Karaoke night / everyone + reader (comedy?)

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Your pov: 

I was on my way to the theatre.  Why I'm going there? We are going to have a karaoke night! Even Red is going to be there. I think he was kinda forced though. I had few snacks and some microphones. I had my own one. Actually everyone had their own one for some reason. But I have the most bcs I bought it. I have a lot of them bcs i know they are going to break 5 microphone in one karaoke night. This is not our first one so I know how it's going to be but at the same time I don't.  Why? Well... it depends on their mood. Every time we do karaoke night, we always have different tension. Sometimes they are in a bad mood and start a stupid argument. Or something they are way too hyper and literally breaks the karaoke box. And one time orange tried to mangle the microphone and tried to build wings for him, so he can be a dragon. That was crazy... I was now infront of the theatre.  I opened the door to see purple.  Only him? Weird... "Hey purple!Where are the others?"I asked him. "I don't know. They are soo late. I've been waiting 37 minutes and 43 seconds and they still won't come. Ah now its 37 minutes and 44 seconds."purple said. Weird. I checked the clock. We were supposed to be at 20:00 here. But it's 19:25. Ah... now I realised... I am too early.  But I checked the clock! It was 19:55! At least in my head! And my head is always right bcs I'm smart! But I guess we are just too early. "Purple... we are too early..."I said. "... But for us it's 20:00 right?"purple asked grinning.  "Hell yeah!"I replied. I set up the microphone and karaoke box. That took 10 minutes, so now its 19:35. Now it was purples turn. He took a deep breath and screamed:" IT'S 20:00 NOW! YOU BETTER COME NOW OR THE MAN BEHIND THE SLAUGHTER WILL COME GET YOU!!!" After his screaming it went completely silent. "...purple. it's still 19:35."we heard a voice from up. It was the speaker guy as known as red. "Shut up. It's 20:00 for us."purple replied. "...I'm not coming until its 20:00..."aand now he's gone.  "...that's why I don't like introverts..."purple said a bit annoyed. "So you don't like yourself?"I asked. I mean he is obviously a introvert. He stays in the vent until someone asks him to sing or something.  Then we heard a bang from behind. We saw blue with a speaker and a sunglasses on his face. He also had a cap that was written rap and had a DEFINITELY real gold necklace. "Yo yo, who wants to play Fnf real edition with me?"he asked while playing with his speaker. "Me!"orange came from other door and screamed. "Ok y/n. You do the countdown ok?"blue asked me. "Alright. 3 2 1 go!"I said making my voice like  the countdown in fnf. "*sigh * BEE PO BA BEE BOP BE BAP BI POO BEE BOP!"blue started. "*intense rub voice* DU DIDNEHDHEHIEURJRJJD"orange sang wit ruv voice. The voices doesn't suit them. They should switch roles. Well... since I think this will take long how about you guess who suggested the idea of karaoke night?

Do you know who it is...?

Do you want to know

Alright then

It was....

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