Orange x bullied!reader (angsty-fluff/platonic)

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Before reading this story, this contains:



And Y/N is family-less (u can chose the reason or what happened to them)

Your pov:

The third night... the random speaker said about a vent leaking and about a new thing that is going to chase us. I think his name Or was it yellow? Nevermind that. I had to find some fuses. Everyone went with their friends or whatever while I was searching alone. I mean, I don't have friends and I don't need them. They disappoint me =). While I was searching for fuses, I jumped bcs of a loud bell. Tf...? When I looked behind me, I saw a orange line? I didn't know what that is, so I went to other room to avoid that line. Then I heard the random speaker saying:

"Looks like someone forgot to feed orange..." . Ah, so maybe that orange line is the way orange will use? And to avoid him to run around here, we have to feed him? Hope someone is going to feed him after his run. I went to the theatre since I found one fuse. Then I saw 3 of my classmates. I never liked them since they like to discriminate me bcs I don't have family. I was walking to the machine where I should put the fuse. When I put the fuse I found, Bully 1 decided to talk  to me:

 "Seriously? You only found 1? Pathetic..." Her friends laughed at that. 

"Yeah, like how much pathetic do you want to be? Not having family is pathetic enough, and you can't do any simple task."said bully 2 (sry, I was lazy thinking abt names).

"Since you don't have anything to do, how about you go feed that little prick that was running around? I mean, no one cares if you get eaten by that thing."said bully 3 while laughing. Yeah... they are always like that. Even thinking they are the best. Alright, I don't have family like them, but did they even move from this theatre( I know theatre is the most dangerous place in rainbow friends but yeah...)?? How many fuses did they find??

"Are you listening??? Go you fucking rat!"yelled bully 1 to me. I went to search for orange's hideout without saying anything to them. I hope they die soon...

Ah, finally I found his hideout. It was in a cave. I went closer to his hideout and there is a vending machine? I heard a small snore, so I looked up to see a small dinosaurier? Or a big lizard? It was orange. So he must be orange... He is quite adorable... I turned on the vending machine and put food for him. Then the snore stopped. I turned to look at orange and saw him awake. Shit, is he going to attack me? But he only stared at me. But soon i realized that he was acting weirder. Oh, maybe he doesn't want people to stay at his lair for long. I turned away and went to leave until the door of the cave opened. Jeez, seriously? Why do i keep seeing these 3 bullies. I looked at orange again and he was already asleep. That's a good thing. 

"Oh, here is the pricks cave."said bully 2. I didn't like how she calls orange a prick.

"Did you feed him, pathetic disappointment?"asked bully 1. And I don't like how she gives me a new insulting nickname everytime I see them. 

"Yes, I did. Now I'm going to go find the fuses, so excuse me..." I said while I was trying to reach the door. But then I got stopped by this peace of shi- I mean bully 3. 

"Hold on. We are not done yet." 

"What do you want now?"I said annoyed. 




Then she slapped me. Quiet hard that it had an echo. Bitch- you're going to wake orange up! I looked to orange but he was asleep. Deep sleeper I guess. But I noticed his sleep wasn't as deep as before... 

"How dare you talk to me like that?! Know your place."screamed bully 3. You, stop screaming.

"I wanted to ask you, why you should go find the fuses, even though you won't find it? I mean, no rats can find fuses. Thay can only find food for themselves." Ugh... there we go... trying to be a baddie... 

"Why are you even alive? You know, this world is only for worthy lives like me." Worthy like you? How sad, she doesn't know how much of a shit she is. 

"I think your family must be glad to be separated with you.  You're just a worthless disappointment. 

  I bet they never loved you.

That word echoed through my head. I- why do I suddenly feel so... sad? Or was it anger? They love me right? I didn't notice tears were falling down from my eyes. 

"Aww... is the rat crying? Don't worry, it's just the truth..." she said like she was cool. I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to think... then I heard a...

...screech? More like a animal? I looked behind me to see orange awake! Fuck! The bullies pushed me and ran out of the door. Orange was running towards me. Is this the end? He definitely is going to eat me. I closed my eyes to accept my fate. But nothing came. I heard the tapping going away. I opened my eyes. He wasn't there? Not on his so called bed either. Didn't he see me? Then I heard a scream. Then another one and another. The scream sounded familiar. It was from my bullies. I went to check where the scream came from. I opened the door of the cave. Then I heard a cracking and ripping from my left. I opened the left door hesitantly.  When I opened it, I saw orange. He was a bloody mess. I only saw his back and infront of him was... my bullies?! But they were torn apart... I saw a few corpse since I got to this place, but nobody was this torn apart...maybe it was his killing style...? Then he looked to me. Crap... should I run? But he didn't kill me before... or maybe he just wanted to kill them first and then me??? He walked towards me. I took few steps back until I tripped over something.  Now he was getting closer. I was scared... He opened his bloody mouth. Is he going to eat me alive?!! Pls kill me first before eating!!;-; But then he bit lightly my sleeve. Huh-. He pulled me towards the door behind me. I think he wants me to follow him? I followed him and ended up in his cave again. He took me to the vending machine and made me sit. He then sat on my lap and ate his food. Huh? What did he want from me? 

"Hey, human-"he began to spoke. Wait...

" DID YOU JUST TALK?!" I screamed.

"Yes I just did, now stop screaming, human... as I was saying, why didn't you defend yourself?"he asked. He saw that drama? It's embarrassing...

"My way of defending is ignore or act like I don't care. So I was practically defending myself."I answered. 

"Why not just say in their face that it's not true? I think that's the reason you look so stressed. You're not saying what you want to say. You're holding it in. And that's bothering me."he said. True... I can't believe that a lizard became my therapist. 

 "Why didn't you kill me?"I asked. 

"Well, you gave me food. I normally would have killed you, but those 3 brats walked in and was annoyingly annoying you. They made me angry by disturbing my sleep. That slap was rly hard enough to wake me up!"he complained. So, he was awake the whole time?? Was he fake sleeping? I guess, from the slap yeah...

"then they were insulting you trying to be a baddie. That didn't really mind me but it was still loud. But red told me it's not good to interrupt someone's conversation,  so I waited till u guys were over. But then that bitch said abt your family not loving you and it made me angry. I rly wanted to kill them. So I took it as the conversation is over and killed them with feelings."he said proudly of killing them with feelings. 

"and I didn't kill you bcs uhh... I think I wanted you to know what it feels like to uhh... I dunno... to be cared?"he said. Those words made me widen my eyes. Someone actually was thinking about my feelings?

"And you seemed cool to! So I wanted to be friends with you!"he said excited. Alright, I take back what I said before. Friends doesn't disappoint me. 

"Yeah sure! Let's be friends, till we can!^^"I said. 

And we became friends...

Sorry, no art this time. I'm rly tired so yh...;-;

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