Purple x reader (beachday)

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Requested by TheLoraxHasARpg

Sorry for not publishing these days. I was kinda tired and need 1 or more week rest. Sorry if it was too long.

Btw. I made a new video on my YouTube and I am kinda proud of it. If you have any interest, please watch it(the video on top). Its about undertale.

Your pov:

Today, red announced that we will go to the beach since it's a hot weather. How we will go there? Red bought us a private beach. How he did it? I have no idea.

So, I was making my self ready to go to the beach with everyone. My swimsuit, suncream,  water and more other stuff (I have no idea what to bring at the beach bcs I never went to one).

Then I heard a knock.

"Who's there?"

I asked. The person behind the door giggled.

"Are you red?"

The person asked and I knew this was a pun. I also giggled and already knew who it was.

"Are you red who?"

I asked.

"Are you ready?"

He asked. I chuckled and opened the door to see purple.

"That wasn't good."

I said kinda giggling.

"Don't blame me. Blame the author. (A/n:Why is it always you that breaks the 4th wall-)"

Purple said chuckling.

"So what brings you here with a pun, purple?"

I asked.

"Well, I wanted to check if you were ready to go. You know, I'm bored right now because everyone is taking their time to prepare so I'm alone."

He said.

"That's because you prepare so fast like sonic. Are you even bringing something?"

I asked. He shrugged.

"I guess my swimsuit."

He said. I got confused.

"You wear swimsuit even though you don't wear any pants?"

I asked. He blushed and git embarrassed.

"D-don't talk about that!I just feel like I need it when I go swimming!"

He yelled avoiding gaze with me. He tried to hide his face cuz he was red as red. I chuckled.

"You're cute."

I said out loud. Then he locked eyes with me.

Wait, I said it aloud...!

"I-i am what?"

He asked stammering. I panicked and this time it was my turn to blush.

"Y-you are cool! That's what I said!"

I said panicked. He stared at me knowing I was lying. Then he smiled.

"Thank you, y/n. I think you're cute to!"

He said and then left the room.

He heard it...??

"Alright, everyone! We are going through this portal to go to the beach. I invented this, so nothing could go wrong."

Red said proudly pointing at a weird machine. Everyone looked confused and distrust.  Everyone except blue.

"Ok! I will go there!"

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