Red x (dead)reader part 2 (angst/fluff)

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This is the part 2 of the red x reader (angst)

You are a ghost or soul. You're legs aren't visible and your scars are still there.

Your pov:

It's been 3 weeks since I died. I have been watching over the rainbow friends and realized how they changed after I passed away... Blue gets a lot of time bad mood, green gets an anxiety easily, purple never gets out of his vent even his hands, orange is most of the time in his hideout and is sleeping while crying... and red... he never gets out of his lab. He keeps working on his new invention to make me come back. Or something like that... I'm happy he does that, but he keeps over working which makes me worried... he needs rest... I have to come back so they will be back to normal again, just like old times... but first, I want to get revenge... because those asses killed me and if I don't kill them, red will turn them into experiments as their punishment... actually that's not bad... but I still want to kill them with my hands... so I am searching for my killers. My body must be there to... 

I searched for them after the day I got killed but couldn't find them. But now I found tracks because I somehow linked with my dead body. Well, that dead body got burned so there is no proof that they killed. Now I was standing infront of their base. Time to get bloody...

Just killed a lot of guys...feeling good! I need to do something abou the bodies though. Burn them like mine body? Yeah, what else can I do? 

I burned their bodies to ashes and cleaned my bloody clothes. Well, I mean their blood.  I still have a lot of my own blood everywhere,  since it hurts when I try to clean it. I won't get infected anyways since I'm a soul. Welp, now I took my revenge, I'm happy. Let's go back home! 

I went back to the factory and observed them like always. I wanted to sleep now so I went to my room. It's sweet how they didn't trash my room because it's mine. I went on my bed and was drifted to sleep. I slept very well...





"IT'S DONE! FINALLY!"I heared someone screaming happily. My eyes widened at that sudden burst from someone. I got out of  my bed and went out of my room. "Finally... you can come back must work...!"the voice said screaming but silent? The voice came from red's lab so it must be him. I went through his door and went to see what was happening.  I saw red holding some small machine? It had a button. And I saw red laughing but also crying... is he...happy...? I don't know,.. I never saw him like this.  He sighed and calmed down. "Y/n... you are here, aren't you?"he asked to 'me'. I wanted to answer but I can't.  He can't hear me. "I can't hear you, feel you or see you... but now... I, we will be able to see you again..."he said smiling. What did he mean? He put the machine he was holding on the desk. "Y/n...if you are there...please press this button that is in the middle. And then everything will go back to normal..."he spoke. I went over to the machine and looked at the machine. I should just press this button? I pressed the button and then saw a light on the button. It became bigger and bigger. It became shiny so I closed my eyes. Then I knew the light went away, so I opened my eyes. I looked at red. He seemed shocked...? Maybe the experiment didn't work? I looked down because I felt something weird on my non-existent legs. Then I saw my legs exist! Woah, what happened?? Did he give legs? Did he know that I don't have any legs? "Y/n...I-is that you...?"I heard red saying. I looked at red. He had a lot of tears on his face. Wait, he sees me?? He did it? "You can see me...?"I asked. " is you, right??"he asked again. I smiled. "Yes, it is me. The only Y/n."I said crying because of happiness. Red ran towards me and hugged me really tight. Wow, that's new. "I missed you! I know it's been only a few weeks, but I really thought I lost you! "he yelled crying.  "I know red...I'm sorry I left you for a while..."I apologised.  He then let go of me and looked at me. He then glared. Shoot, did I do something?? "Who..."he said. "Who?"I said after him confused. "Who did this to you...?"he said angry. Ah,he must be talking about my scars and everything. "Oh, just some bunch of random gangsters.  Don't worry, I already took care of-"i got interrupted:" Where on this universe are they? I'm a bit interested in them. How their bodies will react when I pour acid on them or-"i interrupted him:"No worries! I already killed them and burned them!"I said a bit scared. "Oh...I wanted to do something about them, but you did it. Well, it's your killers so I don't mind."he simply said before going to his speaker. "Everyone, gather infront of my lab. I have something to show you and you might like it."he said to the speaker. I then heard stamping, tapping, squeezing and crawling.  "Wait here. I will call you."red said and got out of his lab and closed the door. I went to the door so I can hear their conversation. I then heard those footsteps stop. "What is it?"I heard purple saying. "Well, I have a surprise for you all."I heard red say. "Well, what is it? I really want to go back to my cave..."I heard orange. "You can go out."red said while knocking  the door. I opened the door and got out of the lab. "Hello, guys..."I said smiling. They were silent for a minute with their mouth open. Then they all ran to me and hugged me. "Y/N, WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!"purple cried out. "I-i can't see you but it was hard not hearing your voice for weeks..."green said while crying. "Please don't scare us like that again!"blue said. "I-i thought w-we won't see you again!"orange said while sobbing. "I'm so sorry,guys..."I said also crying. Red was standing there and watched us. He was smiling? I don't know, he doesn't have any mouth. "Y/n, I need to talk to for a minute. You can go back to them after we talk."red said. I simply nodded. They all let go of me and let me go. "You better don't do any experiments on them."orange said a bit joking. "Heh, why would I hurt them?"red asked and went inside the lab. I followed him.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something. 3 things."he said. I nodded again. "Well, the first one is, you are not going outside without me again. Or maybe purple is ok to."he said. I guess I can't do anything about it. He is scared that he will lose me again. "Second one is that, I will make a illusion disc(gacha FANF vibe XD) for you. Your wounds, they are painful, aren't they?"he asked me. "Yeah...I got used to it though."I answered. "Yeah but still, I'm going to make you one."he said and then it was silent. "What is the 3rd one?"I asked. He then flinched a bit. He seemed nervous. I think he was blushing a bit? His face is already red so it's hard to see. "Uh, well...the 3rd one is...I wanted to tell you that..."he paused a bit. "I like you...a lot...I mean romantically..."he said. I was surprised by that. A lot. I blushed. My face went red like his face. "I uh...i-i l-like you to...!"I said my voice a but pitched.  He seemed surprised.  "Really? You like me to? I'm glad..."he said 'smiling'. I hugged him. He hugged me back. "Promise me you will never leave again..."

"I promise..."

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