Yandere!Blue x reader (part 2)

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Someone wanted a continuation. So why not do a part 2?



forcing love


2nd Pov:

You werenow in the real oddsworld the amusement park. But the rainbow friends were still roaming around here. Though orange wasn't here which was strange. But you shrugged it off. You finally finished searching for the ingredients for baking a cake. Suddenly,  your mind wandered to blue.

'Wonder how he is doing now. He would probably like this cake.'

You haven't seen blue for the whole day. And tue rainbow friends seemed to be avoiding you for whatever reason. You thought you would be safe since they were avoiding you. Little did you know, it was the complete opposite.

You guys made your way to the roller coaster in orange's cave. You took one roller coaster which was the front. The old man made the thing move and you were now slowly going forward. The ride was slow. Just a lot of curved places. It was relaxing until cyan popped out. You panicked. But suddenly, the roller coaster became faster which made you panic more.

'What is happening???'

After sometime you saw orange. You avoided him but orange kept chasing you until he damaged your roller coaster.

'Crap! It got damaged. It will be hard to control the roller coaster!'

Suddenly blue popped out. He was walking to you and you couldn't control the roller coaster to go to the other way. So
you went forward to blue and bumped into him. Blue brought you into a bear hug. He lifted you up and walked the way he walked just now. He was taking you somewhere.

"Uh...blue? Can you let me go? I need to go home."

You asked. But he didn't reply. He just continued walking. So you struggled trying to get out.

"Blue! Please let me go! I thought we were friends!"

You yelled. That's when he stopped. He looked straight into your face. Then he grinned sinister.

"Oh~ silly y/n...we both know that we don't want to be friends..."

He spoke which surprised you. You wanted to ask how he can talk but ut was no time for that.

"B-but... I thought you cared for me! Cuz you let me go! And I thought you were the one that told the rainbow friends to avoid me."

You said with a hint of betrayal in your voice. He chuckled.

"It's cute how you think I 'told' them~. I threatened them."

He said casually. Your eyes widened.

"But aren't they your friends? Friends don't threatened each other!"

You stated. He giggled more sinister.

"Oh~ y/n... I don't want to be friends. Buy I care about you a lot. More than the rainbow friends. You get what I mean?"

He asked. You didn't understand. Suddenly, you felt something stingy on the left side of your neck. You looked to your left and saw a needle. Suddenly, you felt dizzy. The last thing you saw was blue smiling at you.


You woke up slowly. You couldn't really remember what had happened. You then noticed, you weren't really laying down. You were kinda sitting. You then completely opened your eyes to see something blue wrapping your waist and you were sitting on something blue. You looked around and saw a room full of picture of you. That completely shocked you.

"Ohh~ finally awake, my queen?"

You heard a voice from behind and turned around to see blue. He was smiling at you. You glared at him.

"I love your scary face. It's so cute. Don't worry. Soon you will also find me handsome or cute."

He said giggling. You looked away and searched for an escape. But the rooms were filled with pictures of you so you couldn't see any door nor a window.

"You can't escape, darling~. I have you all by myself. And I have the control here. After all, I am a king here~."

He purred beside your ear and you backed your face away in an instant.  He chuckled.

"I know. It's not easy to make you fall for me. And maybe you will never. So I just had to cheat something. "

He said and then you turned to face him. You didn't know what he meant by that. Suddenly, you felt butterflies in your stomach as you looked at him. You started to blush. He only grinned at you.

"What did you do...?"

You asked trying not to blush but failed Your heart started to pump a lot and you looked away. But he touched your cheek and made you face him.

"Oh nothing really~. By the way, you look so cute when you blush~."

He said. You tried to glare at him but the hatred started to disappear.

"Answer my question, please..."

You whined which surprised you. You didn't mean to do that. You also didn't mean to say please. He chuckled.

"Aw~ that was so cute~ so I might as well tell you~. I made a love potion with a little bit of help from red."

He answered.  Usually, you would yell at him for that but the hatred won't come back.

"But blue... you didn't have to do that... you know that I would eventually love you..."

You said without thinking.  It felt like, you were forgetting what he did to you.

"I know, I know, dear~. But I wanted to give my max to make you fall for me! So I just had to...forgive me, my dear."

He said stroking your hair.

"You are forgiven!"

You said giggling completly forgetting the hate you had for him. He smiled and leaned closer to your face. Before he closed the gap he said:

"I know you would. You won't be able to hate me anymore~."

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