Cyan x savage!reader

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Requested by daniandfriends12346



Your pov: 

I was just walking around to search for ingredients for cake. I sighed bcs I can't find any. As I continued to walk I saw a blue- no a cyan creature. It had no arms. Yeah...I should run... or just hide in the box and get past it. Yeah that will work. I hid in my box and walked towards the cyan creature. I think it's called cyan because the colour is cyan. I walked past it but then my box got taken off. Inloomed up to see the cyan creature trying to maul me. 

"Wait, wait wait! Before you eat me, can I say my last words?"

I asked. It stopped. I took a deep breath.

"Must suck to have no arms. You can't even get up by yourself. "

I said smirking at it. It growled. Welp, that's it. I'm soo dead.

"Well, atleast I'm not a dumbass who thinks everyone is like blue and just casually tries to past a murderous creature."

It said. Woah, it talked. Wait, it talked back. Did it even realize that it just insulted blue?

"At least I'm not a weird colour."

I said.

"Well I'm not short."

It said.

"Well, I have a normal from of head."

I said.

"At least my my mouth is big so I can eat faster than you."

It said.

"That one sucked..."

I said.

"I know..."

It said. 

"At least I have friends."

Cyan said.

"Well, I have family."

I said.

"Having family is annoying. It's loud everywhere. "

Cyan said.

"I'm sure having friends is more annoying. "

I said. Cyan stayed silent. I smirked.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

I asked. It stared at the ground.  Then it smirked.

"At least I don't have to go to school."

Cyan said and I gasped.

"That was personal!"

I yelled.

"Isn't that what we are doing? Being personal to each other?"

Cyan asked.

"Yeah but still...that was way over than personal, man."

I said. Then it gasped.

"Did you just assume my gender?!"

It asked. I tilted my head confused. 

"I'm a girl!"

She said. 


I asked. 

"Yes, I can't believe you couldn't see it through!"

She yelled at me.

"No one can see it through! You are the only girl here!"

I yelled back.  

"That's because-"

Cyan got cut off by a sound of TV static. 

"Cyan, do your job and kill that human."

The voice said.  Cyan looked at me and gulped. But then smirked. 

'You thinking what I'm thinking?'

I asked in telepathy. She nodded.

"Before you demand me something, how about you get your courage to show up infront of everyone? You are such a coward."

Cyan said. 


"Yeah man. Your voice is also ugly. Do you also look ugly that you won't show up?"

I asked. 


"Shut up red. Just bcs you're the first colour in rainbow doesn't mean you're the boss here. Only your name and colour makes you look like a boss of the rainbow but that's not true. I'm still stronger than you."

Cyan said.

"I'm smarter than you."

Red talked back.

"You might be smart and always get great idea. But it would be useless if you don't have the strength to do your ideas, now doesn't it?"

Cyan said.

"I have arms unlike you."

Red said.

"This human over there already said that so it doesn't hurt me."

Cyan said. Red groaned.

"Are you serious...?"

Red asked.

"No, I'm  cyan."

Cyan joked. I laughed. 

"Stop laughing, human. You're only encouraging her."

Red demanded to me.

"Yeah, that's great!"

I said. Red only groaned.

"Cyan, just kill the human already."

Red demanded.

"Nah, because I hate you."

Cyan said.

"You little-"

Red got cut off by the speaker breaking. It was yellow who broke it. After he broke it, he sat down in a tree.

"Here, continue. I want to see where it ends."

Yellow said while holding a popcorn. Cyan stared at me. Then she took two sunglasses from the grass? Why would there be any sunglasses? Then she threw one at me.

"Let's rap battle, mate."

She said taking out two microphone and tossed one to me.  I looked at the microphone and grinned.

"Be ready to lose."

I said and then we did the fnf game whole night and ended when we got exhausted.

"Heh... you know? I kinda like you."

Cyan said.

"We just met and you're already confessing your love to me?"

I said.

"N-no! You dumbass. I mean as a human."

She said kinda blushing.

"Is that a good thing?"

I asked. She nodded.

"I will keep you alive here so we can roast each other everyday."

Cyan said. I chuckled.

"So we can cry in pain?"

I asked.

" Yup."

She answered.

" Is that a friendship I smell?"

"Shut up, yellow."

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