Purple x reader (fluff) the rise of purple

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This story is about you meeting purple but the version of this video above. If you don't know how purple is like in this version, I suggest you watch this video before reading this chapter.

Your pov:

I was just taking a walk in the rain. I had my umbrella with me and I was wearing a raincoat. I was currently listening to relaxing music. Relaxing music under the rain is really relaxing. I was walking for like 30 minutes and I decided to go back home, because my phone was dying. I stopped listening to music and started to listen to the rain drops. The sound is very relaxing to. That's why I like rain. Then suddenly i hear something other than the rain. It came from down. Like something moving under the ground or something. I looked down in the ground but there was only water. I looked around but there is nothing. I guess I was just imagining thing... I tried to walk again but I heard the noise again. It was more clearly. I looked down again but there was nothing. But when I turned my head a  it in the right, I saw a vent and inside was...

... eyes? Wait what?? No,no,no. That can't be. I closed my eyes and slapped my face. I looked again. Ok, I wasn't imagining things. There are still eyes. I crouched down to take a better look. The owner of the eyes were purple. When I went closer it backed away quickly. Oh shoot, did I scare it? I don't know what it was but I didn't want it to be scared. I said in a calming voice:

"Hey, it's ok...I'm not gonna hurt you. My name is y/n, what is yours?"

It went a little bit closer. I think it's trying to open up to me. It looked at me for a few seconds.  It made a weird cute quite noise. I guess that's the voice of it? Was it trying to communicate with me? 


'Pur'? I could hear it clearly.  It tried to speak so I can hear and understand it. Woah, it's voice was really high and cute.


'ple'? 'Pur' and 'ple'. Ah! 'Purple! Makes sense, since it is purple.

"Your name is purple?"I asked to make sure. It nodded. Aww...how adorable. 

"Say, what is your gender?"I asked. It was silent for few seconds. I guess he's trying to remember what word it was? 

"Ma-l?"it answered but really unsure because it didn't know the word correctly.  But I think it wanted to say 'male'. 

"A male?"I asked. He nodded repeatedly. He seemed happy that I understood him. Then he started to 'talk' with his adorable voice. Some words were understandable but some not. But it was cute and funny. So I tried to communicate with him to. 

1 hour has passed and I realized that I have to go home, because I have to cook or I won't be able to eat anything.  

"Hey, purple...I need to go...I need to go home and cook..."I said. Purple frowned. Oh my god- I want to take him home soo bad!!! He is way too cute! Purple then brought his hand outside of the vent and softly held my ankle. He made a voice that sounded like 'ngyah'(that voice he does in the video). He didn't want me to go. 

"Purple... I really need to go... I promise I will come back here..."I said. But he still frowned. I guess he is really lonely there. Then I had an idea of taking him home. If he wants to of course. 

"Hey purple, do you want to come with me?"I asked. He looked at me quietly.  He seemed a bit scared? 

"I mean if you want to! I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything!"I yelled a bit in panic. Purple was still quite. He then held his other hand on his vent and opened it. He then took out his hand to mine. He wants to go with me?? Yes! I was happy like hell. 

Alright, finally home. It was hard to hide purple from people because purple is tall. But we're home! My family doesn't live with me because personal reason. 

"I will go make food. You can do anything here, but don't break anything."I said and went to the kitchen. Thank god my house wasn't so small. He fitted in.  Lets see...what can I cook? Alright, I will cook F/f ( favourite food) and a cake.

I was almost done with cooking.  Just wait for the cake and it's done.  I still have to wait 20 minutes though. I guess we can eat while waiting. I went to get purple so we can eat together.  Then suddenly I heard a whimper. Was purple crying? I ran towards the noise and yelled:

"ARE YOU OK, PURPLE?! WHO HURT YOU?!" I saw purple infront of the bathroom. He seems scared of the bathroom? 

"Purple, are you ok? What's wrong?"I asked worried. He was shaking. I got replied with a whimper. He is not in a condition to talk right now. I'm right, he's scared of the bathroom...or maybe small spaces??

"Hey...it's ok...let's go somewhere else now..."I said and held his hand. He calmed a bit down by my touch. He looked at me with relief and followed me to the living room. The living room was the biggest room in my house. So, if he is claustrophobic, then this room must be alright. 

"Sit down on the carpet or wherever you want."I said. Purple sat down on the carpet. I sat beside him.

 "Hey...do you want to talk about it...?"I asked. He hesitantly nodded. 

"Go on..."

"...scary...male...me...in small...room...scared..."he explained while thinking what words he should use. If I understood it correctly,  he got put in a small room by a scary man? 

"hurt...pain...burn..."he continued.  Oh...did he get tortured in a small room...? That's horrible...I swear I will kill whoever did that- well, if he's still alive. I put my hand on purple's back and patted him.

"Hey, don't worry...he is not here anymore...I will take good care of you! I will protect you with my life!"I said. Purple was surprised. He then hugged me. 

"Thank you...!"he thanked me. He said it smoothly.  I mean- no stutter or pause.  I hugged him back.

"Always, purple..."I said. Then I smelled a...burn smell? I let go of purple and stand up. It came from the kitchen. I went to the kitchen and saw my oven burning. 

"...well, shit. Sorry purple! No cakes for today!"

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