If you are the victim of 'bite of 83'

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I know I have some other requests I still need to do but I got this idea so sudden and I'm scared to forget it, since this idea was great (my opinion). Don't worry, I will do the requests soon. And sorry about not doing it first.


It's your birthday and your celebrating it with rainbow friends at the fazbear's pizzeria.  But your bullies are there and puts you in fredbear's mouth and they witnessed it...

Oh and this is the rainbow friends povs.

Blue 🔵:

Today is y/n's birthday and we are going to celebrate it! I'm excited! I already have a present for them and I'm just bringing it to the celebration room. I hope they will like it! I was almost there but soon heard:

"Stop it! Let me go!"

That was y/n's voice. I rushed to the room and saw their bullies dragging her to the stage where the animatronics are performing.  I saw some of the rainbow friends being pushed on the ground by some lockers so they couldn't get up. They were also yelling to stop. There were also some other humans but they were only standing there and watching them in pity. 

"It's only a birthday present for ya. Here. Fredbear's mouth."

Bully 1 said and the other bullies started to laugh as they put y/n in fredbear's mouth. Y/n was crying. They were scared. I ran towards them. 

"What are you doing to them?! This is dangerous!!"

I yelled at the bullies. The bullies only laughed. I turned around and grabbed y/n so I could set them free. 

"Don't worry, I will free you."

I said. Y/n calmed down. I was trying to pull them out until...


I was shocked. No, traumatized... I was covered with blood that belonged to...


Scream and crying was filled inthe room. I could only stare at y/n...that was covered in blood and their head still in Fredbear's mouth.  Hey...maybe they are still alive...I quickly pulled y/n out of the animatronic's mouth and held them close to me. Their face was unrecognisable. That's all, right? They are still ok...

"Y/n...? Can you hear me..? You are still there, right...?"

I asked. But no response. My eyes were filled with sadness and anger. I was crying out because of see them hurt and being frustrated cus I couldn't protect them. 

I didn't know that birthday could be a death day...

Green 💚:

Today is y/n's birthday. I was excited! They were my favourite human after all. I may be blind but I also got them a present. It's a bracelet i made with the help of blue and pruple. We were now sitting on a table singing happy birthday. But soon ifelt something fall on me and I couldn't move. I started to panic.

"Guys? What is happening...? "

I asked.

"We are trapped under a locker and y/n is getting dragged away to the stage!"

I heard cyan reply. 

"Is y/n getting hurt?!"

I asked worried.

"Not for now...but I don't like where this is going..."

I heard yellow explaining. What were the people doing to y/n?? I'm scared... I also heard y/n struggling and telling the people to let go as I also heard from the other rainbow friendsto stop it.

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