"Do I deserve you?"

I asked. He stared at me.

"Well, do you think I'm a great person?"

He asked. I nodded.

"Then I guess you deserve me."

He said chuckling. I also chuckled.

"Let's get you patched up. Hey, do you wanna meet my friends?"

He asked.

"Are they good people?"

I asked. 

"Of course."

He said. I smiled and nodded. He chuckled and carried me to his vent so he could patch me up at his place.

I guess happiness does exist atleast once in someone's life...

Sorry this is short...;-;

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