(Requested)Red x reader (angst)

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Requested from @xxtokyo_lightsxx

Your pov:

I'm living with the rainbow friends like 1 year already and they are trusting me. And I am trusting them to. Red allowed me to go outside of the factory when I want. Well, not so far away though. And he has a tracker on me so, I won't go somewhere else, so I'm not sure if he really trusts me... 

"Red, can I go to the grocery store? I want some food."I asked to red. He was working with his science stuff so he didn't look at me. "Yeah sure. Just don't be so late."he replied. "Yes mom."I joked and went out of his lab. I went to my room and wore my jacket and brought a bag. I went out of my room and was greeted with blue."Oh hello y/n. Are you going to the grocery store?" Blue asked me. "Yip. I'm just going to buy some food I want to eat and cook. Don't worry, it won't take so long. "I said smiling. "Alright. I'll tell the others that you will go. Take care."he said smiling back and walked away. Welp, time to go.  Go to the store and get home and sleep all day. 

I arrived at the grocery store. I was about to go inside the store, until I bumped into someone.  "Hey, watch where you're going..."the person said. It was a Male. "You were the one who bumped into me."I talked back and I don't know why. I was maybe in a bad mood? "Huh...talking back, huh..."he said and grabbed my arm. He dragged me in a small alleyway where no one was. "I guess we have to teach you a lesson..."he said. 'We?' Then the others came out. Oh gosh... did I talk back to a bunch of gangsters??? I'm doomed. Then he kicked me in my stomach. I fell on the floor and felt pain in my stomach. Then someone kicked me in my face. Then the leg and arm. It kept going on until I passed out.

I woke up with pain in my body. Ugh... what happened again? Right, I got beat up by some bastards. I felt embarrassing how I couldn't do anything.  Then I realized that it was already  night. Shoot! I have to get back! Fuck food for today, I will make them worried. Red is going to scold me to... I ran back to my home. For some reason I could move like always even though I have bruises. 

When I arrived home I shouted:" I'm soo sorry I'm late! I passed out on the way!" No response.  I then saw green. He seemed a bit worried? "Hey green. Are u ok? You seem worried."I asked but he didn't answer.  Couldn't he hear me? I tapped his arm but he didn't react. But then muttered:"Why is it suddenly cold?" "Green? I'm here? Can't you hear me?"I asked. Still no response.  I guess I will leave him for now... I walked towards oranges hideout. I knocked on his door and went in. He wasn't there. Weird...normally he is either sleeping here or eating here... I then heard a few voices from behind. "They still aren't back."it was blues voice. "Yeah... I hope they come back soon. Red can't contact them to for some reason to..."this was oranges voice. I went to them. They were in a hallway.  "Hey guys... I'm sorry I made you worried. I'm back."I said. But they also had no response. Huh? Now this is really weird.  I can kinda understand green but them? It's really weird. "Guys! Red found them with his tracker ! But something seems wrong..."purple said from the vents. "Alright,  let's go to his lab!"blue said and ran towards reds lab with orange and purple. I was about to follow them but I saw green behind. He asked:"Y/n? Are you there?" "Yes! I'm here! Right here!"I said. But he didn't say anything. "Where are you..."he muttered. Couldn't he hear me?? I touched his hand. If I didn't imagine things, he flinched a bit. "Are you there...? Pls say something..."green said. I am saying things but he can't hear for whatever reason. Then I saw purple coming out of the vent. He was crying?! What happened? Who made him cry?! "Green... I-I have a bad news..."he said sobbing. "Purple? Why are you crying..?"green asked worried. "It's y/n... they were found...but...they a-are





What...? But I'm here? I then saw a mirror next to me. I thought I only had bruises and cuts but I saw my brain was out of my head and some bones out of my body...now that I look at myself, I really look pale... what... what did they do to me...? They can't do that with bare hands... how did that happen...? "What...no...I must have heard it wrong... what happened to them?where are they?"green asked."You heard it right... they're d-dead... their body... I don't know what happened,red only knew they were dead because he made the tracker make them know their pulse and temperature and their breathing...but they were cold and had no pulse, they weren't breathing to..."purple explained. "No...why...why them...?"Green started crying. I didn't like to see him like that. No... I don't like to see them like that. Then I saw orange running through the halls crying out. I followed him. He went to his hideout. He cried out:" Nooo! I don't want it! I don't want you to leave! Why would you leave us like that?!" I'm sorry orange... I never wanted to leave you as well..." We don't even know how you died and where you died! We don't know what happened and we have to be sad!!"orange shouted. I went out of his cave and saw blue. He was crying to. More like sobbing. "But you said you would come back..."he said. I'm sorry blue... "I still have this gift you gave me. You know, the one you drew for me? It was so beautiful... I wanted to give you something to as a thank you... but when you're gone,  I can't..."he said. Oh, blue... i-i,  I'm really sorry blue...I went to check on red. He doesn't seem the type to care about someone but, maybe he feels a little sorry? I went to his lab and saw him working on something new. I never saw that. What was he making?? I took a closer look at him and saw that he had tears on his face. But his face was empty..."Y/n... I never allowed you to die... I never said you can leave forever... I won't accept it... I know you're here somewhere watching me and I'm happy abt it. But I can't  see you. And I'm not happy about that. So.... I will make you visible. So everyone can see you and have fun with you. Not only them, also me. You have to give me company... or else I'm going to get crazy...

 just wait...

 in few weeks 

you will be back..."

Part 2?

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