Yellow x traumatized!reader

582 9 14

Requested by PassionMacha

I'm sorry if this turned out wrong as it should. ;-;

Your pov:

I have been living in this amusement called oddsworls for a month. That's because I befriended yellow. I helped him to make him feel better because he was upset. When I helped him, he was always by my side and it kinda also made me want to stay with him. He enjoyed my presence and I enjoyed his presence.  So I started to live here. Everyone accepted me. Though yellow was 100% next to me when I talked to a rainbow friend. Mostly red. Yellow glares at red while hugging me tight as if red would bite me. I found it cute. Yellow is a trustable friend. So I tell him anything. Except that. One of my past experience.  Not like I didn't trust him. I didn't want him to be involved in my problem...

Me and Yellow were hanging around his nest. We were talking, drawing, playing games and more other stuff as if this was a sleepover but we do this daily and it's almost the whole day. When I leave his side is mostly because I need to go to the restroom. And when I thought about toilet, I really had to go to restroom. So I excused myself. I was on my way to the restroom which was almost at the entrance of this amusement park. Then I heard a siren. Police siren... No...not again... I need to leave... but before I tried to, the door burst open.

"Ma'am, put you hands in the air and tell me every information you know!!"

The police officer shouted.  The background was filled with lights of blue and red. Which made me panic more. I hated this... It's just like that one time...


Me and my friend were walking around the forest.  I had been feeling upset lately so m/f (my friend) (not motherfucker) suggested me to go outside to clear our minds. It had been great. Until we were walking under a cave. When we got out, we were out of the forest and under a edge. As we walked out I heard a noise above us. We turned to look up to see a...police officer? He seemed like he was pushing something heavy. We couldn't see because of the angle. But I heard that he succeeded. He probably pushed something heavy with his comrades. Then we heard these noise going louder and louder. Soon we saw a big rock falling on us. Before I could react, my friend pushed me away. That moment was a slow motion. I saw them smile. Then splash! The rock fell on her while I got saved. The rock was covered with a lot of blood. My eyes were wide as if it can pop out right now.


I heard a voice from above. I looked up to see the police officer from before pointing a gun at me. Why am I the one getting pointed...? I did as what he said and put my hands in the air. Then he said something to his walkie-talkie  and I completely heard what he said.

"We have a kid here who just pushed their friend under this rock when it was falling on them."

He said. What..? Is he serious...? Siren was heard and blue and red lights were to be seen. Someone tackled me down and tied my hands up. Soon I got in the police car and got arrested for a 1 year for nothing... that's when I knew...

Even if they are police, humans can't be trusted.

Flashback ends.

I was cornered from police. My hands weren't still in the air. No way I'm getting to the jail ever again. It was hard to breathe. My vision was getting blured. Am I having a panic attack? I need to run. I ran for my life.


I heard the police officer yell.  I ran to tye lazer tag plaza and already saw yellows nest. And thankfully, yellow was there.


I shouted and he looked at me shocked. He didn't hesitate to come down to me. He flew to me and landed. I ran towards him. He also ran to me but before he could hold me, I felt a pain in the back and before I realised,  I fell.

I saw yellows legs and shadows of police officers. No, yellow doesn't like to be the center of the attention.  I looked up to yellow to see him...mad? No...

he was raged as hell. He then ran towards the police officers. I couldn't see what happened since they were behind me but I saw some blood splashing out of their bodies. In an instant, it was over. Then I saw yellows face again. This time,  his expression seemed worried. He hugged me. I hugged back. He then started to fly. I assumed he flew us to red. But before I realised, I blacked out.




I opened my eyes. What happened? Right... police officers. I looked at my back to see it bandaged. And I was changed to a clothes for hospitalised people. Did red change me??? I really hope not. I still hate him. Then I heard fighting outside the door. I stood up and opened the door.
There were red and yellow. Yellow was biting red's head and red cried in pain.

"I'm sorry! I had no choice!"

Red apologised.

"I never allowed you to change them!!! You saw them naked!!!"

Yellow yelled. Red did what?!

"I didn't take their underwear off! So not completely naked!!!"

Red said.


Yellow yelled.


I said. They both turned to me and Yellow let go of Red's head.

"Oh, I'm glad you're doing better now!! Um...did I do something..?"

Yellow asked.

"Yellow...bite his head off and feed his body parts to cyan."

I said. Yellow smiled and continued to bite red's head.


Red shouted. Yeahhh he did and I am grateful. But he still do deserve that for changing me without my or even yellows allowance. 




I heard yellows voice from behind. I turned around to see him running at me.

"Hey yellow. What brings you here?"

I asked.

"What do you mean 'what brings you here?' ? I am always by your side. Anyways, why did you never tell me that you have a trauma?"

He asked. How did he know that?

"How do you know about that?"

I asked.

"I told sadly red your symptoms because I felt that this was not really normal.  He said that this is 90% trauma. his 90% is 100%. his 100% is 0%."

Yellow explained. That's how...

"I didn't want you to get involved in my problem."

I simply replied.

"Why not? If you don't tell me anything, I can't protect you!"

He said. Huh?

"You want to protect me?"

I asked.

"Of course! How did you not notice?? I always cringe to you for a reason."

Yellow said. Oh, of course. I'm stupid. I sighed and then smiled at him.

"I guess I will tell you everytime when I have problems so you will save me, my hero."

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