Red x reader (angsty- fluff/maybe a bit romantic?) Humanity feelings

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Your pov:

I have been living with rainbow friends for a year. How I ended up living here...? Well... I don't remember the details but I know that red took an interest for me bcs I acted smart while surviving the rainbow friends.  Well- not smart it's just that- I only thought what would normal ppl in horror movie do. Yh and somehow I survived(?) no, actually I got kidnapped by red during the search for batteries in the darkness. So in the end I was stupid I guess. But that doesn't matter anymore bcs i am living now. And i mean happily. I'm helping red with his experiments. I'm getting along with the others to. I hang a lot of times in oranges hideout and sleep with him, or I go check what purple is doing in the vents and mostly he is giving to something and I will join. I talk a lot with green and lead his way and I do a lot of hobby stuff with blue like drawing or games.

While I was daydreaming I heard someone calling my name from down. I looked toward  the vent and saw purple looking up to me.

"What's up?" I asked. I noticed he seemed a bit uhh nervous or scared...?

"It's red. He is calling you and he seems rly mad."He answered nervously.  Shoot. What did I do now?

"I guess I will go. I think I messed up with something that would disturb his experiments or smt."

"But I think it's more than that. He seemed rly rly mad like he would destroy smt."  Oh god... I hope I don't have to do that straight sitting with a heavy rock on my knees for 2 hours. That hurts like hell and I won't be able to stand for a day.

"Alright,uhhh... I will go then..."I said before waving to purple. I made my way to reds office. I was standing infront of his door. I gulped before knocking. I already felt his murderous aura behind this door.

"...come in, y/n..." his voice sounded rly scary. I opened the door and went in. I closed the door and stand straight.  I smiled nervously. 

" called me?...sir?" I asked an obvious question. Though I never called him sir before. He glared at me. If looks could kill then I would have been long dead.

"I hope you know why you are here..." he said to me.

"Um... actually no I don't...hehe..."I said while laughing nervously. 

"I see... you foolish human... let me explain..."he said that and took a breath.

"YOU FUCKING BROKE MY MACHINE I USED EVERTIME FOR MY MACHINE!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT COSTS?! IT COSTS MORE THAN MY LIFE! AND YOU DESTROYED IT! NOW I WON'T BE ABLE TO MAKE ANY EXPERIMENTS FOR LIKE MONTHS!" He yelled to me. Wow... I rly did make him mad... I feel sry.  He never yells at me. Even though I almost burned this factory down he still didn't yell at me...

"I'm sorry... I won't let that happen again..."I apologised. 


He is rly angry... what should I do...? Is he going to punish me hard...?And if that's it what kind of punishment would it be...? Silent treatment? Will he hurt me...? Or worse... will he kick me out...? I rly felt like puking. His madness was hurting my feelings...

"U know... I was thinking I would to have kick you out..."his words made my eyes widen. "But- I decided to-"

"I know red... I should leave. I don't think I'm worthy enough to be here... What I'm doing is only give you more work...I still don't rly get it why you didn't kill me that time. I'm a human. Every human are same. We make mistakes and I mean a lot than you guys. Just bcs I was good at surviving doesn't make me I guess... I have to leave, huh?" I said it while looking down. Damn it... what has gotten into me??? Why was I sooo upset that he was mad at me? I know it's sad that i have to leave but still... i think I'm being over dramatic. 

"I guess this is it...goodbye, red. Tell the others it was a great time with them. I had a great time with you to. "I said while smiling sad. I was abt to leave the room and go pack my things but then he grabbed me by my wrist. "...I don't like it when people interrupt me..." he said before pinning me to a wall. I was completely shocked by his actions. Did he just seriously do a kabedon to me?! Does he even know what that is?? I guess not, since he doesn't even know what hugging means. "I said I was thinking i would have to kick you out. Not going to. I was only thinking abt it." He literally said something that doesn't make any sense but at the same time it does." Now listen to me, foolish human. I will never let you leave bcs you belong here. And i decided that" "Red, that sounded like what yanderes would say-" "Do NOT interrupt me. And I don't know what that is. Anyways, I would never let you leave bcs I need you. I thought abt kicking you out bcs you disturb a lot of my experiments but then I had a weird feeling. I don't know what it's called, but I know it means i need you. That means you're never going to leave here without my non- existence permission. Understood?" He asked me serious. I was kinda surprised that he thought of me like that. I nodded. "Alright, now I decided that you will have to help me with building my machine back. And it will take a lot of time..." he said sadistic. Oh god... I will suffer. But hey... i get to stay here. "Alright,  red. But could you pls stay a little away...u know personal space...?" I said embarrassed. He let me go and stayed a step back. "I still don't get that personal space... why do u human need that?" He asked." Bcs humans need privacy. Just like you when you are working on smt.""But you weren't working with something?""...""..." "Google it or smt. You have to learn a lot of human feelings. "I said. "But I have some to. Like anger, annoyed, upset." He said. "What abt happiness?"I asked. "...What's that...???"

 Oh god...*facepalm*

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