grumpy!blue x one eye!reader (part 2)

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requested by @VictoriaKinderknecht

This is a part 2 of an old chapter. Go check it out before reading this chapter



not platonic

Your Pov:

It has been about 2 months since that interaction with blue. Those words still stuck in your brain.

'How can you say that's ugly?? Dude! You look amazing!'

His words really meant a lot to you. He was the first person to ever compliment your eye. You now felt a bit more confident about your eye thanks to him. Still, you still hid the eye and blue didn't like it.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Your eye is awesome. Why aren't you comfortable showing it??"

asked blue a bit irritated. You sigh.

"I...I am just not sure...I mean- I do feel more comfortable thanks to you but...I don't know..."

you said unsurely. Blue frowned.

"Can you not...even show it to me? I already told you that I like your eye and I love to see it everytime I see are hiding yourself..."

blue said with a hint of sadness in his tone. You looked away and feel bad for making him feel sad. It's rare for blue to be sad.

"I know...but...please give me more time..."

you said. Blue sighed.


And yet again, months has passed. Nothing changed. And it made blue more impatient.

"I don't want to push you but...why can't you just trust me that I am telling you the truth?! I am being honest about your eye being awesome!"

blue snapped at you letting emotion control him. You stayed silent and looked down.

"I...I do trust you but-"

"You aren't trusting me!"

Blue interrupted your mumbling. He was at the edge. He just wanted you to accept it. Accept that you look beautiful. But something inside you stopped yourself to do that. And you couldn't talk back because he was right. As much as you wanted to deny it, he was right.  You weren't trusting his words... so you stayed quiet. Blue also stayed quiet for a bit.

"See? You don't believe my don't believe you look awesome. You believe that it's ugly. What do I have to do to make you believe that?? What is so hard to understand that you are beautiful?"

He asked not caring that he is talking without thinking.

"Beautiful? Me? ...thank you but I don't think I am beautiful..."

You said with a frown. Blue groaned in annoyance and stepped closer to you.

"That's what I mean. You are doubting yourself too much! You are awesome, beautiful,  great, pretty, cute and more!"

Blue yelled in frustration. You slightly blushed at his words but only looked away in response.  Blue sighed and stepped even closer. He held you shoulder as you looked directly in his eyes.

"Say that you are beautiful."

he said sternly. You kept avoiding his gaze.

"I am beautiful..."

you said without any emotion. Blue sighed.

"Again but with more feeling."

He kept his stern tone.

"I am beautiful..."

You tried to say it with more emotion but it sounded empty.

"You don't mean it. Because you still believe that you are ugly which you aren't."

Blue said as he looked right into your eyes. You frowned in response.

"If you don't start to like yourself more, I need to use some force..."

He said calmly but also with a hint of irritation.

"...i...I'm sorry..I just can't..."

You stuttered out. Blue gets more impatient and annoyed. He sighed.

"You left me no choice."

He said lastly before leaning in and kisses you. You were startled and had to take time to process what was happening. But soon, you melted into the kiss and relaxes. He pulls away after about 5 seconds and looks at you blushing.

"Sorry...but you just left me no choice..."

He grumbled. You stared at him quietly but then smiles at him.

"It's fine...I liked it..."

you said. He blushed more.

"Y-you did? U-uh I mean...w-well now you have proof. You are so beautiful that made me fall in love with you and made me kiss you."

He stated a bit flustered but tries to act calm. Now you get weren't ugly...because you made someone fall for you...

" are in love with me?"

You asked. Blue nodded.

"Yeah...I fell in love with your everything...looks, personality, behavior...and more..."

He admitted it shyly. You knew at this moment. Someone found you beautiful. Even if it's only one person...this one person is special...and getting loved by someone special is what everyone wants...

"You do?"

You asked again. He nods in response. You couldn't be happier than this. You started to feel more confident. You are beautiful to him. Which means you are actually beautiful. You stepped closer to him and wrap your arm around him. He jumped slightly but calms down and hugs back.

"Thank you, blue. Now I know.

I am beautiful."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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