Green x in danger!reader (angsty-fluff/platonic) Please help me...

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Don't read if something like r@p£ triggers you. I don't want you to trigger...

Your pov:

I couldn't believe in what situation I am right now. I was trapped with my other classmates and a few from the next class in this factory, when we were going to odds world. And we had to find something for the person who spoke from the speaker.  While finding these stuff, we had to run away from monsters. Blue, green, orange and purple. It was unbelievable enough! But what is the most unbelievable thing right now?? I am getting chased by a guy from the next class, that became crazy bcs of this situation!


When I was looking for fuses, I heard a weird laugh from the theatre.  It was not from any monster. It sounded like a human that has a mental breakdown.  I went to check who it was and why they were laughing.  I saw a guy from my next class. I think his name was R/n(random name)? He was sitting in front of the cubes we collected 2 days ago. He was laughing silent. His face looked like a maniac. I didn't want to have anything with this guy, most of all in this state so I backed up. But since I was soOo lUcKy I kicked lightly a fuse that was on the ground, which I didn't notice it was there. He looked at me like he went out from the asylum or something. "Oh... y/n... nice to see you here..."he said while standing up. "Ah... yeah! Nice seeing you here...r/n..."I said a bit scared.  He slowly started walking towards me as I slowly backed off. "Hey, y/n... do you really think you can survive this hell...? I mean, look! Almost the half is dead! We don't even know if we can get out today...!"he said while smiling creepy. "Well, I still try having hope..."I said. He was soon close to me and behind me was a wall. Now I have nowhere to go. I want to get out of here..." admire me soo much... still having hope after what we went through? As much as I admire you I feel sorry for you...there is no hope... this is just how the world works..."he said. Now he put his hands on my shoulder. It's disturbingly disgusting. I tried to get his hands off me, but his grip only went tighter. " You know...since we don't have much time anymore, how about we have some fun...?"he said while his smile got more creepier. "No! Get off!"I tried to push him off, but his grip was too tight. Then I saw 2 if my classmates coming in. They looked shocked at what is happening now. "Please! Help me!"I yelled at them. But they were scared and ran away. Seriously now...He tried to take my pants off. That was the last stake.  I kicked him in his BALLER and ran away. I was crying bcs I was scared. But still tried to hold in. I couldn't believe that my classmates would abandon me like that... I have no one that can protect me now. Only me... "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!YOU SERIOUSLY THINK YOU CAN RUN AWAY?!!!"he laughed like crazy and ran towards me. He was fast! I had to speed up! If I had a weapon,  i would defend myself but I don't have one. He almost catches up to me. When I opened the next room and closed it so he won't come so fast, I heard the speaker voice saying:"Keep running. If you meet someone, ask them for help." What the-. Well he does have a little heart huh? Even though he kidnapped us and r/n state is like this bcs of the speaker guy... but who will I meet? Does he know who will save me? Is there anyone that would save me?

Back in present:

I went to the next door and kept running. Soon when I opened a door, I bumped into something. I looked up to see green! Oh no... is going to eat me now?? Then I remembered what the speaker guy said:" Keep running. If you meet someone, ask them for help." Did he mean green?! Would he help me? Maybe the speaker guy was just tricking me into getting devoured by green?! Then I heard r/n laughter from behind. My body moved by itself and went behind green and hugged him. I said:" Please help me...he is trying to touch me in a weird way..."gosh I sounded like a princess in a Disney movie... but I had no choice. Green 'looked' at me. "WOW... HOW MUCH HOPE CAN YOU HAVE?!! HUGGING A GREEN KILLER MONSTER?!AND SAYING THAT HE SHOULD HELP YOU?! PFFTTT- HE WILL ONLY KILL YOU!Such a shame... I was exited to pleasure you..."r/n screamed when he came in the room. I felt disgusted when he said about preasure me. I really wanted to die right now..."well... I can still see you die... be happy! You won't die lonely! I will watch you die and run away saying you died because you were so SO stupid!"he yelled unstoppable. I was crying so hard now. I then felt something lifting me up. It was green. I guess now is my end huh? But he only put me on his shoulders making a lot of party horn sound that is used for parties. He is happy that I am making a physical contact with him? Maybe he feels safe since he is blind? "What the- No!YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO EAT HER OR SMASH HER AGAINST THE WALL OR SMT! WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL HER?!" r/n yelled at green. Now green was facing r/n. " She asked for help to me. She was being chased by a human that is supposed to team with another human like her...but you made her scared instead that she came crying to me...So I will kill you."green said. He walked towards r/n and chased him with me on top of his head(reader be like:ouch my head XD). "HA! YOU'RE TOO SLOW!YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!"r/n screamed. "Does he always scream like that? It's so annoying!"green said disturbed. "I don't, he only screamed so yh I guess..."I answered. "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?! PATHETIC MONSTER!"r/n yelled at green. Green felt a bit insulted but acted like it was nothing.  "Well... I can't but my best bud can!"he said proud.  Infront of r/n appeared blue and he ate him. How good it feels like to see how he gets eaten..."Ew.... he tasted weird!"blue said while sticking out his tongue."Of course he does. His personality was disgusting enough!"green said. Blue then looked at me and then to green." Btw. Why do you have a human on your shoulder?"blue asked green. Green said:"She asked me for help which made me happy. So I protected her from that creep you just ate."green answered while petting my head. "So I ate a creep?? Oh come on you should have told me that so I could make him suffer a bit longer than I did now."blue said annoyed. I laughed at that. "From now on I will protect you!"green said to me happily. Was he for real??" Really? But I get a lot of times in trouble."I said."Well, then I have more reason to protect you now!"his words made me happy. I felt safe around him. "Alright. Please take care of me."


Purple: Hey, red? Why did you help that girl?

Red: Because I wanted to keep her. And I mean in a normal state. No traumas and more. She fits in our group.

Purple: How so?

Red: Because she is the reader and the main character. Reader, I know you are reading this. Just wanted you to know... you're worthy in our group because you are weird. Weird like us. You are reading this because you had nothing to do and somehow ended up here. Yes... I can read your mind. Did you realise that at the beginning of this story there was supposed to be "your pov" but actually there is "rour pov"

I know you just checked to see and you see that it's wrong and came back here again. If you did not do that, that means you are not weird. You'll be weird as this Author that write this story. And-

Purple: enough breaking the 4th wall, red. Thank you for reading, readers. Now don't just sit there and read this and go out of this page and do some sports or you will hurt your back and neck. Author did the same mistake as you guys-

Red: First of all you are breaking the 4th wall to and 2nd of all, how do you  know that they are making the same mistakes as the author.

Purple: ...I just had a feeling they are...

Yeah, as purple said, don't just sit and read this on your device. You should move to because it hurts like hell when you have pain in the neck or smt ;-;

Have a great day!

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