Red x child!neko!half blind!reader

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Requested by @Amber_undertale-fnaf



Your pov:

I was running. And I ran pretty long. I finally escaped from those mean mans. They always tied me up and if I disobeyed them, they always hurt me. That's why I became half blind. I think it was an accident but they still hurt me...They kidnapped me when I was like 2 and I was never free. But finally, I escaped.  Though that doesn't mean I won't go back. Because I am still getting chased.

"Hurry up! We will lose them!"

I heard one of them say. I ran into a forest and climbed on a tree (cuz you are a cat).

"They are on the tree! Hurry! Get them!"

I heard them scream. I ran on the tree and jumped from a tree to tree. They were still chasing me. 

Soon I got exhausted. They were still chasing me.  Suddenly, I missed a step and fell off the tree and fell on the ground. That hurt... suddenly I heard a footstep from my front. I saw a pair of black boots and a black Jean's. I looked up to see a red face? 

"That was a big fall. Are you okay?"

He asked and took his hand out to me. I hesitantly nodded and took his hand. He helped me stand up. Then we heard another footsteps.


We heard a voice say. It was them. I got scared and quickly hid behind the red person's leg. He looked down at me in confusion. Then he looked back at the front and saw 2 people running to us. 

"Hey...uhh red about you hand over that child and we won't have any problem?"

One of them said with an irritated face.  I got scared if this guy will give me to them...

"Let's introduce ourselves first, don't we? My name is red. What may your be?"

Red asked them. They got more irritated.

"We don't have time for that!"

One of them said and walked to us and snatched me out of my 'hideout'. Before I was completely taken, red grabbed my wrist. 

"Now now... isn't it rude not to introduce yourself and snatching a scared kid?"

Red asked. The kidnapper tried to pull me but soon was met with a gun infront of his face.

"You better let the child go and get out of this place. Or else... I might pull the trigger."

Red said pointing a gun at the kidnapper. The kidnapper gulped and let go of me.

"Fine! If you want that useless kid so much, then keep it! I wonder how long it takes you to kick them out."

The guy said and walked away with the other guy. Red sighed and put the gun away.

"I am sorry, child that I pulled out a gun infront of you. What may your name be?"

He asked me smiling even though he had no mouth. 

"My name is y/n.  You are mister red?"

I asked. He chuckled.

"Yes, but you don't need the 'mister'.  Who were they that chase you?"

He asked. I looked down.

"I ran away from them...they kidnapped me when I was 2 and trapped me in a basement and made me do a lot of chores. If i disobeyed, they would hurt me. They made me half blind. I can't use my left eye. So i decided to escape and ended up here..."

I explained. He looked at me with a sad eye. He suddenly hugged me.

"H-huh? Is everything okay, red?"

I asked him. 

"I am okay, but you aren't.  People who aren't okay mostly needs hugs. So I am giving you one."

He said. Before i realized, i started to cry and hug him back. 

After some time, I stopped crying and he let go.

"Tell me y/n... do you want to come with me and become a part of my family?"

He asked. 


I asked surprised.  He nodded. I smiled widly.


I said and hugged him. He chuckled and held my hand. We walked to my new home...

Now I am finally a teenager. I lived with red and his friends for almost 5 years. I see red as my father and the others as my siblings or cousins. I am really happy here. Everyone is so kind to me and treated me like a person. They always like to pat my head and I like it when they do piggyback with me. 

I was now walking to red's lab. I knocked on his door and he replied that I could go in. 

"Oh, y/n. It's you. Is there something you want?"

He asked turning around to see me from the experiment. 

"Not really. I was checking on you, dad-"

I stopped when I realized what I said the last part. I blushed in embarrassment.  He seemed surprised. 

"Y/n... do you see me as your father?"

He asked. I didn't know what to say. It is kind of true but it's so embarrassing... but I nodded. He chuckled.

"Glad to know that. I was also seeing you as my child."

He said. I was surprised.  He thought of me like that? 

"When I met you, I knew there was something special about you. It made me want to protect you... I really don't care about your cat species or eye. I still saw you as my kid. Since the day I met you."

He said. I had tears in my eye. He chuckled.

"Come here, y/n."

He said as he spread his arms. I ran to him and hugged him. 

"Daaaaad!! Why do you always make me cry???"

I asked him and he giggled. 

"Dunno. But you always end up hugging me when you cry so it's not that bad, right?"

He asked and I nodded.

"I am glad that I met you."

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