(Requested) Yandere!red x fem!reader

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I never wrote a yandere book so it might turn bad ;-; if it does I'm sorry

Requested from @AdrienDacat

Your pov: 

You were helping your classmates finding batteries in the dark. The machine broke down last night, so we have to fix it tonight. The half of the class- no more than that died already. The weirdest part is, some classmates got missing when we were supposed to be sleeping. So maybe few of them are alive...? Well, I never cared about them, but I don't really want them to die to... they are human being so... As I was focusing on searching the batteries, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and blighted the flashlight at that person who was behind me. I couldn't see well. But it must be one of the rainbow friends because of their body shape. But the speaker never said about a new rainbow friend... I stepped one step back. That rainbow friend didn't move. I was confused. I asked:" Who are you...?"I expected no answer but I got a reply:" The name is red... as known as your future husband!" Then he, bcs I assumed it was a Male ran towards me. I dropped my flashlight on accident but I had to run so I ran. 'Future husband'?! I don't even know him! He is crazy! I ran and ran while avoiding blue and green. He still chased me. I have to hide somewhere! But he seems smart. Where should i hide??? When i was thinking that i felt a grip on my wrist and got hugged. "Aww...darling...why are you running away...? We are meant to be together! I knew that from the first time I saw you. You are too precious to be someone's! And I myself think I don't deserve you... but so do the others! They don't deserve you... so I thought I have to keep you myself or else... someone is going to take you..."I heard him say. "No! I don't even know you!"I yelled. "Yes you do... don't you recognize my voice?"he said. His hug was getting tighter as I was trying to get away.  Then it hit me. The speaker! "You sicko! You're the reason, why we are trapped here and dying here!"I yelled. "Well...at first this wasn't supposed to happen. I didn't know a goddess like you would exist on this filthy world. But now I found a goddess,  I couldn't help myself...I had to.... I HAD TO!!"he shouted at the last sentence and then I felt something stingy on my neck. A syringe...he is drugging me! "Goodnight...darling..."that was the last thing I heard. 

I woke up. I had a bit headache.  Not that bad though... I felt myself being tied up. Why am I...? I looked down. I was sitting on a chair, my wrists and legs being tied up to the chair. What is happening...? I then looked up. My visions were blurry.  "Darling! You are awake!"I heard. That's when my visions came back. That sick red frog looking rainbow friends drugged me! He came to me really close.  "You must be thirsty, I'll go get water for you."he said while grinning with his non-existent mouth. He walked away. I couldn't say anything. Nothing came out from my mouth. Was I too scared...? I looked around. This room...it's a lab. I mean he had a white rope. So I guess he is a scientist.  Then I heard footsteps.  "I'm back! I brought water for you. Oh! Also I brought you food! F/F(favourite food)."he said while coming in the lab. What the... how did he know my favourite food was F/F... He poured the water in a glass and hold the glass in front of my face. "Open your mouth."he said smiling. I didn't want it. But I was thirsty... I opened my mouth and he gave me water. "Good girl...now I will feed you!"he said excited. That's when I finally started talking. "Why are you doing this...?"I asked." Doing what?"he asked. "Kidnapping us here and telling us what to do where the agressive rainbow friends are roaming. Then kidnapping me in your lab... what is your main goal?"I asked. He was silent for 3 seconds."Well, I have two main reasons. The first one is, I am experimenting you guys with kidnapping and making you do what I tell. I want to see how they survive, how they use their brain... so i could become more human like thinking. The second one is, well... I hadn't until u came here... I want to make you mine. Only mine! Oh...I forgot...I have some show for you to show!"he said and went out of the lab.  After a few minutes, he came back with a big box, I mean really really big back. Then he opened the box from the side and saw 5 classmates being tied up on a wood. They were the classmates that went missing when we were sleeping! "Welcome to my show, y/n! First, I will show you how many stabs they can survive!"he said laughing crazily. No...don't...I wanted to yell at him but I couldn't. "Y/n! Please help us!"one of my classmates yelled. "Dumbass, does she look like she can help us? She is tied up as well."the other classmates said. Then red went infron of the girl who yelled at me. "No one can yell at my darling..."he said and stabbed her limbs. She was screaming in pain. But it was only her limbs, so she won't die. Red didn't want them die so early. He had the face 'Where would the fun go if they die?'. He did it with my other classmates to. It was painful to watch them getting tortured.  They were screaming in pain... and I couldn't do anything..."The next one is, I will rip all of their nails of and peel their skin! I mean not every skin but maybe the half of them...?"he said excited.  "...please...!Stop!"I yelled. "Uh-uh... you're not enjoying this because you don't know what they can do to you... you're just too innocent, so I have to protect you!"he said. He started ripping their nails off slowly and painfully... it was disgusting... what he was doing..."Stop! I beg you! Why are you torturing them,  when you can kill them?! It's better,don't you think?"I yelled. I said that because didn't want them to suffer anymore... " Don't worry. I will...just wait."he said grinning and continued to torture them. They were screaming in pain. "Please! Just kill us!"one of them yelled. "Just wait, god damn it. I still need to peel your skin."he said a hold a peeler from his pocket. He started peeling them as they screamed in pain. I was crying. I couldn't see this anymore. I closed my eyes. "Awww... come on, darling. Don't close your eyes. Don't worry after I'm done,  we will go to the last one as know as death for them."he said smiling.  He continued to peel them until they lost energy to scream. "Now, to the last one. I'm going to burn them to death! Now you have what you wanted!"he said laughing while he went to his lab desk and held a gasoline and a lighter. Burning to death is one of the worst death... because they won't die so easily.  It takes time till they die, so they have to feel the pain of getting burned. Red poured gasoline on them and started to light the lighter. "Now...it's a goodbye  for you brats to... you did great... you guys made a great show, how I wanted...no goodbye."he sai while smiling creepy. He threw the lighter on them and they began to burn.  It was hard to see,because of the fire, but I knew they were crying really hard. After 5 minutes, he extinguished the fire. "Now, now, darling...now no one can have you...if I can't..."

I knew I can't run anymore now that he has me.

And I don't know if I will be happy here...

But i know that i will be trapped here forever to be his until I die...

"We're meant to be together, Y/n... you're mine now... I will eliminate everything that gets in our way... we will be happy forever!"

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Time taken: 15 minutes

App: ibispaint 

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Drawn with a tablet

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